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8 thoughts on “vickyntanialive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Ah, classic problem. Here’s why this often happens. One partner is great at giving help, the other is great at being vulnerable, so they’re open to receiving help. The giver often even gravitates to partners that need help as it’s an easy way to form a meaningful bond quickly. The relationship then works as long as the vulnerable one continues to need help and the giver can continue to provide help.

    But if the vulnerable one needs more than the giver can provide, things go bad, like how right now your gf expects more than what is reasonable. Or if the vulnerable one gets stronger, then they rely on the giver less and the bond feels weaker. If this sounds like you, let me know as there are solutions to fix this issue. But I don’t want to go into it, if this doesn’t fit what you’re struggling with.

  2. Imagine this: a few years into the future and your water just broke, you have to Beg your bf to come drive you to the hospital to deliver his baby but since he's out with his friends and made plans Prior he does his usual annoyed sigh “fine! I mean, you Know I made plans but whatever right? I'll be there in 20 minutes.” But you don't know if you can last another 20 minutes, you don't have a choice so you wait. And wait. And wait..


    He doesn't come until 40 minutes later due to “traffic” despite rush hour being long over. He rushes you to the hospital and you spend 16 hours in labour pushing out a 8 pound baby, he's not in the room to support you because “ew blood is gross plus you just shit yourself on the operating table!” So you give birth to his newborn baby, Alone. He doesn't comeback until your vagina and asshole are stitched back together, in which he makes a snarky remark about whether or not you're still tight down there or if you'll be shitting yourself regularly now, to which you passively ignore. Again. After years of doing so, starting with his annoyed sighs and lack of enthusiasm in helping you out with basic necessities, so not only are you raising a baby on your own. You're raising a man.

    You spend the rest of your years putting up with this shit and regret ever giving this grown ass man the benefit of the doubt when all you've ever asked from him was the Bare Minimum.

    What do you chose?

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