Veronica-galvani live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 4, 2022

19 thoughts on “Veronica-galvani live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes let’s all hope and pray that he isn’t just brazenly asking for tips on how to sexually assault someone.

  2. Two possibilities she and her husband live this lifestyle and he is aware Or he hasn’t got s clue and is going to be really hurt and betrayed.

  3. Yes, this is too controlling. He was at the beach. The problem wasn't his attire, it was the girl. He fended her off and was honest about it, and your response was to try and police his behavior. Not good.

  4. Thank you for actually writing it out word for word and explaining it to me. I am very insecure and worried he will leave me at any moment and I told him that. This is probably the source of me wanting to propose.

  5. I think you completely misunderstood the thread.

    She is uncomfortable with her boyfriend's ex NOT knowing about her, which was the case for way too long of a time.

  6. Your roommate is jealous of your girlfriend, and is acting out on purpose to drive her away . I would bet dollars to donuts that she has caught feelings for you.

  7. I was definitely flippant in my response, maybe it’s the way the whole post is written…but this really doesn’t strike me as “saving a few locks of hair”. It sounds like baggies full of fur from a ton of dead pets. And consider OP hasn’t answered the peoples asking for clarification I still am majorly creeped out by the situation

  8. I fear that this kind of help may harm my mental, like I start to think I can only do with a pill and stay like that for the rest of my life

  9. Ding ding!

    This guy is asking us for a way to change her mind or save this relationship without asking directly. Believe who she said she is. She refuses to be fidelitous, and she isn't going to start for you.

    I feel like this has plenty to do with the toxic part of her last relationship.

  10. If you can't see genuine worth in a friendship with her and only want to see her as a romantic prospect then do her a favor and take yourself out of her life. She deserves real friends that value her as a person and not for a potential relationship they could have with her eventually.

  11. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time in your relationship. It's important to remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Your feelings are valid, and it's completely understandable that you're hurt by your boyfriend's comments and his unwillingness to apologize. So, assuming you are looking for something more than “just break up” – here’s a couple thoughts.

    One approach you could take is to have an open and honest conversation with your boyfriend about how his comments are affecting you. Choose a time when both of you are calm and not emotionally charged. Use “I” statements to express how you feel, for example, “I feel hurt when you make passive aggressive comments or call me names.” This can help to prevent him from feeling attacked, and instead, focus on how his actions impact you. Your initial write up leads me to believe that you are a rather emotionally intelligent person, so focus on active listening and ensure that you’re able to communicate openly and honestly.

    If your boyfriend is receptive to the conversation and willing to work on improving his behavior, it might be beneficial for both of you to explore couples therapy. A professional therapist can provide guidance and support to help you navigate through these challenges and improve your communication skills. However, if he continues to be dismissive or unwilling to change, it's essential to prioritize your well-being and consider whether this relationship is truly healthy for you in the long term.

  12. Before I do anything else I'm going to speak to him next week, before my birthday, and just ask him to explain everything… If he's got a good reason for not wanting me to visit (for instance if his parents wouldn't be on board with a same sex relationship and he needs some time in person with them to sort that) then I'll take that into account. If he can explain why he doesn't want me visiting, and explain why he said it the way he did, without making me feel as though he doesn't care, and if he can explain how he feels about me, then I'm hoping we can be fine and that this will just be a communication issue.

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