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Texan_Kellylive sex stripping with hd cam


68 thoughts on “Texan_Kellylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. LOL my last relationship was so fucked up and toxic that I could never even THINK about telling my ex that I had sex with any guy ever before him xD phew, glad I got out of that one!

  2. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Hey, first time posting anything and never thought I’d be posting here. As the title says, my (M27) girlfriend (F21) is obese, I’m not sure if morbidly but quite obese (she’s 5’1 and probably pushing 350 if I had to guess). We’ve been dating for nearly two years and in that time she’s put on quite a lot of weight, she was big before (maybe 260)and honestly it never bothered me. More recently however I’ve noticed a lot of alarming things and I don’t know how to approach this, if at all. I’ve mainly noticed how out of breath she always is now (sometimes even while sitting), she doesn’t like walking really anywhere anymore, and the biggest thing is she’s started hiding food from me (I’ve never said anything about her eating). One day I changed the sheets to the bed and found a whole stash of fast food wrappers and chocolate bars, candy, and bags of cookies underneath the bed. I’ve asked her if she’s stressed or going through something and she’s never once told me she’s depressed or anything. Our relationship is amazing otherwise, she’s honestly the best girlfriend I’ve ever had, and she’s quite beautiful. She makes me incredibly happy, I just worry about her health and mobility as she gets older. I’m not sure what advice I’m looking for but if anyone has any similar experiences or has any advice they could share that would be much appreciated.

  3. If she's capable of watching TV 7 hours a day, that would to me be possibly indicative of a mental health problem, so have you checked in with her recently to see how she is doing? This is not something happy people do. She isn't leading a fulfilling or productive life, apart from raising a child.

  4. I mean, you caught him doing high drag so idk what there is to wonder about. He’s definitely into it. You don’t have to address it ever if he doesn’t want to talk about it but maybe now that his secret is out, his anti comments should settle down.

  5. Yeah the 65% being more than 50/50 recognizes some imbalances in income and gender which is super considerate. Unless she is literally the house maid/chef for this guy. Most people under normal expenses/situations would be thanking op.

  6. But you told him “I’m good”…. As if he needed to know your emotions could be affected by that. Seems like you aren’t over someone if you need to reassure someone else that you’re in a positive space emotionally over your ex’s breakup. That’s probably why he got pisssy

  7. My grandma's first husband came out as gay. They divorced amicably, coparented well, and are still very good friends to this day, 50+ years later.

  8. Hello /u/Salty-Attitude7624,

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  9. girl, he followed you after you told him to stop. that is not okay. you have shown genuine remorse and concern after hitting him, and you “hate yourself” for it. you are not abusive or a bad girlfriend. abusive people and bad partners feel no remorse or guilt. your bf is in the wrong here, and i truly hope this is not a regular occurence. the thought of doing something to upset my significant other makes me upset, and i would never do that.

  10. Let me rephrase it for you, SHE LEFT YOUR KID ALONE AT SCHOOL FOR HOURS. A broken home will be far better than a place to be in than to be with a partner who has 0 concern about her own kid.

    If not for yourself, then for your kids sake, WAKE THE HELL UP AND CONTACT LAWYER, there isn't anything left to save except your kid

  11. To many people think they can do open relationships 95% of the time it ends with heart break, someone falling in love with their fling, or the SO is already cheating. Not everyone can handle an open relationship.l but everyone believe that they can.

  12. Is there a HR department in the company that your BF works for? I am wondering why he didn't report this to them.

    Are you in the US, in an 'at-will' state?

  13. Sounds like you’ve grown apart. It’s sad, I suggest you try and move on. Ask her if it’s over for some closure if you want.

  14. You're a mess. And an asshole. I highly doubt this is the first incident that almost sent her running. She probably should have left a long time ago. Regardless, you can't fix this. She gets to make that determination.

    And no matter what her decision, you need to sort yourself out. And stop drinking.

  15. Just understand that sometimes people dont know they're going to become jealous and or bitter till the deed is already done.

  16. I'd tell her now. You'll be the bad guy whether you tell her while pregnant or shortly after.

    Have you talked to her about her statement?

    If my wife said that, I would sit her down and ask her if she meant it. Could be she was having a bad day. Hormones. Etc.

    If she sticks to it, tell her that's not a relationship that is balanced and you won't be in one. Then dump her and work on coparenting.

  17. Definitely lots to unpack here and the fact that you’re going into the dramatic, final statements (“I don’t care if I never travel again”) is only proof of that.

    You two need to start talking like adults. He obviously failed in many ways, admitting to some, but frankly so did you. You found the tickets 5 months ago, started planning and noticed his disinterest. The smart thing to do them would have been to call it out then. This was the time (or rather before purchasing the tickets, tbh) to state that planning the trip and making arrangements and watching shows should be part of the fun because this isn’t a given. I love traveling myself but reading your hype was exhausting. Planning a few days trip doesn’t take months.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m not excusing his procrastination, lack of communication and disinterest. That was a jackass move. However, you continued to mother him and try to subtly engage him instead of treating him like an adult and calling him out on his BS.

    As I said at the beginning, there’s lots to unpack here and I have a feeling it’s not about the trip. I would venture a guess that it’s also about “the obstacles and bad things happening”, you giving up your job, comfort and passion for the “overall good relationship”. But I’m sensing from your post and some of your comments that you’re not ready or not in the mindset to face it yet. So I leave you with this.

    Take the trip by yourself. Tell him calmly yet firmly, that you invested time and effort into planning and that you intend to go. And then go, take the time to reconnect with your passion and think about your relationship.

  18. Sounds like you're looking for a way out by creating a situation no one can come back from. Do yourself a favor and just leave him. If you do this, you're no better than he is

  19. I’d like him to – I think his depression inhibits some executive functioning to go to any doctor. I’m trying to be supportive without pushy and it’s hard to find the balance.

  20. I get what you mean about the calories, but we’re halfway through day 2/3 and she’s loving it so far. I’m not seeing any decrease in her mood/ energy and she climbed way harder at the gym and felt great yesterday. I’m definitely going to keep an eye on her mood and energy though. As for meals, I’m the cook of the house, but we have certain meals we cook together. Thanks for the advice!

  21. He’s already cheating on you with another 19 year old. He is attracted to teenagers for a reason, and now that you’re no longer a teenager and are a mother he isn’t into it anymore.

    He is a creep, prioritise yourself and your son

  22. It was said that it was “sus” that she suddenly didn't want to have kids and that she needed to give chat a reason for her decision to change her mind.

    It's not.and she absolutely does not need to provide a reason.

    Does she want kids? No.

    That's all that needs to be known and all that needs to be said. The final answer, no matter the reason is that she does not want kids. that's all she needs to say for her bf to make his decision to stay or leave.

    “I don't want kids because I suffered trauma”

    “I don't want kids because I have been thinking A LOT about it and I don't want to put my body through that”

    “I don't want kids because I realized it's not good for the economy and I don't want to raise a kid in this world”

    “I don't want kids”

  23. The lack of compassion I am seeing in a lot of peoples responses is crazy, if he truly has depression than he may need help. He clearly is hiding it, and their is a possibility it is because he is embarrassed. Men in today society have very high suicide rates because the lack of mental health support.. So lets not all jump to conclusion. This subreddit can be so toxic, everyone response is always divorce, remove yourself from your family, it always so drastic. I would suggest not taking advice from this subreddit, redditors are not professional help and will always give you the most erratic advice.

  24. When my ex cheated on me he alluded to alot of personal problems, problems with us, etc. He “needed to be happy again”. It can be an act to garner sympathy.

  25. Mysterious? Wtf he want you to do run around writing in alien language like in that Community episode?

    “As a man” as a boy!! An immature boy. Throw him out.

  26. My parents are in a very similar situation as yours. My parents both lost a parent to illness not long before meeting and eventually got married. Not long after that my dad’s mother and my mom’s father began to go on dates and really liked each other’s company. My two grandparents got married and although it rarely causes issues, mom felt like her MIL favored dad more.

    My parents eventually divorced after 29 years together and my grandparents are still together going strong. Somehow my grandparents have managed to stay in neutral territory and stay in good terms with everyone. Mom is living with her girlfriend now and dad got remarried, and are both happier than they had been for years.

    If everyone is going strong and happy, I don’t think you have to worry about anything. But things can get complicated real quick if you or your parents don’t work out.

  27. I really don't see the problem here. Two unrelated adults, neither married or involved with anyone else, meet, develop feelings for each other and form a relationship. I'm struggling to find the drama in this?

  28. I also have not shouted at him once, given him lots of cuddles and said I wouldn’t leave him because if this. But it’s more so how’s best to digest the news and work out how it will get better because I’m going through a little bit of a worry

  29. I am interested in the gym if the pain wasn't there. I only know I struggle with the extra weight on my joints because I tried it out twice and it was horrible. I like to run in the evenings as cardio feels fine but he prefers weights. the waiting list for help for my joints is years long. I know he wants to share his love for the gym and I said thank you for that. he thinks my ass is small and would make “jokes” until I snapped and yelled at him for insulting my body. he thinks the rest of me is perfect. my ass is genuinely average, but he sees all the muscly girls in the gym and I'm small compared to them even tho I'm perfectly normal

  30. That's a horrible thing to say and I would definitely break up with someone over it.

    In the future if you ever have 2 cats that aren't geling, I accidentally found that CBD oil really helped! I started giving it to one cat for her arthritis. After that, my other cat stopped randomly attacking her when she walked by. I guess the CBD oil made her give off chill cat vibes which made the other cat like her better.

  31. Oh he giggled at anything sexual – he'd poke my boob and giggle like I'm the Poppin Fresh Dough Boy. Or I'd try to be on top and he'd giggle. It's off putting and made me feel like a joke.

  32. Lying isn't okay, but this would be a sensitive subject so it makes sense why he'd stay quiet about it. I get it, I also get why you'd be upset. But I don't think you should assume he's lying about other things because he choice to keep quiet about this.

    Therapy needs to happen asap.

  33. “The really big ones hurt babe! Yours is perfect!” Is literally a TikTok trending meme.

    If the roles were switched and he had outspoken opinions about his previous partners vagina, you'd be very weary, too.

    This won't go away quickly or easily. In the future don't speak poorly of any person's body that you're dating, regardless of what happened between them. You never know what weight other people are carrying or how that may body shame them.

    He'll get over it eventually.

  34. well. if you told us all, you have it pretty in good place.

    the problem is not the depression or the burn out. the problem is that she doesn't try to get out of it. it is difficult when you try, it is impossible when you don't.

    I supposed she has no personal therapy since she ended at least two other therapies. somehow, it is a form of suicide; like have cancer and refusing oncology.

    it won't get better before it get worst. call your lawyer and tell her you did. it may be the boost she needs. worst case scenario : you divorce. hopefully she can find the will to fight for you if not for herself. her perpetual holyday lifetime comes to end in any case.

  35. I understand where you're coming from. I don't love myself very much right now either. But it's important to understand that I didn't choose these feelings, and I actively denied them for months. Even now, I haven't done anything except for felt immense guilt because I thought I'd be over it by now. This has never happened to me before. And it eats away at my self esteem.

  36. You’re engaged. You can confront her directly about whatever TF you want to. You can go through her phone too. You put a ring on this woman’s finger. Ask he whatever you want to!

  37. Well, if it would have been one my exes they would have describe me as abusive and they as saints. Everyone except the one who didn’t make me puke, yet EVERYONE else describe them as abusive towards me, even their own friends. But not at first, at first they put it like OP that I was abusive and “crazy”, until they saw by themselves how twisted the truth was.

    I’m not saying OP is lying, but she might just not be aware on her part in what’s going on.

    Please check yourself too, maybe you’ll find a depth to your surprise 🙂

  38. I mean, if it's a dealbreaker for him, it means it was more important for him that all of you together, so is it really a loss in the long term ?

    I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt at first, but you need to be with someone who loves you as you are, and doesn't impose his view on you.

  39. “My bf doesnt think women should have equal rights, bodily autonomy, and is racist! BUT OTHERWISE THEYRE GREAT.”

    wat. Is this a troll post

  40. One time in college I told a guy I had a boyfriend and he literally used the “well I have a math test, we can both cheat” line and then kept following me to my class which was still a quarter mile away so I took his number so he would go away and then I deleted it.

  41. Yep, definitely cheating.

    And WRF does making phone calls have to do with hugging people the way OP describes?

  42. Sure maybe she could but it’s the reason that bothers me, and the fact that she knew I wasn’t home and assumed I was lying about that to cheat

  43. honestly this is kinda funny, we always do the online wheel u can insert stuff into, and you spin and it randomly picks so this idea is kinda perfect. it’s like our tradition to do the wheel whenever we can’t decide on dinner or something to do lol, i’m gonna let him know we can each make a list of like 5 and we should sadly probably scrap “Fable” and “Fresca” for now and see if we can agree on something else, we get the cat in a couple days so i’ll update on the name we decide!!

  44. “It's better that your child be from a broken home than live in one for the rest of their life.” This was said to me by a very wise friend when I had to make the same decision.

  45. It’s gonna be a yikes from me, dawg. He’s a horny kid, you’re a grown ass man. You decline

  46. I agree. If she was open about it before marriage, OP could‘ve decided what‘s best for him and leave. For some people it‘s a dealbreaker (including me) to know my partner participated doing porn.

  47. She is not your person

    They've been dating a month ffs, he hasn't found his anything. Puppy love, greener grass, and hotter ass. She shallow af.

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