Any person in your position would have a problem if they find their SO was flirtatious and texting other person. You gave a her second chance and clearly defined your boundary. That's not controlling that's defining your position and line that shouldn't be crossed. Depression is not an excuse. Seems. Like she's having an emotional affair and got her mother covering for her. Very soon this will turn into a full blown affair and she'd eventually leave you. She is emotional distant and tuned out of this relationship. Get a screenshot of their conversations and talk to a divorce attorney.
This is poor logic. it’s worse and more intimate that she brought her siblings with her. Enjoying familiarity with family is indicative of a much deeper bond than just two exes catching up over lunch.
The right guy won't think this way about you, period.
Any person in your position would have a problem if they find their SO was flirtatious and texting other person. You gave a her second chance and clearly defined your boundary. That's not controlling that's defining your position and line that shouldn't be crossed. Depression is not an excuse. Seems. Like she's having an emotional affair and got her mother covering for her. Very soon this will turn into a full blown affair and she'd eventually leave you. She is emotional distant and tuned out of this relationship. Get a screenshot of their conversations and talk to a divorce attorney.
What an absolute dick. Girl leave this poor excuse for a man.
She's right that's really gross. Once a year! The recommended is to wash sheets weekly. Either wash your sheets or lose your girlfriend.
Up up down down left right left right A B select start.
This is poor logic. it’s worse and more intimate that she brought her siblings with her. Enjoying familiarity with family is indicative of a much deeper bond than just two exes catching up over lunch.
Nope. He showed who he is, believe him.