Yenner-big-boobs live webcams for YOU!


deepThroat [Multi Goal]

Date: October 19, 2022

16 thoughts on “Yenner-big-boobs live webcams for YOU!

  1. You do not owe him ANYTHING. And for your own sake, I’d block him everywhere you can to avoid having to deal with his BS.

  2. Get his father to teach him how to wash that thing so he doesn't drag any dirt into the living room, damn.

  3. First of all, I am so sorry this happened.

    Your boyfriend and dad do not deserve a place in your life after this. This is betrayal and you don't owe them silence or respect.

    Tell the people who care about you so you can heal.

    I would also recommend cutting off your dad and moving out. He pursued a relationship with your partner of 2 years. If he's capable of hurting you like this once, what's to keep him from doing it again?

    You deserve so much more from the people you love.

  4. Thank you for being straight forward about preparing to be single. I'm starting g to realise I just needed someone to say it out loud.

  5. You’re new to relationships, it’s normal to feel the way you do. The thing I really hope you do right now is hang on to your worth. A lot of people at that age don’t know their worth yet. They don’t see or believe it. You see yours. You know yours. That’s why you haven’t replied to her yet. Her actions, those are a good example of how things would possibly be in the future. This is exactly what I would say to my own teen boys. Forgive and offer friendship, but let that ship sail on past.

  6. Believe when they tell you they are a cunt. She is. Just try to be civil and avoid getting close to her again because she has a lot of maturing to do.

  7. What's funny is that you're not even paying attention to the subject here.

    No one is debating that 240lb is more attractive than 120lb. No one is saying that.

    You're just going on your own rants that have nothing to do with what anyone said. That is what's amusing.

  8. Don’t think you’re gonna change him, he doesn’t care bout your sexual happiness

    You guys are not compatible. You shame him for how he likes to kiss, and tell him he should kiss x way…what if the other way is comfy for him and your way is uncomfortable

  9. This pattern has become more frequent because he knows you will not leave if he pushes your boundaries. He has told you flat out that he doesn't feel he can control himself, and that he will rape you one day. And you stayed. So of course he thinks you're ok with it on some level, because here you still are. Leave him, or he will assault you.

  10. Try to remember that your size isn't something that can be changed; it would be as if she said you were the wrong skin color.

    For many women, bigger isn't better and how the man treats her is far more important to the quality of sex than an extra inch or two of penetration.

    Ultimately, you may need to suss out whether your partner feels satisfied in bed and, regardless of whether she is or not, why she would bring it up this way. Talk this out and then decide if this is something that you two can move past together or not.

  11. Why not lift your own weight on the night before then? You're sleeping in late, so that probably means you were up late the night before you could easily do some simple things, and that way you don't feel guilty for sleeping in while he's doing chores, and he has fewer chores to do. It is really just a win-win… I am not saying this in a judgmental way because I am a night owl myself.

  12. I see your point.

    About the first piece of advice you gave me – I understand it is somewhat difficult to give advice on her loyalty, as there will be subtleties and nuances I can’t fully convey over a Reddit post, but I do feel like someone could asses the information I’ve given and provide some input.

    Second, I do agree that I shouldn’t be taking this situation too seriously; it is something I’ve been working on. But for me, I think it would just be a shame if we had to end things on bad terms. It would be nice to perhaps be friends when she leaves or something. It would still hurt as well.

  13. So you want to daddy other people’s children and get back with a toxic ex who was “unbereable” bc you don’t like being lonely…

    You do realize how this sounds right? Not ..Necessarily smart, does it.

    You’ll regret this decision. Latest when ur old and have kids with someone u can’t stand.

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