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Room for online sex video chat White-Petite
Model from: tr
Languages: en
Birth Date: 1995-10-03
Body Type: bodyTypeCurvy
Ethnicity: ethnicityWhite
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorBrown
Subculture: subcultureGlamour
Date: November 5, 2022
There are somethings tho that we can’t really ask.
Like if a women has done porn or prostitution. I’m going to assume the girl I go out with hasn’t because most women have not. If she hasn’t and I ask her if she has she may take offence. This is a deal breaker for me so I would like to know if she has but I’m not gonna bring it up.
I think the real answer is to just ask him. If you like him enough, guys will always appreciate a girl making the first move. Always.
“Hey, I have been meaning to ask are you single? If you are, do you wanna get coffee some time?” Job done.
I understand finding it inappropriate, I know some fathers who don't feel comfortable even bathing their daughter (I think that's a bit too much), but I understand where you're coming from. I think it's more of a ESH, she shouldn't push you if you don't like it, and you should have wprded it better when you said it was inappropriate of her.
No he’s not, he’s telling you he’ll leave if you keep it. He’s allowed to do that.
If you want to keep the baby then leave.
Can you tell us who these others are? I think you should consider new friends tbh
Well, actually, he chased me for a month. I ghosted him, and he persisted. I gave in. I wasn't looking for a relationship, and I didn't have sex with him until 2 weeks in. I have sexual trauma. You don't know me, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but your comment smells of misogyny.
Respect yourself enough to leave her
I am open to people. But normal healthy people with a positive attitude. Not sociopathic scumbags like the OPs girlfriend. She is mentally sick and unstable. I can see the telltale signs. One piece I left out. My own mother had narcissistic tendencies. I can tell from my experience when a woman or man has no morals at all. This woman has not an ounce of shame or integrity. Any other person would be so ashamed and embarrassed that they would be unable to show their face to the OP.
Just for clarity is it the sex work or the BDSM that is the issue? As those are two totally unrelated sexual topics.
The former could be gotten over theoretically. But the later is always going to be a sexual discrepancy between you two. With one of you always dissatisfied.
You're welcome. I'm glad that you're standing up for yourself and I wish you good luck!
Lol no bro, you're weird. I trust my girl with my life, unquestioned. Until she breaks that trust it will never change. I'm sorry for you, that the life you've lived has caused you to be so untrusting, even to the one person you should trust the most. How sad.
Nah she is a piece of fucking shit and doesn’t deserve a child if she can’t be mature
He WANTS to find a reason to break up with her.
This is so fucking untrue, it’s a very wrong mindset to have. Since when is sex the most important aspect of a relationship? To me, it’s honesty and caring. OP’s GF HONESTLY told him what she feels. It’s only up to OP to receive this information in a good or bad way.
I can have sex with a 100 people and the most special sex will be still at home with my girlfriend whom I love and it’s the same for her.
But good job fueling OP’s jealousy and insecurities.
First of all, stop paying for hotels. Period. STOP IT.
If he argues, remind him that he already ditched you twice after you already paid for rooms. It will not happen a third. You're a big girl. Put your foot down.
Now WHY do you need a hotel room in the first place? Does he still live with his parents orrrr?
It's been a really weird year. I'm not sure if I have anger management issues but maybe I do. I guess I just hit back if I'm being hurt and accused of something. Sometimes I do have a short temper but I've never attempted to actually harm her. I just know that sometimes I can been be mean when put in a corner. I'm bipolar and I've been working on this my whole life. I've been on medication for almost 10 years.
How did you read that and feel bad for HIM?
Me too actually, so I looked it up. Found nothing. Just Your friendly neighborhood commenter saving you the trip!
I think you ought to look internally at two things: 1 why this bothers you so much…you know you’re partner had sexual partners before you, sure it’s not great to watch it but you said it was at the beginning of your relationship so why are you still so bothered? What’s the root of that feeling? Is it insecurity? Is it jealousy? Is it disgust? These are all your own emotions and they need work. 2. Why are you more concerned about yourself and your own feelings and not the fact that this was an assault (revenge porn) on your partner, her privacy and her dignity and you should in fact be reassuring her. Why aren’t you?
This is him saying no. He knows how you feel. Ball is in his court. Let it be.
It is innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent
AITA is also 2/3 women as of last report I saw – and surprise surprise they constantly bend over backwards to find ways to call the guy the asshole. My fave is when someone posts the same story but with the sexes reversed – and they get completely opposite answers when the guy does it vs the woman…
Having a crush on someone is completely normal. After all we can’t choose who we find attractive or like their qualities etc.
The problem comes when she knows he’s in a relationship and by confessing her love that it will have an impact on your relationship. She knows exactly what’s she’s done. She’s put doubt in your mind, confusion in his mind and makes him think about her whether he ever had a crush or not. It’s hard to not to think about it when it’s been brought to light. He may be thinking “did I do something that gave her that impression “ or “does my Gf want to stay” or a million things can go through his mind after a revelation like this.
The next problem lies w your BF. The appropriate reaction would be “I’m in love w my GF please don’t talk to me about your love or crushes etc because the feeling isn’t mutual and it’s disrespectful to my GF”. He should shut her down w o you having to ask him to.
By him ignoring the situation makes her think he’s secretly into it and would entertain the idea.
You should most definitely continue to go to the gathering and act as you always have. Because if you don’t go it will give her an opportunity to tell him face to face and you won’t be there to say anything or to know how he acts around her.
Don’t give her more power. If she sees it hit a nerve and you no longer go out w him she’ll use that against you. She’ll tell him if you loved him you’d be there to fight for him etc but you aren’t so she has a chance.
This girl knew exactly what she was doing and what it would do to y’all. Don’t let her win. She’s looking for an opening and if you don’t go she’ll think he’s fair game
Your boyfriends behavior is absolutely disgusting. He's blaming you for being assaulted rather than doing his best to help you recover like a decent human being.
You're going to the police, you're going to therapy, you're doing everyghing right and you're boyfriend is WRONG!
I'm so angry for you, you need to leave.
To your first point, I actually told him it felt like he cracked the code cause he can watch others play DOTA, whereas id feel dumb watching other people smoke weed.
Also, edibles don't do anything for me. I know there's this famous “these edibles ain't shiii” before it hits meme. But that doesn't happen to me. I use a vaporizer cause I'm lame like that lol.
She broke up with you. You’re a free man
What advice would that be? What solution was presented?
Your question changed completely somewhere in between the title and the text!
If people are flirting w/ your gf, this just proves she's attractive. However, the fact that she's sending screenshots and obviously interacting with them makes her sound like an insecure 16 year old. Have you asked her why she keeps showing you this stuff?
This is bordering on SA. Please be careful. He was using your body to pleasure himself without your consent, while you were unconscious and unable to give your consent. Please be careful.
It happened on a break, with your best friend, yet you are mad at your bf only? Silly
Break up with them both, let them fuck, they probably will anyway
No, he's trying to coerce her into letting him move in
warn your family they have been threathened.
warn the police. you will need this if ever you need use force in self defense.
It's hard to tell. She very easily could just be friendly and consider you a friend. A lot of the body language you're describing just sounds like a person with anxiety or just regular body language tbh dude. If you like her, you'll only know if you ask her out.
What are you saying?
You tell him to fuck off. You don't owe that loser anything, even pity. He can try and contact you again once he's finished embarrassing himself.
I’ve been thinking about your problems overnight. If you were my friend that lived nearby, this is what I would say.
First, let up on your boyfriend. You were asking him to be a caretaker, not a bf, meaning you were asking him to give his time and emotional energy to you because you have a chronic mental health problem, but you weren’t offering him anything he wanted out of that interaction, like companionship, love or even respect. This dynamic with kill your relationship fast.
Second, you need to address your living situation which you feel is legitimately dangerous. You can buy security tech really cheap these days, like a web cam that will notify you if it sees something, door/window alarms, etc. the simplest kind of door/window alarm is just a magnet that closes when the door closes and opens when it opens… and then makes a loud noise. No wires, no app on your phone, just like an automatic loud doorbell. Also you say it’s dark upstairs. How about getting cheap timers for the lights or putting dusk-to-dawn bulbs in them so they automatically go on at sunset?
Look at some ideas on Amazon and your local place where people resell stuff like Facebook marketplace. Make a budget. Call your family and explain that you are the on-site security guard that’s keeping Grandma’s place from being broken into and you need some tech to make YOU safe.
Ok, buy some stuff… now, go to your bf and say that you know you are relying on him too much and you have come up with this alternate safety plan. Ask him if he can help you install the tech. He will feel wanted, needed and respected by that. You could also plan a date at Grandma’s house. Install the safety stuff, make a nice dinner to thank him.
If he doesn’t want to help, do it yourself. It would be good to also make yourself a ritual around bedtime where you check over the house, make sure everything is secure. If you did this morning and night, you could move the blinds, move lamps, etc, so the house wouldn’t look so abandoned.
Last, if you don’t have ANY friends or family, there are mental health hotlines you can call, even once every single day if you want to. You could make a habit of calling a hotline, reviewing your fears and your safety plan, and then trying to sleep.
You just need to take the pressure OFF your relationship. You cannot expect him to only be your beast of burden and never be allowed to have or even state his own needs. You say “it doesn’t affect him”. Then one night he says no, because he needs to sleep. Ok, that’s a clear statement that it DOES affect him. But you can’t hear that so you keep pushing ME ME ME. This will kill your relationship. Try something, anything else.
Let the trash take itself out
OP is the third wheel in his own relationship.
that is BS, he knows goddamm well it is wrong he is 22, this man is a rapist, he will do it again. what do you do?? LEAVE HIM i know it is hard, but you do not want to stay with this type of men. leave him. i would report him to the police for rape. but that is your choice, do not believe a word he says
This is cheating fam
It’s probably a typo and I’m a little ocd but you stated your girlfriend is a 20(M)?!?
Ask yourself, first. Are you “chill” with never ever having anything more meaningful with him than casual sex? Because if you're not, you're asking the wrong question here.
I thought it was very strange too.
No it wasn’t. It was fucking childish tantrum.
Tell him you know he's married and you aren't interested.
Tell him you know he's married and you aren't interested.