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65 thoughts on “trioindylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. My ex told me she was going on a cruise with classmates and X person, who I’d been suspicious of, would be there. She felt guilty and wanted me to break up with her, instead of her breaking up with me. She wanted a reaction that would punish her for the guilt. I didn’t give her one, I had seen it coming and was just waiting for confirmation. That’s likely what op’s fiancé is doing, just looking for him to pull the plug so she can hurt just a little bit and get over some of the guilt.

  2. If he has not asked for the nitty gritty when discussing the past then he is mature enough to realize everybody has one. OR he also realizes he has a checkered one also and prefers to let sleeping dogs lie.

  3. I feel like the best thing is not to talk , this isnt really eating my mind , it's just something I realised , and I trust my gf that she would never cheat on me , if Vic likes my gf eventually she will make more moves and then I'll notice and my gf too

  4. This obviously is bigger than the Christmas party and subsequent events. But to focus on the specific night, Life 360 or not, why is it a problem for you to have a night out? Separately, while I’m completely on your side here which I’ll confirm later, why not tell your wife the plan? I mean I logically get why you didn’t, but that’s obviously an inherent problem.

    You say your trust with each other is 100% but also that 100% of the time you go out it’s a problem. You think that’s 100% trust?

    Here’s what you say; “independence is important and healthy in a relationship. I’m going out with the guys tonight. That’s the end of it. I’ll be home later and resume being a great father and husband.”

    Stand up for yourself my friend. The thing is, I can’t imagine this didn’t always exist. In saying that, you married her knowing she was like this. I realize that’s moot, but hey, here we are. Life isn’t over.

    Anecdotally, I’m a guy and I’m happily married. I have a toddler and an infant. My wife and my children are absolutely everything to me. But insanely enough, there are at least three things that sometimes happen; first, my kids are asleep through the night, so when I go out I’m not missing anything. I’m leaving my wife absolutely miserable watching whatever TV I don’t want to watch anyway. Second, my kids aren’t asleep, and my wife takes care of them as if it’s possible to do so when her husband isn’t around. Third, my wife goes out, and I take care of my children in the same non-difficult fashion.

    It’s not an “escape from real life.” It’s having fun every so often with friends. When we get home, we’re still happy (hopefully) husbands and fathers. Establish that. In all likelihood, you’re setting yourself up for a fight, given all evidence proving as much. So you need to ask yourself if this is how you want to live forever. Good luck.

  5. I wanna be with my gf emotionally but i desire someone else, we spend less time lately because she usually wanna have sex when i dont want

  6. So now is your chance to do something for him.

    You dump him, and tell him that now he’s cheated on all but one of his exes.

  7. We aren’t official. She doesn’t want to date we agreed to be honest and just let each other know if/when we do not want to be exclusive or hookup w other people

  8. Hi again!

    Red flags in former relationships: I had two situationships that turned into heartbreak. Signs were obvious. First guy I met at a party from a mutual friend. We hit it off, became FWB. He told me he was in love with his coworker, but she was in a long term relationship and he just wanted some fun. I thought I could change his mind if I showed him how “worthy” I was. Second guy was about to leave for a world trip. We fell in love, I was the first girl he brought home to mom and dad, I believed I could change his mind.

    Spoiler alert: They both never changed their minds. And it hurt. I was heartbroken over the second guy for over a year. When people tell you they don’t want anything serious or, in your case, they can’t give you what you need, you have to believe them. If you like them, like them enough to trust what they are telling you.

    I must admit that half of my relationships failed because I was clingy and controlling. But in hindsight I realize that those guys were never the right match for me. When I was younger I hated to be single. Up until a few years ago, the longest I had been single was 3 weeks. Three frickin’ weeks. Sounds insane when I think about it now.

    So instead of just taking the time to get to know the guy, I dived into a relationship and when the cracks started showing (because we had nothing in common), I tried to control everything, just so things wouldn’t fall apart. I didn’t want them to go out, because they might meet someone else. They couldn’t see their friends anymore, because what if they suddenly realized that I wasn’t as fun to hang around with? And then (obviously) they dumped me because they felt suffocated.

    The advice I would have loved as a teenager: 1) Don’t jump into a relationship if you feel like something’s off (And this can be a minor thing. For instance: my last ex was a great guy, but even when we started to get to know each other, it was such a drag to text him. The conversations were moving soooo slow. The relationship lasted 4 years and I always felt like I had to drag him along, it was so tiring.), you don’t have to force yourself to have a relationship with someone that isn’t your match, just so you’re not alone. 2) Get to know them before you start dating romantically. It’s harder to make a rational decision once feelings are involved. Talk about your wants and needs in life and in a relationship. If your goals and personalities are miles apart, you’re probably already setting yourself up for failure.

    But just out of curiosity, what is it exactly that makes you think that the situation with this person will be the same as previous experiences?

  9. Block him. Block him. And when you're done with that, block him. He's coming back to you because his first choice didn't work out and since you're entertaining him, he's trying to get back with you, until the next girl he wants comes along. If he wanted you, he wouldn't have left you for someone else. You're a place holder. Be done and block him.

  10. This is the hardline stance that I want to take. But wife is already falling back on “a lot of time has passed since this happened last” and putting it on me to forgive because it's Christmas. Her mom is putting up a massive guilt trip on her too so she can't see it my way.

  11. Exactly. OP should consider this their wake up call. Do not focus on the woman you have broken up with, but continue to improve yourself and to heal. That future is unknown, but you control your own destiny and well-being moving forward. Good luck.

  12. Not yet my girlfriend so that's why I was thinking better stop it now rather than let it progress and make it way worse in the end. Thanks for the advice.

  13. Nah so like, she also had a dark sense of humor. She was very much open with that. Like I said, we had legit the exact same personalities – even down to the sense of humor.

  14. It's absurdly common. The amount of catfishing I encounter from men pretending to be women or couples is extremely high.

    If you're not comfortable with it, expressed that you're not comfortable with it and he continues to do it then you shouldn't expect the behaviour to stop. Not only is it immoral to his victims, he's cheating on you in the process.

  15. This is a really touchy subject. I'm going to relay my experience the best I can though.

    He's most likely not trying to inhibit your desires or express issue with sex toys in general. It's just that so many toys (be it dildos or vibrators) far outweigh what a human male is capable of. So we tend to get insecure and think, “what if I'm not enough for her after this”.

    It may sound domineering when you hear it without context, but we're insecure just like anyone else. Hell, you can have a 9″ penis these days and still be intimidated by sex toys. Lol

    I know you said you already tried to reassure him. He just most likely needs some time think about it though. He needs to know it's not a replacement for him. This isn't as simple as telling him one time either. It comes through time and trust.

  16. I agree this is pretty gross, but I don’t think it warrants a divorce.

    But that’s your decision to make.

  17. What? Porn and infidelity are 100% not the same. How is he cheating? Is he paying for the videos? Is he only watching ONE girl? Is he refusing to have sex or be romantic with OP? No? Then it’s not cheating. Why is this comment section so anti-porn? I get the bad porn, but jfc, there is ethical porn.

  18. From this it sounds like you have seriously low self esteem. Regardless of what happens with this relationship, you need therapy.

  19. Why are you even considering him, let alone participating in acts with a man you know nothing about?! Girl.. come on.

  20. Did you feel like you wanted to break up with him when he was “down” for two girls? No. Did you say it was disgusting and you didn’t know how to see him now? No. This is a classic example of double standards, and his attitude is hypocritical. You should be the one doubting the relationship now, with good reason. You could do a lot better.

  21. It seems your gf is set to move on. Breaking up and then expecting to get back together is not a healthy relationship.

    Get your financial position on solid ground before trying again. As you mentioned, you have held her back from travelling and doing more due to your bad financial position. So you are not offering a better future together at the moment. Being able to hold down a stable job might influence her to give you another chance down the road.

  22. You really need to work on your trust issues, because you’re the one violating trust and privacy here.

  23. If you are looking for a comment that will give you a clear answer on what to do, you won’t find it. Ranting about him lying isn’t going to help you. You have to act instead of speak.

    Find a lawyer. Talk to one. If you get a good one, you can get a DNA test.

    Maybe tell the husband of your H’s AP and talk to him.

  24. Oohhh that's actually a good idea… propose the idea of him paying half and her paying the other half, then maybe she will see how big of a deal it is to drop $7k on a ring.

  25. That's a bit different though, dating you don't care as much about someone's pleasure because you don't like the way their genitals look (they're all a bit ugly to be blunt) is just kind of different to just saying your vagina is too fleshy/tight/whatever.

  26. Right….. is it just more work for her to please him, after having to take care of other people all day?

  27. Great questions! The biggest change has been work, she is currently a business owner and sometimes pulls 50/60 hour weeks of work.

    I do most of the work at home since I work from home and have more free time.

    I try and follow her communication with her sexual desires, going down on her most every time for ~10mins or so, until she is warmed up.

    As for the last question, I tend to want to jump right in and she needs more warm-up. But it also seems to be a pretty high activation barrier for her. Maybe some tips on how to warm things up and how to shift gears from the mental stress of work to our relationship would be helpful?

  28. i totally get it, im a submissive person too so i like it when people take control. this is why two subs don’t end up together

  29. It also doesn’t sit well with me to text my bf’s friends.

    …but Jane call & texts your bf !? so why can't you? You need to tell Ben to put a leash on his wife as she is disturbing your bf & your life. Its your right as a gf + its your life being disrupted now. Ben is your bf best friend so you can always call him whether you get along with him or not its irrelevant at this point. why the double standard of she can bug your bf & you cannot/won't can her husband?

    If Jane can call your bf then you can also call Ben for help etc. Seriously if you don't put a stop to these crappy situation as your bf is blind to boundaries then the relationship is sinking. You don't trust her then act on it by taking control of the situation. Your bf should respect & prioritize you first as you do of him, not Jane as she is Ben's wife, not his.

  30. You don’t like it? I wouldn’t tolerate that for a second. Why are you? He’s cussing at you and calling you names. Not okay. Ever. We teach people how to treat us. You have taught him that it’s okay to do this because you stayed after the first time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  31. I mean it is possible, this couple actually rarely saw each other they had separate entrances, and each claimed a part of the house as their own. And they didn’t go into the others space uninvited. I don’t know how well this would work with kids in the house. The older ones would probably understand, since they know the truth,but it might be hard on the 9 yr old. If it gets to be too much then you could get a family mediator they are cheaper than lawyers to help deal with the financial issues of a divorce, and also custody and co parenting agreements and maybe the wife can buy you out of the house Of course you both would need a lawyer to look over any final agreement before saying anything. But it’s still cheaper than having a lawyer handle any negotiations from the start.

  32. It couldn’t be the people saying video games are more important than relationships trolling huh. Nah.

  33. I’m speaking from experience man. Leave her. Just tell her that this isn’t what you’re looking for in a relationship and you wish her all the best.

    If you stay, there will come a time where you look back on this moment and kick yourself for not leaving sooner.

  34. Therapy? Give her complete control of all finances? I see no accountability in your post at all. You just seem upset that you kept getting caught lying and going behind her back. No word of regret. No plan of not doing it again. Just a plan to get sneakier about it. She is completely right, she genuinely can’t trust anything you say. I’m puzzled by the sort of advice you want. You treated her extremely poorly, despite the fact she was there for you through hard times, take no accountability and are now trying to change things, that she wants to leave.

    Admittedly it is a pattern I keep seeing, but that doesn’t make it any better.

    My honest advice would be to let her go and really, really work on yourself instead.

  35. it's not her real name. On reddit, people use fake names to avoid having to write things like “my brother” ” my wife” ” my sister” ” My uncle's girlfriend” over and over again.

  36. Chiming in as a 24 year old woman, 18 year olds are literally babies to me. Something weird is going on here if she's trying to be in a relationship with him

  37. It’s not creepy at all. You expressed polite interest.

    If she’s not available or not interested she won’t reply.

  38. Your mom is the way she is and did the things she did in accordance with her own trauma as well. It's not a justification or an excuse it's an understanding. Your parents don't do things to be negative to their child. No parent is like I want to breed resentment in my kid and act in ways they will forever negatively remember.

    At 28, you're really starting to see your parents as humans just like you without the answers, which can cause some resentment as you would have done this that or the other thing for ever negative trauma you know you received from their actions. Well, at the time and maybe even to this day, they dont know they caused that.

    Your first sentence blames her for being a victim of father abandonment, which affects you too, but still, she's to blame from your father's actions?

    Now clearly, there's much more to this, and yeah, she's 100% caused trauma onto you, but sometimes we take things that others see as small and make them huge.

  39. Oh, just the comments where you said you’re planning to ask your brother to take her on weekends & that if someone else can be a better parent for her that that’d be good.

  40. “meal prep” is the term for cooking only once a week and preparing most/all of your meals on that day. So you only have to cook one day out of the week, for free time or health reasons.

  41. You go harder and either his insecurity causes him to flee or he finally figures out that just calling dibs on arbitrary relationship rules is not only pointless, but it's also counter to the “men natural leaders” trap. If you have to whine about a woman being more of a man than you, the woman isn't the one with a problem.

  42. No one is seeing this pattern? Just me? What is this, the fourth one of these in two weeks? Just slightly different details.

    All bullshit.

  43. I didn't want to get into all the details because the post was long. One of the reasons there seem to be little to no prospects is because the company we work for recently bought out another company, so there have been a lot of lay offs. Any open positions are “higher up” positions like directors, managers, etc. that someone at an entry level wouldn't meet requirements for.

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