Xcarlet live webcams for YOU!


14 thoughts on “Xcarlet live webcams for YOU!

  1. Oh please. You know nothing about their relationship.

    When people like you say this, it implies that she is in capable of making her own decisions. It’s insulting and you’re likely jealous of her marriage. She’s 26. She’s a fully grown adult, whether you like it or not.

  2. I think men that SA other men, including ones that claim straight, have something else going on and they get off on it one way or another. Just a personal belief though.

  3. u/glossieraddict, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  4. Auto complete doesn’t just show your past searches. It shows past searches from anyone that Google thinks might be relevant to you.

  5. Run! There are people and organizations that can help you. This is not healthy. I'm really truly worried for you. He is very sick.

  6. To be blunt OP – just run. Almost everything else you should at least consider trying to work things out, but never with abuse.

  7. We have not. I have brought it up multiple times, but shes adamant on not going. She says I can go, but I imagine couples therapy doesnt work with half the couple attending.

  8. Allow me to slightly correct this. Doing drugs is not part of growing up. Let's not make drug use some normal youth thing.

  9. Whaaaat? Fuck your friends. I couldn't give two flying shits about my birthday over a friend getting engaged. People who get so wrapped up in themselves on their birthday that their entire day is ruined when 1 thing doesn't go their way are children that need to grow the fuck up.

    Ugh this made me actually mad. Enjoy your special moment OP!

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