Barbara-Boyd live webcams for YOU!


13 thoughts on “Barbara-Boyd live webcams for YOU!

  1. The more people who believe this is fake is why I would never get counseling with her. I guess I am hopeless or will prove a lot of people wrong. But if people who never met her think this is a troll me telling people who know her about what she does would make them believe I'm some crackhead or whatever.

  2. He didn’t sit down to actively learn it. He picked it up from various forms of media and conversations along the way.

    Again, why are you ignorant of your own anatomy? You had to have actively closed your eyes and plugged your ears whenever the topic came up to be so uninformed.

    Maybe it’s time for you to sit down and actively educate yourself on your own body. That way you won’t be so freaked out when guys are better educated about the female anatomy than you are.

  3. I know how I'd handle this. I don't expect to have a relationship with a toddler, so I'd tell him to have a nice life

  4. I agree he's a liar and a cheater but this relationship is the best I've ever been.. He's the only person who showed care and love me the way I want to be loved..

  5. I literally said that some people gain weight when happy and others sad lmfao wtf did you even read my post, why are you verbatim repeating what I wrote

  6. Run the hell away. I didn't even need to read the post, just the title was enough, but having read the post you need to RUN.

  7. Given you are not happy with her anyway then it's a good idea to separate as you are concerned about your feelings here and not this person's trauma. If your first response to rape (based on your comments) is to victim blame then you should separate and spend some time learning about how these things work.

    At the moment you are not what she needs and she is not what you need. She asked you for space but you continued to text her multiple times a day and that sound stifling.

  8. It doesnt sound like you like him romantically and he doesnt sound like a good partner. This whole dynamic doesnt sound worth staying in. If he's willing to work on it and change…maybe…but it still doesnt change the fact that you seem completely unmoved by this guy

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