VanessaLife live webcams for YOU!


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Date: December 11, 2022

10 thoughts on “VanessaLife live webcams for YOU!

  1. Lot of factors going on here:

    “but for us to have sex I practically had to beg” “again always have to ask 3-4 times to let me do it”

    What's your general approach like with regards to being intimate? Are you romancing her? Flirting with her? Doing things round the house so she can relax and ease in to more playful/intimate mindset?

    Or are you just asking if she fancies fucking after a day of hard work?

    Next thing: “our very good communication has made our love stronger”

    ” I thought maybe it was because of my slight overweight” ” tried to understand her” “I'm sure she would be mad at me for doing it if she knew”

    Have you spoke to her about it? Like really, truly, deeply, meaningfully – there is just from your message alone, a LOT of assuming going on, you assume you needed to lose weight, you assume she'd be upset with you masturbating.

    Talk – in a neutral setting, sit down with some tea, and talk about it. Express your desires, ask what's missing, what she needs from you to feel more desire. It could just be that your not sexually compatible, but there could also be other things going on.

  2. Mate. He's playing games. Regain that distance and keep it ffs. He's playing with you and you're letting him.

  3. You are scared to talk to your dad for your GF. Imagine how scared your sisters are to advocate for themselves in a home where dad obviously rules & can’t be talked to. I 1000% guarantee your sisters hate it too. It is gross.

  4. Why? What has he ever done that would make her owe it to him?

    To me it sounds like he's been cold and uncaring for all those years. If the marriage had been good and supportive the situation would be different, but he's been an absolute crazy stalker. Should mentally ill murderes be let out immediately just because we feel bad for them? No. She has to protect herself, because he sounds absolutely insane.

  5. Yes I do because I know none of them would want me being friends with their friends / siblings so how is it fair they can do whatever?

  6. Don’t waste your time on an insensitive and selfish person. He’s emotionally immature. Should be grateful and excited just to see you after being apart.

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