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xMaryQueenxlive sex stripping with hd cam


44 thoughts on “xMaryQueenxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Tell your bf as you tell him that you and his bf were not compatible as a couple. Then say, I want you to know so there are no secrets.

  2. Panic attacks can be caused by a number of things that's why therapy is recommended to try to find out what triggered them. Can i suggest while his going through these tests he talks to his doctor about the migraines which might be triggers for the panic attacks and maybe referring him to a neurologist might to help ease them. I have bipolar disorder caused by epilepsy and suffered debilitating migraines after seizures until a neurologist came to my rescue. This is definitely not your fault!You can't predict life's curveballs and believe me they are there.You might feel helpless because you don't know how to help someone who's still helpless about his situation and the advice is to encourage him to seek help and show him it will be beneficial not only for him but both of you. Please don't neglect your mental health because this is going to put a strain on both of you until you actually see how his situation can be handled then some of the pressure will wear off.

  3. I’m not demanding him to write and essay lol? I am just saying he needs to be open and honest because saying ”he just doesnt want to” isnt valid since he used to say he really was looking forward to getting married and hoped it would be soon.

    You can change your mind, that happens, that’s life. But you cant just suddenly say ”idc” and expect that to be fine when you made promises about something else.

    I do agree that its up to OP to see this as a dealbreaker or not because him not being honest and not giving any reasons as to why he’s not delivering on his promises can be a huge incompatibility issue. There is a reason, and if he’s not willing to give it, he shouldn’t be with her.

  4. Uh. Most states have a 10 year statute of limitation. 10 years after the child turns 18. So…each of the kids can sue him. Not just the custodial parent. They can also sue on behalf.

  5. Haha.. true, everyone suggests breaking up but I want to work on this relation so I mentioned this point.

    I have faced such issue but here what I can do this make myself better than thr other guy so she doesnt have to go to that person to satisfy herself, sounds good?

  6. We’ve been going through some issues and I don’t really want her around for something so vulnerable. I don’t think she wants to be around that either for her birthday as she has mentioned that she wants a girls night to celebrate her birthday.

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  8. The point of being in a relationship is to be happy. If you are not, then drop it.

    He wants you around because it is convenient for him.

  9. Yes you should trust him. Unless he is encouraging that or obviously enjoying it then you have no cause to blame him for her actions. Ofc now that he knows he should be sensitive to your feelings around her.

  10. Then she should have thought in the possibility of her marriage failing and she having to deal with a cheating ex before having kids. Why? Because most marriages fail and if you can't understand the possibility of this happening before getting married/having kids and being mature enough as to NOT mix the relationships and their aftermath with your children, then you have no business having offspring.

    We are responsible of HOW we react to what the world does to us/ with us. No one else is. We can't control other's actions, but we can control our own. If she is THAT hurt, it is up to her to look for ways of healing (call it therapy or the method of your choosing). The dad made a wrong by cheating in her but what kind of person alienates her own children? That is as a questionable doing and lack of morals as cheating. Neither of the parents thought/are thinking on what's best for OP just for themselves, and that is selfish AF.

  11. I get unused financial aid put in my bank account every semester. Most goes towards my rent but the rest I keep just for life.

  12. To be frank, I had a more wild, “passionate,” sex life with a previous ex… Who also cheated on me and made me feel like a burden for wanting the bare minimum of basic respect and loyalty… But my boyfriend now? Is more NURTURING, my safe place, more loving and kind, and more intelligent overall.

    While it might have hurt to read, it doesn't mean he values your connection less!

  13. and she doesn’t usually get help with basic things in life as much as i do from my elders and so when i see that she’s struggling with something life related i usually give her my advice and as i said, she comes back at me very rudely.

  14. no . it’s actually NOT . when you have enough self love and respect for yourself … the hint of mistreatment you’d kick them to the curb .

  15. You don’t have to feel bad for wanting clarity. You are spending the prime of your youth with this person and it is fair that you get an answer on whether your goals for the relationship are in alignment. Otherwise, what is to stop him from not giving an answer for another 4 years, leaving you feeling resentful and angry at having wasted so much time? His vagueness and unwillingness to give a clear answer after 4 years together is unfair, it is perfectly reasonable/mature to discuss timelines in a relationship, and you should make it clear what your desires are. He is entitled to have different goals to you, but If he refuses to give you an answer (whatever it may be), or if they are different from your own then you might consider that you want different things and are simply not compatible.

  16. I'm so sorry that she did thing like push sex on you, emotionally manipulate you in order to make you take her back. I hope you're able to get help after all this, be it from a therapist etc, because this is quite the mind fuck you've been through and healing from it with some help is gonna be a big benefit to yourself long term. I'm proud of you for leaving this person, I know it's hard to come to terms with something like this (and, over the Internet no less). Getting your head round knowing her as one thing, but seeing she's also another person, is hard. And then knowing you have to leave her, even though the 'her' you know isn't the 'bad' one is a very mature decision. I wish you the best of luck, look back here in this thread if you ever feel yourself faltering, or if you feel her influence pulling you back

  17. It’s up to you how comfortable you feel about this, if it’s a boundary you’ve asked her to respect and she’s not willing to do it, then you have a choice to make.

  18. 2 weeks ago he asked me to get lunch again. I really didn’t want to go, but I really didn’t have an excuse why I couldn’t go.

    YOU DON'T NEED AN EXCUSE! “No thanks, Bob.” If you really feel you have to say something else (and you don't!), maybe, “I have found that being alone at lunch lets me re-charge better for the rest of the work day.”

    Is he your supervisor? Does he manage your work in any way?

    Document your interactions and be prepared to discuss things with HR (dates, things he said, how you asked him not to) if necessary.

  19. Given her history of asking numerous people to rate her beauty, I have a feeling she has asked this boyfriend similar questions before. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just had enough and told her an unkind truth he knew would upset her just to stop her from asking this kind of question again. Yes, he should have been the bigger person and told her that was an inappropriate and frankly disgusting question, but I definitely have more sympathy for his response.

  20. Tough situation. If you stay, you will lose all self respect. She will also see you as weak. This will go on for a time, then your relationship will eventually end with her cheating again. So, expect a year or more of heartache.

    Or, you can break up now, suffer heartache for a month or two, then heal and find someone else. It really just depends on whether you like to draw out your pain or not.

  21. A guy I was seeing did this once. I was just like “okay?” And stopped walking. He went 10 minutes before he noticed. He ran back angry, yelling why tf did you disappear?? A random drunk woman was watching, gave me a plastic cowboy hat she was wearing, and said “Respect yourself.” I encourage you to do the same and dump his ass like I did.

  22. Found 70 deleted messages this way. Husband of 7 years and 2 kids. I feel apple probably revealed thousands of affairs with this update

  23. Tough spot. You both have valid ground to stand on.

    Marriage can be very good, and yet pose very real risks when failed.

    He should see your genuine effort to negate some of that risk. I would be patient and continue to compromise towards what you both want. If he keeps his stance, you have a decision to make.

  24. Well, I wasn’t extremely interested in pursuing a relationship, I was mostly talking with them to be polite. I wouldn’t have ghosted them on purpose, though.

  25. You married a selfish man child. Why? Why marry a guy like this?

    Surely he had similar traits prior to marriage.

    This dude is too busy having fun with himself that he couldn't care less about the effort you're putting in for him.

    He doesn't deserve you. Any man with an ounce of sanity would be grasping at straws to be seduced by their wife at home who is pulling out all the stops.

    If he isn't going to put in any effort and is just going to dismiss you when you communicate, you need to seriously assess whether this relationship is the right one for you.

  26. A lie of omission is still a lie. If he kept this secret from you, what else could he be keeping now and in the future. Time to plan an exit from this relationship.

  27. You might want to get his brain checked out.

    My uncle, who was always a great dad and super cheerful/personable, became really grumpy and irritable suddenly a few years ago. We thought he was just not coping well with his kids becoming teenagers. Yelling at his kids and being short with everyone. A year later he started getting headaches. He had a frontal lobe brain tumor that was the size of a baseball.

    Fortunately it was benign. They took it out and he is pretty much himself again with a slightly worse memory.

  28. I also don’t want to be like trying to hard if that makes sense bc I want him to value me.

    You're 30… Don't you think its a little old to be playing psychology games?

    You know what is attractive?

    When someone is direct and tells you exactly how they feel. It doesn't come off as 'trying hard'.

    It comes off as someone who knows what they want, isn't afraid to go after it, refuses to play cat and mouse games, a straight shooter.


    Hey, after getting to know you a little bit, I realized there is a lot about you that I like. I enjoy your company.

    I would love to get to know you more. Would you be interested in me flying out and visiting you?

  29. Girl the sooner you take that bandage off the sooner you'll get better. You don't need this person in your life, take some time for yourself and rebuild your sense of self worth, this moron seems to have damaged it and you kinda need it to be happy ! Please take care ! We believe in you honey ! You're so young, you still have so much to live and experience, don't let this drag you down !

  30. Haha this is pathetic. So all vaginas are identical? And only penises change size? And if said penis isn't perfectly matched to OPs perfectly sized vagina then for some reason the bf is at fault for having an uncontrollable biological difference? No one is at fault here. If you're gonna trash OPs partner for apparently body shaming (which he actually isn't) don't be a fucking hypocrite and do the exact thing to someone else. The double standards, lack of objectivity, no personal accountability and general narcissism in this comment section is actually disgusting.

    “OP your unique body is perfect the way it is (true) but your bfs unique body is somehow wrong, inadequate and worth ridicule (false). He's trash for acknowledging a difference in feel between partners just like you would with penises. But this is somehow different, he's just evil and a monster”. Have some self awareness for fuck sake.

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