MollyMirific live webcams for YOU!


MollyMirific Public Chat Channel

Date: October 23, 2022

8 thoughts on “MollyMirific live webcams for YOU!

  1. I also want to know. Am I not allowed girls nights anymore because I’m bi and so is my best friend? Goodness, I just might fuck anything that moves!

  2. He is a people pleaser who doesn't care to please you. Think about that. You don't count among the people that he wants to please. You don't count. He says don't worry, it's fine even when you tell him it isn't fine. He disregards that it isn't fine because that isn't how he wants to see it. He is disregarding your comfort and your concerns and your hurt and telling you that they don't count. Why doesn't he care to please you. You should come first on the list of people to prioritize and please. I'm not sure you even make the list. I couldn't even say you come last because I don't think you register at all.

    When someone shows you that they don't care believe them. His actions are showing you what life with him will be like. It isn't nice unless you are Jack.

  3. It may hurt now but one day you will wake up and realize she did you a favor. Can you imagine having to tolerate John for the rest of you life because your SO refuses to call him to order and let’s him just walk all over you?

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