Vateaner live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 25, 2022

7 thoughts on “Vateaner live webcams for YOU!

  1. Break up. Unless you’re ok losing your ENTIRE family for this dude, there’s no way to make this work. He’s been given chance after chance to try to be at the very least civil and he wishes literal death on YOUR BROTHER. Your options now are leave him or lose your family eventually. I’m sorry your bc sucks and is so horrible but wow…I don’t get alone with my brother but if someone acted like this towards him they’d be gone in a heartbeat

  2. Hello /u/VoiceRevolutionary45,

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  3. Considering there are MUCH bigger issues such as the health of your brother in law at stake here your husband IS being really immature to ask questions that really have no relevance to him

    If your husband has a habit of asking really inappropriate questions during a crisis, Getting people offside under the guise of a “joke” and not actually offering to ask your sister in law if he can do anything to help during said crisis then you really need to question is this guy right for you?

    Just remember if he’s acting like this now how’s he going to be if you or any kids you may have with him experience a crisis ?

  4. You guys need to move and don’t give the brother your new address. This isn’t going to stop as long as you are neighbours. He also needs to remained blocked and on nc for the time being until both your husband and his brother get real mental health help. Why your husband too? Because he needs to learn how to create and maintain boundaries as well as tools to stop enabling his brother.

    Don’t feel guilty. You’re not doing anything wrong or are the reason if the brothers takes time apart. Frankly, they both need it.

    Congratulations on your marriage and have a wonderful honeymoon!

  5. He loves her. Like , adores her. Confides in her more than me sometimes. They have a really good relationship. He's not here during all of this , he's with his father. She was amazing to her kids too aside from this. They got everything they wanted and she worked two jobs just to give them their fancy clothes and new laptops. I feel crazy. I don't understand, it's like two different people in one person.

  6. NTA. I would drop this guy like a hot potato. He sounds ignorant and unwilling to learn — a bad combination. Speaking as a white woman, I am well aware of the unfair advantage my skin color gives me. It is wrong and bad for the world and our society. It can deprive us of God given talent and creativity.

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