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?My name is Aina? ⚡️Lovense is active, my orgasms in your hands⚡️ ?Give me more pleasure and make me cum?, 21 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ?My name is Aina? ⚡️Lovense is active, my orgasms in your hands⚡️ ?Give me more pleasure and make me cum?

?My name is Aina? ⚡️Lovense is active, my orgasms in your hands⚡️ ?Give me more pleasure and make me cum? live sex chat

Date: November 3, 2022

19 thoughts on “?My name is Aina? ⚡️Lovense is active, my orgasms in your hands⚡️ ?Give me more pleasure and make me cum? the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. “Thanks, but that's a bit awkward, now I'm all self conscious.” Let it go unless she keeps up with the flirting. I'd be flattered

  2. How can we stop this cycle?

    Stop participating in it. “Of course we'd like to see you, but we have other plans. Please give us more notice next time you'd like to get together so we can get it on the schedule.” And then stop engaging when there is nothing more to say. Don't argue with them, don't try to convince them to be okay with you missing the event. Repeat yourself a couple of times as necessary and then stop responding.

    Every time you give in, you're teaching them that whatever they did is a good way to make you give in. If they bug you six times and then you change your mind, they know that bugging you six times is what they should do to make you change your mind.

  3. I am a victim. I dont get how i am not. He was the one that was married not me. Yes, I shouldnt have “blackmailed” him, but I didnt want to let him go. He was my everything. He told everyone, so I have no way of getting back with him and nows acting like i never existed. Its harsh.

  4. Hello /u/Great_Photograph6345,

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  5. Thank you a lot. I’ve called them this morning, they were glad to here me apparently and said they’re okay. My nan apologised for being a witness to their scandal and kinda admitted they all flew into a rage. She also asked how’s my mom doing and I told that she’s really upset. She still doesn’t want to call them and I get it, to be honest. Hope, they’ll make up with each other soon. Thank you again, wish you well

  6. I personally know a woman who was LDS, never had a job, and had six children. She didn't think she could leave her husband either, but: when there is a will, there is a way. Once you make a decision, your mind can focus on the solution, and you might be surprised when answers “miraculously” appear.

    You can't change your husband's behavior. Your two options are: (1) continue to stay with this man, or (2) divorce him. Don't bother with an ultimatum, it doesn't work for these types of issues. (It's an addiction, which means he can't consciously make a decision to stop until underlying psychological issues are addressed.)

  7. Grey rock him and see if his anxiety pops up. I’d even make like your actively looking for dates with others. Get your gfs together within his earshot and discuss this guy or that guy and their availability. Spook him and he may respond. After six years together most would say an engagement ring at least should be forthcoming.

  8. Don't ask question if you're not ready to hear the answer. Also pretty people aren't necessarily good people. Stop asking studies questions like that because he's obviously attracted to you and personality is much more important than being beautiful. Doesn't mean you're not pretty.

  9. It is not your job to fix him or change him. It is his job and he doesn't see an issue here. Growth comes from within. You can't make him grow.

  10. I’m glad you’ve already discussed an open relationship. But yes, it does sound like you have some key incompatibilities.

    I know it’s tempting to stick with it because he is kind and caring, and you’re afraid that other people out there will suck – but ultimately it’s hard to see this being a long term commitment you can make if your needs aren’t being met and there is no flexibility to allow them to be met. Eventually the resentment is likely to outweigh the fear of what’s out there/being “alone.”

  11. Like, dude, what the fuck are you even in this relationship for? It doesn't sound like your happy, have a good time, of just get tested with a baseline amount of respect.

    “BuT We'RE PerfEct in eVEry OtheR WaY…” Relationships aren't a zero-sum game where the good cancels out the bad. Sure, we all have our quirks and foibles and part of a successful relationship is learning to negotiate those hurdles, but this just sounds toxic. You can't negotiate/compromise on toxicity.

    Finally, this is tangential, buy you don't “celebrate” woman's day, you commemorate it. It's not “congrats! You're a woman!” It's, “today we remember how fucked up it has been for women throughout history and we acknowledge their kickass contributions and demands for better treatment.” Though I do understand if any particular woman would like to take this day in particular to say, “I have kicked ass!”

  12. I was going to get tested but I just could not bare the thought of going through a Pap smear straight after everything came out, I was so angry. I struggle with Pap smears as it is and after my baby was born (I had a traumatic birth) I really put it off.

  13. The way you describe her behavior is deliberately manipulating, and frankly, she sounds very toxic. Especially for her dragging it on as long as she has. I know you love her, but this is not normal “reaction” behavior she is doing this on purpose to hurt you.

    You need to get counseling or maybe even rethink your relationship entirely.

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