WooYoung-woo live webcams for YOU!


Hey guys, making me squirt at 3rd goal! [333 tokens remaining]

Date: November 24, 2022

37 thoughts on “WooYoung-woo live webcams for YOU!

  1. I wouldn't know since I don't nearly enough about you or your husband. That being said you had a kid less than a year ago. Getting back in shape is important but don't knock yourself down. Given you guys had lap dances before your 2nd pregnancy I wouldn't take it as an insult to your weight but just him having fun.

  2. Update, she was lying about her age on the app, she's not even 18 yet. I noped out of it, 4 years 362 days difference exact.

  3. You say she's mentally unstable, he had every right to refuse and you should quit asking because he had made his position clear. That would cause friction with me as well.

  4. No, homophobic means you have a hatred or intense dislike for homosexuality, usually stemming from self hate of being homosexual.

    It’s just like if someone says “the Mexican guy makes good tamales” and people scream “racist”.

    You ever have the shit beat out of you and called F***** because you are bisexual? I have, by actual homophobic people.

  5. You need to accept that this isn’t the partner for you. Counseling isn’t going to help someone that doesn’t want help or doesn’t think they are doing anything wrong. If you keep pursuing to hold on to this relationship, you are asking for a lifetime of hell in a short period of time. Let this man go and move on with your life.

  6. His name is already changed to my last name, I was talking about if she wants to add her name on his name after we break up, that's fine with me.

  7. Hello /u/Triipiiemystery999,

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  8. Why does your wife’s preferences apply to others?

    It’s also not just a few steps up to bed. OP would have to take the stairs up and down several times a night due to their child sleeping in the living room. And everyone deals with pain differently.

  9. I agree my gf deserves someone who can give her what she wants and I deserve someone who has same values as me too. The world is too big for either of us to settle and be miserable.

  10. She “let you play for 30 minutes longer then usual”? Mate, if my wife tried to control my free time like this, well, then she wouldn’t be my wife in the first place. Does your gf have her own hobbies? If not, that’s the problem and she should try to find some.

  11. Girl… you're spending WAY too much emotional energy on a guy who literally does not love you. Let that sink in. You are so young, please leave him.

  12. Ugh one, aerosols are a healthy risk to your lungs. Like cause cancer health risk just in and of themselves.

    Two, chemicals. Wrote the company and find out the msds info for the chemicals. Not good.

    Three, this is abuse flat out.

  13. I dont know… the very obvious answer is that he should never be putting his hands on you during an argument. Especially while driving.

    But at the same time, even the way you wrote this is incredibly frustrating. You give an incredibly one sided account of the events that lead up to the argument, you started the argument in a confined space where he couldn’t leave, you interjected to “correct” him, and you put his point in quotation marks… I would be frustrated with you too.

    It sounds like neither of you respect each other’s opinions and are dead set on talking AT each other instead of with each other. He should never have put his hands over your mouth like that, but you are not blameless in this situation either.

    I think, like most people are saying, you need to break up. But not only for the fact that what he did was incredibly inappropriate. It sounds like you both have some work to do.

  14. Even before our relationship started, I was so in love with him. We grew up together, we loved each other so much. 5 years is a very long time and I just can't erase him from my life completely. I want to, but this is a very big step and I'm scared as hell.

  15. While courts try to split custody equally one exception is breastfeeding infants. One extremely controversial decision recently went the other way, but for the most part breastfeeding is considered in the best interests of the child, meaning the child will be with the mother for the majority of the time while still an infant, which in turn means that the child support is more likely to go to the mother as they'll have primary care of the child.

  16. Are you under the impression that some random american speaks for the entire world? Man you guys really are stuck in your own bubble lol.

    This is the internet, not the US sweety

  17. No and my son has notice and has been rude towards his dad. Something he never did. His dad has been the one that would help him with his hw and took care of him while I worked.

  18. Ever consider that maybe he is too small?

    Absolutely do not be with someone who is more than comfortable SA you and degrading you.

  19. Or he could have been the one to suggest the trip and neglected to tell the other woman that he has someone at home.

  20. Yes that's justified. What about her taking the time out of the day, dming the dude saying “sorry i cant add back o nsnap because my snap lagging cant log in”.

  21. You didn’t own the guy but it’s pretty shitty of your friend to say she likes the guy you clearly like also.

    Just suck it up and tell her what’s bothering you. Sometimes being confrontation averse makes you your own worse enemy. If she isn’t even sure you like him and that it’s hurting your feelings and some happens between them, you’re gonna regret never saying anything when you had the chance.

  22. How exactly were you going to go clubbing with her in an LDR?

    Anyway…you get to feel how you feel. Feelings aren’t right or wrong. And you can have boundaries around whatever you want but that doesn’t mean that someone must comply—if they disagree then you part ways as you’ve done.

    Personally, when I was in my 20’s, I went clubbing with my friends pretty much every weekend. Most of that time, I was in a relationship. Going dancing with my girlfriends never caused me to trip and fall on a dick. I wouldn’t date someone who was telling me what I can and can’t do. I can appreciate that in your situation, there was a trust issue. But to me, if you don’t trust your partner, you should just end things. Placing all sorts of restrictions on someone doesn’t prevent them from cheating.

  23. Huge difference between adopted kids and step kids. She'll never be mom to a stepkid, esp one she didn't meet until they were a teen. But she's absolutely mom to her adopted kids.

  24. See a therapist, then. There is no simple “tip” that Redditors can give you for your insecurity.

  25. Honestly you must be wrong about him cuz you just said he was leaving, thus he's clearly capable of taking the trash out

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