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Your_Addict_live sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “Your_Addict_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The thing with our individual lives is that we are always learning and growing. We’ll never be the same exact person as we were yesterday or last year or, in your case, about a decade ago when you guys were initially together. I can understand wanting to be absolutely sure of the person you choose to marry and wanting to know every bit of them to avoid divorce, but because people are always learning and growing, you are just going to have to trust your instincts. Trust your heart and put faith into the person you want to be with. If you have any sort of doubts about being with your current girlfriend for the rest of your life, then she may not be the one for you. In my opinion, there shouldn’t be any feelings of doubt for your future spouse. Ask yourself this: “Are they someone I can trust through thick and thin? Is this someone I want to keep growing with?”

  2. Tough one. I had a friend who did stripping to get herself not only through college and buy herself an apartment by the time she finished her degree. Naturally dating was a bit hard for her, but she knew her “maybe” boyfriend wouldn't pay for her so she did what she needed to do and got out debt free.

    Your case is selfish unless you got some sort of plan. My friend had a plan, pay for college, get apartment, then focus on career from degree. Do you have one? If the car is your only goal with OF then yeah, why are you with your boyfriend?

    Let's say OF is the only thing you can really do. Fine, sit him down and talk to him. If the money is really that good and will help you both, make a plan until what point you'll do OF. Who knows, maybe it will turn into modeling later. If there is no end goal, then that will simply make him wonder if you even want to have a life together.

  3. I understand ? My ex husband moved directly in with another woman a week after we agreed on a divorce. We hadn’t even begun paperwork yet.

    Here’s how I’m looking at it now (I’ve had some space that you haven’t). She can keep him. At the very least it was an emotional affair. Probably physical too. Even though by then I was no longer in love with him (I won’t bore you with that story), it stung.

    You deserve better than somebody who does that to you. I know it’s not easy to see now, but you’re better without a disloyal partner in your life. Things will get hard for a while, but they’ll get so, so much better.

  4. An appology doesn’t mean shit if it’s not backed up by action, and that’s what’s happening, so every time you let his apology placate you, with out him doing anything to improve, he learns all he has to do is SAY sorry. So next time, don’t accept his apology. Tell him his words don’t matter because he’s failed to back them up with action. So if he wants you to believe his appology, he now needs to either come up with a plan and act on it to fix the issue or ask for help with whatever is getting in the way if him actually fixing the problem.

  5. Hello /u/makeupweapon,

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  6. You should have done research and read books/talked to a counselor BEFORE opening up. Join some poly groups, read some poly books. You're not in a unique situation, many many people struggle with this kind of thing. You should have started to work on this before, but the next best time is right now.

    Try to work on compersion – being happy for your partners happiness. The way you feel with the new woman? Thats how your wife feels now. Isn't that a nice feeling? Don't you want her to be able to experience that? When you had those feelings, did it take away from the relationship with your wife? Why would you think it would take away from the relationship the other way around?

  7. I wouldn’t say anything until you dig deeper. Confronting with this little will have him cover his tracks like deleting messages and he’ll start gas lighting you. I would wait till he’s asleep. Look through his phone. Look at his screen time to see what apps he’s using (maybe they are using a chat app to communicate). Look through photos (especially hidden), look through messages and emails (make sure he doesn’t have additional email accounts). Look into hiring a PI as others suggested. Make sure you have a better idea of what’s going on before you confront him.

  8. Her previous partner was an abuser she got cheated on repeatedly. I was the person that repaired her broken soul. She has been extremely grateful for it. Because I’ve sacrificed so much for her to get rid of the negativity she had.

    My behavior wasn’t an issue for her in the first 2 years but for the last 6 months she’s been asking for more. I was kind of in a comfort zone. She slowly transformed from broken soul to a normal girl who pursues pleasures. I couldn’t keep up with that change. I’m sure I didn’t treat her poorly. These are very small things she’s complaining about like not saying “baby”(I only normally use babe or hun).

    This is why I’m confused. I know I was wrong. But she started expecting more and more over a short period of time.

    I’m willing to give her that attention now. Do you think I should be with her if she’s willing to?

  9. she still gets super turned on at the thought of being a married man's side piece.

    I don't think that's what was turning her on. I think it was remembering being the “little girl”/submissive that got her.

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