Tina-Reed live webcams for YOU!


IF YOU LOVE ME?! Vacation in Thailand

Date: October 24, 2022

9 thoughts on “Tina-Reed live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes she is liying right into your face, is she already checked out the relationship, those chats are on the very least emotional affair, i mean, she tell then things about her day that she doesnt even tell you, and shes been lying saying you forced a relationship on her, have some self respect and end things

  2. So does your husband realize he’s entering an age where most women will have had kids and won’t be perfect?

  3. Bringing a spouse or partner along to something like that changes the dynamic. You don’t know them, they don’t know you. So instead of having a free flowing conversation, you’re either going to be left out or they’re all going to try to engage you and not get to have the interaction they had planned.

    I’m sorry you’re hurt by this.

    I have a group of friends that like to meet up once a year or so. One of the friends always brought her husband. They’re joined at the hip. We stopped inviting her. We all like her husband but he’s not part of our group and when we already have such limited time together, it’s annoying to have to totally adapt to having an “outsider” there.

  4. Run like hell and don’t look back. This is the female equivalent of stealthing. Don’t let her gaslight you into thinking it was a one off joke or prank.

    You are young and have plenty of time to find someone who isn’t, excuse me, an unethical scumbag.

    Also don’t flush your condoms

  5. So ask yourself why you refuse to listen when she tells you you're not together, and she isn't going to hear or care about how you feel. It's done. The problem is with you refusing reality.

  6. I disagree, if she really looks that young then it's not that much of a leap for people to assume that he's in to very young looking women, and by extension young girls. The fact that they explain that shes older than him doesn't change the way she looks and the perception that people have.

  7. She said many times that she didn't want to stop but the therapist “broke up with her”. She seemed genuinely hurt by it, so it seemed authentic.

    FWIW, she was having depression and suicidal thoughts and that's when she reached out to the therapist. She stopped having them relatively quickly, so maybe that's why? She was a “trauma emergency” type therapist and she no longer needed that kind of help.

    Yes I agree we need to get these resolved first. I don't know where to start, because imo I am a pretty level headed and reasonable person who does my best to accommodate her. I'm not the one hiding in my room or having outbursts. Do I have things to improve? Sure, but I at least think I'm mature and take responsibility when I make mistakes.

    Setting the “no yelling” boundary is a good first step imo because I don't like it and I think that's a healthy boundary, but I don't think suggesting therapy to her is really appropriate either.

  8. I absolutely think it could be innocent, I’d also break it off in that situation. Not risking it at all, she already noticed other scenarios. Nope nope nope

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