Alison collins live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 25, 2022

11 thoughts on “Alison collins live webcams for YOU!

  1. I will try to. But it’s hard because I don’t know if they’d understand considering we’ve already talked about this sorta thing before and I got talked down earlier by my other friend that that’s just ‘the way he is’ and I’m being dramatic.

  2. You’ve answered most of the questions that one should ask in your replies, so I leave all that out. My main question would be if you see this being your long-term partner where do you both stand on kids?

    Logistically age gaps can present an issue on this. You’re training to be a nurse which a great profession, but depending on where you are can take several years. If you both want kids, for most guys they don’t want to be much older than around 40 as then you get to experience more of their kids lives before they die. That’s only a few years for you guys, have you discussed this? You may want kids young or he may want them later. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you want kids say at a similar age to what he is now he’s not going to wait around for that.

    Also with how life expectancy works you kinda have to be prepared for that him being older and a guy he’ll most likely pass about 20 years before you. I know that’s way down the road and sad to think about, but these are valid points and do come hand in hand when dating someone a fair amount older than you.

  3. I’m probably gonna get downvoted to hell for saying this, since reddit hates cheaters. I do too and would probably never ever take a cheater back. HOWEVER, if someone does take a cheater back then the cheater has to work on earning back the trust and the cheated should relearn to trust them again over time. I’m not saying OP is a cheater, but this is the best way I can understand and explain my point of view. I see this as a similar and bf needs to stop looming it over OP’s head 2yrs later, if he wants the relationship to work or he should’ve broken up with them.

  4. You need to get to the bottom of who sicced a wellness check on you via your boss. That crap will mess with your present and your future. Boss might conclude you’re unreliable and he doesn’t need the drama in his workplace.

    Having someone come in to his place of business with tears and cops is a terrible, terrible transgression. This could be Kate panicking after she couldn’t get hold of you after the dumping, in which case she needs a big damn lecture about not doing stupid shit that ends up landing on you. Or it could be one of her toxic coworkers that she had just unburdened to when she couldn’t contact you, and they were determined to cement the breakup.

  5. She wanted to make a blood oath, not “cut” me necessarily. She wanted me to cut her and I said no. I am allowed out without her it's just she would much rather come with me because she said she gets lonely at home if none of her friends are available.

    I haven't told her everything, only some things. I did tell her about the death threat though and she suggested I leave but I told her I don't want to so we've been discussing de escalation strategies

  6. If some man took it upon himself to physically attack my rapist I would leave him. Men getting all agro and thinking it's on them to avenge their female partner's rapist is part of the problem. Macho bullshit.

  7. I'm gonna just address what you want to see.

    There are no magical words that will change this man to be the boyfriend you want him to be. No one will be able to give you what you are looking for here because he fucking sucks.

    He likes who he is and making you feel bad about yourself is how he keeps you from walking away. It is how he keeps control of you.

    Im not saying this to hurt your feelings. I'm saying this because most people have absolutely horrible partners at least once in their life. The important lesson to grasp from those relationships is to learn to walk away from someone/something you love if they are bad for you.

    Again, look at your post history. This guy fucking sucks. You love him, and he constantly treats you like shit. He will get worse. If you don't choose to walk for your own peace of mind, then when he finally does, the next guy is significantly more likely to just be him but worse.

    Life's going to keep throwing learning opportunities at you until the lesson sticks. Bad man? Walk away. Everyone here is telling you the short version of this.

    Dump him.

  8. At one point we didn't, we weren't born with the knowledge of us being married and having this joke.

  9. Plus, these are all things the OP could verify herself. Like she can watch him load the laundry or book a trip and then if it still goes wrong then, well ?‍♀️

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