I had a nasty breakup and my ex threatened suicide and stalked me. He turned my friends against me and would call me over and over and text over and over with varying emotions at all hours of the day.
Don't say a word to him. Not even saying leave me alone, or I'm sorry to hear that, etc. He wants your attention. If you get a voice-mail from him, have a friend or roommate listen so they can delete it. If you get texts, don't read them, just delete or have a friend read them if you're worried about missing important information. You need to protect your heart from being manipulated in a hard time right now. Do. Not. Give. In.
You are not his shoulder to cry on anymore. He wants you to be, but that's over. He will get the message eventually and maybe you can be civil again, but what he is doing is not appropriate. Save your mind and have someone else filter his messages for you. He has other people there to support him and he just has to learn to get over it. It feels heartless but it's not your place and he isn't having regard for how he is making you feel in it all.
Just say “just so you know this literally wont change anything with our relationship I’ve just realized I’m bi, but I don’t plan on leaving or anything. I love you, so I wanted to share something about me I realized. Thats all”
This is beyond having nothing to hide. Just talking to the AP open up old wounds. The AP cannot be in your life.
There is no reason why the AP should have reached out to you. He knows that he had an affair to you. His doing so shows that he has regards for your marriage, yourself or your husband.
No, I don’t think your expectations are too high. I think it is normal and fair to feel that way. You deserve to be with somebody that makes you feel secure and appreciated.
You broke up? Good work lad. Good for you.
No worries and best of luck.
I had a nasty breakup and my ex threatened suicide and stalked me. He turned my friends against me and would call me over and over and text over and over with varying emotions at all hours of the day.
Don't say a word to him. Not even saying leave me alone, or I'm sorry to hear that, etc. He wants your attention. If you get a voice-mail from him, have a friend or roommate listen so they can delete it. If you get texts, don't read them, just delete or have a friend read them if you're worried about missing important information. You need to protect your heart from being manipulated in a hard time right now. Do. Not. Give. In.
You are not his shoulder to cry on anymore. He wants you to be, but that's over. He will get the message eventually and maybe you can be civil again, but what he is doing is not appropriate. Save your mind and have someone else filter his messages for you. He has other people there to support him and he just has to learn to get over it. It feels heartless but it's not your place and he isn't having regard for how he is making you feel in it all.
Just say “just so you know this literally wont change anything with our relationship I’ve just realized I’m bi, but I don’t plan on leaving or anything. I love you, so I wanted to share something about me I realized. Thats all”
I had a very different experience from yours. It was incredibly painful and I bled for almost a week.
This is beyond having nothing to hide. Just talking to the AP open up old wounds. The AP cannot be in your life.
There is no reason why the AP should have reached out to you. He knows that he had an affair to you. His doing so shows that he has regards for your marriage, yourself or your husband.
If I was you I woud not be going to that event.
No, I don’t think your expectations are too high. I think it is normal and fair to feel that way. You deserve to be with somebody that makes you feel secure and appreciated.
I would definitely talk to him about this.