She’s protecting her image and guilt. You can call her out and she will either still deny or admit to it but at the end just ask yourself how much energy you’re willing to put into getting someone you already know is dishonest to explain just how dishonest they are. You’re leaving and breaking things off— this will just be the reminder for you later on to not rekindle anything when you’re feeling lonely.
You can hope people act right, but at the end of the day, getting to admit they didn’t when you’re already removing yourself from the situation may just take more energy you don’t need to give to the relationship anymore.
There’s lots of things I’ve found out about my ex and his cheating, but honestly, getting him to admit he’s a liar is not gonna happen and letting him know that I know won’t change anything. I just moved on knowing I made the right choice after all.
It’s mostly because of porn. The only problem is that if he doesn’t realise this, everything is pointless. You can’t convince him he has a problem. You can try watching some documentaries together about porn addiction, maybe he’ll see what it really does to your brain. You need patience for this process. Meanwhile you can try seduce him. Wear the Victoria’s Secret lingerie (we love it for real) go down on him without notice. Blowjob, handjob any kind of job he likes. Be sexy and spontaneous.
What if I know that if he stops drinking he is an amazing person. And we have the same values. I call his parents mum and dad and his nieces and nephews call me auntie. It’s so hard to just walk away from this one because it wasn’t always like this.
Other than the reasons I gave in the OP which I speculated on… I have no clue. Honestly if Amy wanted to go away with me, and her partner, I wouldn't mind. So yeah, that does confuse me.
I think most people aren't as sentimental as the OP is. I would have interpreted his statement the same way his girlfriend did. I don't think there's any way she could have realistically known how important this was to him. Obviously, she knows now though.
Now I don't think OP was wrong to feel disappointed. However, his reaction is what's problematic here. He managed to make both parties feel even worse about what happened. This needless drama is now going to permanently overshadow whatever significance the watch would have held previously.
So let me get this straight. You do sex work (yeah, it's a 'dating' site but clearly geared toward transactional arrangements) and have an issue with men who don't respect women. You met this guy via your sex work. This is the type of man you're going to get in that context, maybe look elsewhere for partners in future.
This fucker is an attention seeking man child. His whole life everyone has allowed him to be a fuckwit and get away with it. I would let him come and embarrass the shit out of him in front of everyone. Literally tell everyone to ignore him. Not just the videographer and photographer, how does your fiancé feel about him stealing the spotlight from her (weddings are usually about the bride looking beautiful etc..) Tell him if he doesn’t respect you and your request he will never ever have your respect your friendship and your help in future life. He sounds like a fucking loser tbh. I can’t find king stand “practical jokers” It’s just a nice way of saying abusive cunt.
He's just immature. Maybe he'll understand in the future or maybe not.. or he actually is insecured and thinks you might be cheating.. even though he never suggested it or suspects it but it's just a thought.
She’s protecting her image and guilt. You can call her out and she will either still deny or admit to it but at the end just ask yourself how much energy you’re willing to put into getting someone you already know is dishonest to explain just how dishonest they are. You’re leaving and breaking things off— this will just be the reminder for you later on to not rekindle anything when you’re feeling lonely.
You can hope people act right, but at the end of the day, getting to admit they didn’t when you’re already removing yourself from the situation may just take more energy you don’t need to give to the relationship anymore.
There’s lots of things I’ve found out about my ex and his cheating, but honestly, getting him to admit he’s a liar is not gonna happen and letting him know that I know won’t change anything. I just moved on knowing I made the right choice after all.
It’s mostly because of porn. The only problem is that if he doesn’t realise this, everything is pointless. You can’t convince him he has a problem. You can try watching some documentaries together about porn addiction, maybe he’ll see what it really does to your brain. You need patience for this process. Meanwhile you can try seduce him. Wear the Victoria’s Secret lingerie (we love it for real) go down on him without notice. Blowjob, handjob any kind of job he likes. Be sexy and spontaneous.
What if I know that if he stops drinking he is an amazing person. And we have the same values. I call his parents mum and dad and his nieces and nephews call me auntie. It’s so hard to just walk away from this one because it wasn’t always like this.
Other than the reasons I gave in the OP which I speculated on… I have no clue. Honestly if Amy wanted to go away with me, and her partner, I wouldn't mind. So yeah, that does confuse me.
I think most people aren't as sentimental as the OP is. I would have interpreted his statement the same way his girlfriend did. I don't think there's any way she could have realistically known how important this was to him. Obviously, she knows now though.
Now I don't think OP was wrong to feel disappointed. However, his reaction is what's problematic here. He managed to make both parties feel even worse about what happened. This needless drama is now going to permanently overshadow whatever significance the watch would have held previously.
So let me get this straight. You do sex work (yeah, it's a 'dating' site but clearly geared toward transactional arrangements) and have an issue with men who don't respect women. You met this guy via your sex work. This is the type of man you're going to get in that context, maybe look elsewhere for partners in future.
This fucker is an attention seeking man child. His whole life everyone has allowed him to be a fuckwit and get away with it. I would let him come and embarrass the shit out of him in front of everyone. Literally tell everyone to ignore him. Not just the videographer and photographer, how does your fiancé feel about him stealing the spotlight from her (weddings are usually about the bride looking beautiful etc..) Tell him if he doesn’t respect you and your request he will never ever have your respect your friendship and your help in future life. He sounds like a fucking loser tbh. I can’t find king stand “practical jokers” It’s just a nice way of saying abusive cunt.
Holy shit.
1) see your doctor about your migraines since they're worse
2) get a sleep study to see whyyou're snoring
3) your husband is an asshole, and now you're seeing why a 30+ year old man went after a teenager
Go. Enjoy concert. Dump her via text the next day.
When people show you who they are, believe them. She’s a manipulative POS.
He's just immature. Maybe he'll understand in the future or maybe not.. or he actually is insecured and thinks you might be cheating.. even though he never suggested it or suspects it but it's just a thought.