Valentina-rossi1 live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 18, 2022

13 thoughts on “Valentina-rossi1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think you should mind your own business.

    All this talk about his poor fiancée, her poor mother, your poor mother. Sounds more like you'd be interfering more for your own purposes…pretend your care and you're rescuing this other woman from the cheater; helps alleviate some of your guilt. Reality is he chose her over you, though he's no prize.

    Let it be and move on.

  2. Sure she may have seemed great but I’d argue she wasn’t, she barely knew you and pushed for talking of marriage. And sure she gave a lot to you but then she complained you didn’t reciprocate, when if she felt it wasn’t balanced she could have gone slower and asked for what she wanted rather than criticize you for not automatically reciprocating right away. It’s like if out of the blue I gave you a $10,000 gift, then got mad that you didn’t get me a $10,000 gift the same day. You build a relationship, you don’t go super fast and then get mad the other person isn’t reciprocating.

  3. This exact scenario happened to me. I got out of a 4 year relationship and had no concept of appropriate timing. It felt so great to be love bombed by the next person I ignored so many red flags. He was a narcissist. Not like the way people use that term for a mean person. A literal narcissist. For an entire year he had a second secret life, you can’t imagine how naïve and stupid I felt. Please just take the rose colored glasses off and I’m glad to see you are getting some professional help.

  4. I actually made a huge mistake. I suppressed my anger when I found out about her infidelity. It has fuelled my depression. Sometimes, I fantasize about telling her to her face what I think of her and what she did to me.

    It seems to me there are unresolved issues steming from her actions that were never addressed. And I'm left all alone to deal with them.

    My psychologist just told me to think about other things when the thought of her enters my mind. My psychiatrist told me to mourn that relationship and to move forward. She gave me medications which, apart from making me look puffy, did not help much.

    I don't want to go back. I want to move forward. But it feels like a ton of chains is attached to my legs.

    I need strategies/techniques to get a grasp on my thoughts.

  5. He has a new purpose for his life. To live his life the best and most honest way he can, learning from his parents actions to be better than that

  6. Yea no lol. You break up and he expects you to be his personal bang maid?

    Get out of there and move home if you can.

  7. just leave! youre a grown fucking man whos acting like this?! YOU KNOW BETTER, you abuse her so much but when she finally stonewalls you, you think SHES BEING MEAN TO YOU?

    get out of her life, she deserves someone better than you, no amount of groveling or self-pity will get you anywhere, now get the hell out of her house and LEAVE HER ALONE

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