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42 thoughts on “ThaiSlut4Youlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It was so hard to get through the rest of your text after I read that you guys met when you were THIRTEEN and he was a peer figure to you, and then 3 years later—he said he wants to build a life with you—a child (at the time) and no one saw anything wrong with that? He literally preyed on you.

    You have even claimed that being intimate with him is off-putting because he feels like a parental figure at most.

    He is sour with your job because he cannot control you when you’re working, so he tries to make you feel bad and lose the joy in your job so you quit and he control you 100% of the time.

    He wants to trap you with marriage and kids, wants to make you barefoot and pregnant so he can control every aspect of you.




  2. Hello /u/Intrepid-Golf-6521,

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  3. I mean, if you want to make something to share, check first if he likes it? It definitely makes no sense to feel slighted because a man doesn’t like cheese.

  4. No. The fact that you pay for the majority of your meals and household stuff is plenty, and hopefully he's just joking because of the situation itself. Of course, since he has 4 roommates it might be nice to get them a couple groceries, because your BF is not losing anything but they might be out a bit more than otherwise.

  5. Hello /u/WorriedRazzmatazz45,

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  6. She and her friend likely have more in common due to proximity in age and stage in life. Perhaps reconsider this relationship. You're going to be the old man getting jealous of a 23yo who is close to your 21yo girlfriend… you're the creepy one here.

  7. I'd be pretty pissed off if i was left to walk up a hill in the freezing snow after working a full shift on my feet at a restaurant because you fell asleep…

    THis post is so hard to follow though so i don't really understand the context

  8. Hello /u/ohemzee,

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  9. No, no, no …

    You judged well to end things. Now you miss him and question yourself.

    Someone who would escalate to that in a silly argument… What would they say in a serious one?

  10. I guess I’m old fashioned but I don’t understand giving up your life for an online relationship that is long distance. Sure, you text, talk and FaceTime, but you are missing out on so much. What are your long term plans? Do you want to get married or even live together or stay apart for another 4 years? Your sister is voicing what she sees as a problem because you are giving up real life people for an online stranger. And unless you see each other frequently she is still a stranger. Do what you want but accept the consequences if you give up your sister.

  11. Why continue dealing with this guy? Why are you WAITING for him to move on? You get to decide who you have in your life, so YOU stop having any interaction with him. Delete him, block him and whatever else you gotta do to make sure this man has zero access to you.

  12. How would you feel if he only ever played with your clitoris, but never your vagina?

    That's pretty much the equivalent.

    My GF has these crazy, body shaking orgasms when she pegs me. You might try it out.

  13. Jade is that you? My ex did the same and came to me for oodles of advice that I gladly gave and she ignored and when she tried to come back I laughed and said no.. I'm a first choice priority not a sloppy second option. You made your bed.

  14. do you really think i should do this? it would be enjoyable but part of me feels if i don't forgive, i should go no contact and block

  15. Mispronunciation of her name

    Not addressing her in conversation

    Crux was him telling me that there are other fish in the sea when I said I was going to ask her to marry me

    He has since changed (thanks to my mom whipping him for driving us away)

  16. This is manipulative financial abuse. Ef her and her family. Dump this parasite. This is not a person you want to be involved with any longer. Don’t know your location, don’t know your culture but no relationship is worth this. Find better and put this one in the rear view mirror

  17. Yeah he's way to young to be watching porn instead of having sex. I mean I watch porn and so does my wife but as a alternative to sex when we can't do it for some reason.

  18. The cheating was recent. I’m stuck with the thoughts what if it might happen again. who’s gonna validate my decision if I decide to give her a chance? Is cheating ever okay? will it stop bothering me in future? What if its the wrong decision to give her a chance. please make things clearer for me.

  19. Okay but just know that many, many, many people would consider this situation divorce worthy because this man does not sound responsible or mature enough to have a family, and it might be easier to just do it alone.

  20. Girl the chances he is doing it already are pretty damn high. He just assumes some girl is willing to commit to his needs like that? Especially one that isn't his wife? Nah.. he already found her.

  21. Maybe she is tired from cleaning up after you all the time, sho when you have to “work to earn it” it actually helps her get in the mood because she is not spending all her energy cleaning up after you and being your maid.

    Also, do you do anything intimate that does not include sex, or do you just come home and expect her to jump on you? Do you do any foreplay or do you just whip it out?

    Most Woman need to feel loved to give sex. You need to find out what her love language is and make her feel loved.

  22. No she doesn’t have to serve you if she’s not a traditional woman, but there are traditional woman who are happy with this arrangement, and the least the man can do is pay for everything and I mean everything if they want a traditional woman and a traditional marriage.

    Instead of this attitude of doing even less but reaping all the benefits.

  23. I think if depends, there are some where it's straight up all just sex, in which case I can see how that's similar to porn.

  24. But you also said “drives you places,” does that mean outside of the 5 minutes on her way home? I can see that being indicative of a symbiotic friendship. Stop asking for a ride other than the 5 minute on the way home. And on those short trips, just let her know you’re going straight to bed because you’re too tired.

  25. He can't hide a 10 hour a day relationship.

    If you think he is emotionally involved with her, cut him out. If you think he is attached to the game and she happens to be in it, then letting him know the game is replacing you and if he doesn't focus on you, you'll never bother him again as you'll move on, he may make a hard choice to focus on you.

  26. Be kind, but FIRM. If you have made up your mind, don’t be so nice that it sends mixed messages. It will help her to get up to speed with where you are at, and ultimately move in, if you can give her some clear explanation.

    It may just be that you have realised the type of connection with her that you herd going downward, and you know that both of you deserve something more heartfelt.

    Don’t go out of your way to be a jerk, but don’t mince words either. The pain may be a necessary part of the process for her being able to accept that it is over and switch gears to move forward.

    In the past when I have experienced relationship break ups, I didn’t start to get over the person until I allowed myself to feel a bit angry at them. Don’t be so averse to confrontation that you rob her of that, especially as it could make her not take you seriously.

  27. Sure but he specifically talked about not being able to fit in and make friends in the new environment so I assume social skills and presentation on his part. His wife's aesthetics could have something to do with it too.

  28. I agree it's very disrespectful. We are not in the honeymoon phase though, it's been over 6 years lol.

  29. A great way to handle questions that feel open ended, or you're unsure of how to answer is to flip them around and ask back. It'll help you get clarity on what they're trying to ask, and why its important to them, possibly even making you feel more comfortable if they have to put themselves out there first. Examples:

    Is therapy something that's important to you or has helped you in the past? I don't have much experience there. Its been a few years, since I haven't felt like I was in a situation that warranted a re-check. Is that important to you? What is your definition of love? Are you looking to be exclusive? Is that something you want from me this early? I feel like trust and vulnerability are built and earned through time.

  30. You have a problem I could never imagine having becuase I don't date trash men. The fact that you need a reddit post and advice about whether or not you should date a racist and a sexist, someone who says women deserve to be SA'd, is WILD.

    The fact that this man got past the first date with you with these beliefs that he has zero shame of, shows exactly how prefomative your political beliefs are. That you're willing to indulge a man who you admit in another comment that you would have to sneak away to get an abortion and lie about a miscarriage if it came to it.

    The fact that those words came out of your mouth and you were still defending him in the same breath? Get some self respect instead of coming at me because you didn't like to hear the truth.

  31. I think he is over stepping but I also think he just genuinely loves you, and you saying he needy and emotional,

    Do you prefer then to show no emotion and cheat on you constantly ??‍♀️

    Tell him.

    Look I'm not ready for anything right now I want to be settled for a good while a year or so before I consider being romantic with anyone, I think we at the minute table this discussion on us getting back together and just be friends and spend time together and see if it progresses. But I don't appreciate you hounding me when I just dealt with my ex cheating on me, that alone is going to take time to heal and right now I just need you to be a friend please.

  32. She is transphobic. Transphobia doesn’t have to have malicious intent or even intent. It can absolutely just be, and she is. Her son should not have to explain to anyone how it makes him feel, that his family is pressuring him not to take his medication. It’s his body, his choice, and they can disagree, but they should keep that to themselves.

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