Date: October 14, 2022
Why would he be offended?
Don’t waste your time… move on. He is clearly NOT okay with your choice of jobs, and will only continue to give you a hard time over it. Also, even if you quit today, he will never respect you as you deserve.
Don't you have some pregnancy lectures to attend? ? I don't seek validation from men here sweetheart, i just say what I think. And I think you made some poor choices in your life.
True. I mean if that’s the type of set up you’re comfortable with, but you’d be sharing her with other men.
Honestly, it seems like you are a bit hung up on the idea of this timeline when you have many other immediate obstacles ahead of you. Young relationships like yours will face many challenges – to put it simply, you are growing with one another while growing up yourselves. It sounds like the love and commitment is present, I think it’s best to leave this alone for a while and just enjoy growing your relationship as you kick off your adulthood.
There really isn't any reason to stay with her. She cheated once, she's likely to do it again and again. Why would you subject yourself to that? I find your parents appalling, expecting you to actually stay with her and raise a child that isn't your own. I'm so sorry you are tangled up in this mess.
Are you still seeing other people? I wonder how that has affected your relationship and how you feel about each other.
please choose your dad, OP. my dad died when I was 17, and I miss him every day to a ridiculous degree. your dad sounds absolutely delightful and wicked cool!! this comment made me want to hang out with him haha. I also have ADHD and it reminds me of movie nights and living room sleepovers with my dad. please invite your pops over even more often when you break up with your bf. having a dad sleepover in your own house sounds like THE DREAM. seriously you will cherish each and every sleepover when your dad is gone, believe me. death can happen any moment and you are all your dad has, and he's all you have. never ever let anyone come between you. find a partner that WANTS to spend time with him and try those new snacks and go on walks. it's disgusting to begrudge am older man who lost his wife ONE DAY A MONTH with his only child.
Even just a kid at all! I doubt he could tolerate the crying and neediness, she would prob be doing all the work while he would stare at the tv all day.
With all due respect based off your post about “bad days” etc your not someone I would take advice from. You spoke on faithfulness and then ended with trying to say it has no relevance. I read your post about you bad days spiraling going on 10 years now and my advice to you is seek professional help before choosing a word on someone’s post to describe your belief or views on. Especially when you seem to be viewing life pretty negatively. Take care get help and thanks for stopping by.
Pegging!! 100%
It's a slippery slope. Some part of you has to feel like this is also a way of evening the score. My suggestion…don't do that.
Either you're all in or you're out in trying to fix the relationship. You already know how you feel about this other guy. Now your decisions from here on out will reflect what your true intentions are.
Focus on yourself my guy.
OP has just as much agency as her husband and could have refused to even entertain the idea of swinging. This sounds like lack of communication more than anything else.
Did he change his way or method that's making you not wanting sex?. Have you commmunicated your likes and dislikes about his behaviour that turns you off. Being in a long term relationship and living together sex is very much part and parcel of life, so if you're not having it much it will cause problems, as it is now. Its really not fair for both parties.
Imagine living with someone that actually cares for you. You'll find someone much, much better once you get over the betrayal and learn to trust again
She doesn't like you. She likes the attention. She likes having power in that someone is chasing her.
You're young. I didn't date my wife until I was 27. Love yourself, first and foremost, and move on from this girl.
The fact that you think hitting children is ok is proof you’ve got trauma.
To make him feel loved you need to love him with his love language.
She admitted that they were bad guys. If you dated a bunch of unsavory people, you might be one as well.
I feel if you're going to hit somebody you deserve to be hit back no matter what your sex is
I need examples of things he won't change to know if you're still overreacting or being insensitive.
Also, and I'm not saying you're doing this, I've dated women who expected me to apologize for their feelings even though I didn't do anything wrong. So what exactly do you want him to apologize for?
One more thing, in my experience, people shouldn't really change for others. Except to say maybe grow into a more healthier human being. What are you trying to change about him exactly?
There are plenty of jobs that aren't manual labor and aren't 12 hour shifts. You can work as a cashier at a grocery store, an office, job, etc.
Open your eyes, and walk away. You are stopping yourself finding happiness by staying.
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My advice would be to show her this post if you feel comfortable. Like tell your story. You’re being vulnerable without showing her your body. But know that you are clearly smart, kind, loving, compassionate and some woman will be honored to love all of you when you’re ready. Your parents’ actions were abusive and ugly; YOU are not ugly.
Nope. This is creepy. Trust your guts. Dump him.
Dude. Your partner is growing a human being, and giving birth in a few months, and you’ve suddenly decided it’s all over – without any communication or negotiation with her first – and looking to walk out on them? You sound like a jerk. Life changes when you have a baby. Your wife will be feeding constantly, not getting much sleep at night, recovering from birth, dealing with engorged boobs and possibly birth trauma. Newborns are hard work, toddlers are hard work. Sleep deprivation is hard. Doing housework while looking after them is actually hard work. If you don’t like the division of labour and what you THINK it MIGHT look like, talk to your partner about that and your concerns, but to just up and leave at a time like this?! Man alive…. Your poor wife. Sounds like she just wants to ensure you’ll continue to help out more and support her while she gets on her feet with recovery and motherhood – which is reasonable. Talk to her if you’re concerned about what that looks like.
If you married 24 years ago she was 18 (!), with todays standards that seems crazy. Neither of you had any time to live, to have a wild phase, to figure out what you really want in life. At least you had work travels. I am not saying kissing another person isn’t something that I would be upset about but I wouldn’t immediately want a divorce. To be honest I have a lot of empathy for your wife’s situation as well, I think it’s very human to try to make up for a wild phase you missed out on.
Well..treat this as your life experience. Make sure you get nobody pregnant and STD.
In time, you will naturally get tired of this lifestyle and also your wife and get divorce. I hope you realise this is not for you and decide to change before you hit 30.
Yeah, if I wasn't sure this guy is a piece of sh*t after this post, I definitely am after seeing this previouso one.
Good attitude! There's better people out there for one, plus you're much better off alone than with someone like this
The thing is he's so nice and amazing and makes me feel so special but occasionally he can be insensitive but I'm too scared to bring it up I don't want to make him feel like he's an ass
Did u read the word 'if' in my comment ?
Don’t tell him.
I mean situations like this sucks, I get it doesn't bother him but it does you qnd you're being put in uncomfortable situations because of it, if he doesn't see it himself have him try and see it through your eyes. Either way something has to give and communication needs to happen or this will hit a brick wall eventually.
I hope she leaves you
you don’t have a girlfriend anymore
I'm proud of you.
What is even funny about this?
ah – ok got it
So, I want you to stop and think about what sort of twenty one year old man pursues a seventeen year old romantically.
What you're experiencing is extremely unhealthy but not surprising. He wants total control over your movements and to isolate you from any potential friends.
I seriously doubt that anybody there wants to see you. And she literally told you to stay home, she does NOT want to see you.
They were together when he died though.
They were together when he died though.
He is very mature for his age as well.
This is what groomers tell their victims.
Dump her immediately find someone that isn’t a cheating skank.
OP- I cannot stress this ENOUGH! Please listen to this. Maybe come to an agreement to not “share them” etc if that’s his issue…but ultrasounds are so much more, and if after you explain this he still is not willing to be there for YOU (the woman he married and who will be carrying his child). You may have a lot to RE consider
Some people just don’t care about Valentine’s Day. It’s less important that things like anniversaries and birthdays. To some people it’s just another day and it looks like when you reminded him, he realized it and started to plan something. The guy obviously cares, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Boundary but also both maybe? I think porn can have benefits sexually in a relationship, which is why I was fine with us watching it together. But I didn’t agree or feel comfortable with him viewing other nude women without me, I don’t think it’s necessary nor beneficial, and especially as we already agreed to watch it together I feel disrespected. I’ve also done everything I can think of to be enough for him sexually and it really feels like he’s not satisfied with me because of this I don’t feel I’m enough for him, especially because of what he said about the cat videos and our cats are enough for him so he doesn’t need or really like to watch cat videos. Even after he said it was a trip of the tongue I feel so hurt over it, he’s apologized a lot, but I worry he meant what he said,
Yeah… hell no. If he insists on this, get some listerine pocketpaks to leave on the bedside table and make him put one of those bad boys in there is he wants more than a peck. No exceptions. Bleh.
You both knew that it was going to be a short date. And you both agreed to still go. And that's why it was bad?
I don't know. I am overthinking this.
She was trying to calm you down and make you realise
“hey, this isn't so bad. Step back, take a breath and calm down” by telling you it's not a life or death situation.
You shat on her trying to calm and support you, continued your stress and dismissed her by saying “it feels like a death situation.”
She responded angrily. “Well die then.” Meaning “I'm not going to try and help you. I've got my own stress and stuff to deal with instead of yours, and since you CLEARLY don't want or need my help, what is the point of helping you?”
She doesn't want you dead, you're reading too much into the actual words used as opposed to the emotional subtext.
Did she start poisoning your food? Attack you with a knife? Try to smother you with a pillow? No? Then she doesn't want you dead.
If you had responded instead with “maybe not, but it feels that way” then you two could have worked together on this instead of dismissing each other.
at 32, you seem to have some growing to do. you have lack of respect for your wife and sided with a cheater.
Thanks for the tip!!
Your wife is at best an idiot at worst a cheater. Your friend is not a friend and took advantage of your wife. Both should be tossed in the trash.
This. Maybe show your boyfriend your post history and he will save you the trouble and break up with you since you don’t seem to be able to grasp that you guys aren’t good together.
If he has no romantic feelings then why would he need continued closure and planned to spend more time with her other than lunch. He should be able to communicate with you about their meet ups but he hasn’t. From the outside it looks like his meet ups are hook ups. If you respect the person you don’t lie to them and you communicate with them even if you are not used to a healthy relationship. You need to communicate with him and let him know where you stand on lies and secrets. The last thing you want to be is a placeholder for the girl he actually wants.
What the hecc did I just read…
His old job will NOT take him back. Not after he flipped out like that and possibly damage some properties, it sounds like.
If he's lucky, he's not going to get hit with a lawsuit by his old job, I mean, they can just say '(Your husband's name) was going on a rampage and flip tables that cost $1000, ruining it, then the computers that cost $5000 was broken due to his behavior.' Therefore he's getting sued for property damage, etc etc.
I won't be surprised that your husband didn't get the new job because, sometimes they verify previous employment, his antics probably got the old job telling the new prospect about what just happened. Of course no one would want to hire anyone that volatile.
What he can do is send out resumes everywhere and go on interviews. STAT. If he still doesn't hear anything within a week. He needs to go to the unemployment office, they help you get jobs, believe it or not, albeit, not the 'best' or 'shiniest' of job, but he will get a job there if he can't get it anywhere else.
Or he can also do minimum wage retail job, 2 at a time, while waiting to get into the job he wants, so that there will be cash flowing. He definitely can't 'take a break' now for 'mental health.' He done burn that bridge. Oh boy.
Sometimes people grow out of it. Sometimes they don’t. This “us vs. them” thing is very Internet Autism, though. I don’t know what you can really do about it.
Yeah ok buddy. Maybe you should write a book. This is fiction
My ex did this exact same thing, except she waited a week to do it. Came in to work fine, left an emotional wreck because I found out she had sex with a coworker on his lunch break. It was a very emotional time for me as she was the first person I had truly fallen in love with. We got back together for like 2 weeks (absolutely dumb move on my part) then split for good. I've since moved on from her, but it still stings, ya know? Moral of the story: Men are not stoic. We have feelings and you hurt him. He will never truly forgive you unless he is incredibly kind (I won't forgive my ex and I'm probably the most kind, naive person ever) and even then it'll take a while. He'll always suspect you of cheating (we know you didn't but to him that's what it looks like) and this will cause problems down the line. Some advice? Spare him any more pain and hurt and leave.
This is an irrational and, frankly, damaging attitude to take. No doubt it reflects past circumstances where you felt “left out.”
Accept that common human experience and the move past it. Be happy (not just act happy) for your partner's good times and for the messages he sends that show he thinks of you. In the time until he returns, do things that lift your own spirits.
Use mantras or do some meditation, or take long walks in your free time, if those help you cope and reach a new appreciation of the good in your life.
Girl. Kick him the fuck out! Two years with no job? You don't have a boyfriend, you have a hobosexual couch potato.
I’m not totally clear on the situation here. You have an open marriage that’s only open for your wife? And you were really onboard with this? I don’t mean that judgmentally, I truly am trying to understand.
I guess my question is, why is the marriage only open on her side? Maybe you should re-evaluate the situation you’ve agreed to and either make the marriage open to both of you; become monogamous; or split up. It just seems like a recipe for jealousy/resentment for it to be one-sided (unless it’s a kink or something).
HAHAHA fr tho.
Also, “Please don't mention the 20-year age difference” – people who post here but don't read the content in this sub.
HAHAHA fr tho.
Also, “Please don't mention the 20-year age difference” – people who post here but don't read the content in this sub.
You have the right idea. 1) You're broken up and have no obligation to wait for him. That's a ridiculous request. So you do you! 2) His behavior is selfish. You're broken up and you're right that you do not need to be communicating like you're still dating.
I think you had the right idea to limit contact and not talk to him. If he's not willing to listen to you and respect the boundary you set, block him. Don't go to his place. I get he's probably struggling, but trying up act kind you're still dating isn't the the approach. Best to just get away from him for a while.
If down the road you can be friends, great. But not right now.
This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
So me and my best friend from college are very close as we both just got out of serious relationship breakups, were both straight and we have both been classified as “fuckboys” on numerous occasions, to give you an idea.. but we calmed down after graduation and started dating our respective girfriends. We both went through break ups for our iwn reason in the past month.
Anyways we were having a heart to heart and i got emotional. He started rubbing my scalp and said something like “i want to do a trust excercise, do you trust me to take away your senses?” And i said yes.
He left the room and returned with a roll of shiny silver duct tape. He began wrapping it around my ankles, then my wrists. At this point I was confused but I just went on with it. He then gently told me to open my mouth and shoved a balled up sock in it before wrapping jt around tape, then blindfolding me with a piece of tape. I was basically laid out on a couch with my ankles and wrists completely taped, i was gagged, and blindfolded with tape. He told me not to move and to trust him that id be ok. I dont know where he went but after a few minutes the door closed. I laid like this for 15 min before beginning to get unconfortable but i knew how important this excercise was so i didnt try to get free. About 20 minutes in he showed up and slowly peeled the tape off my eyes, ankles, and wrists, leaving the sock taped in my mouth as he started crying and told me he just wanted me there to listed and not speak. He started crying about how much he could trust me and vice versa while petting my piece of duct tape covering my mouth..
I felt bad but at this point I couldnt continue. I removed the gag and told him i needed water. Then we watched a movie while he didnt think anything of my 30 minutes i spent completely helpless , i was kind of weirded out.
What was his MO with this? What should I do now?
He doesn't need to get mad. You punished yourself enough
You are aware you are two separate human beings right? If he didn't tackle some topic, you can just do it yourself. If you want to discuss somethings bring it up, don't wait for others to read your mind.
Time to go
I really don't think I was rude.
Walk away with your head held high. You deserve better.
I agree. I will never make that mistake again. Fortunately, our first born looks exactly like me, so I feel confident about that part, but less confident about the cheating. To be honest, I don’t remember if we had sex, but I feel like I would remember if we abstained because we did it a lot back then. But it is possible. It’s really hard to believe that her libido is that high and I was her only partner.
This is something you should have been aware of from the beginning. It was manipulative for him to keep this from you until the point where you’ve grown your feelings and relationship to this point.
This baby would be a part of your life from birth, if you are not willing to play mum for potentially 50% of the time then leave now. It will be unfair for the child if you allow it to form a bond with you to then leave.
You are so young, do you really want this responsibility? Not to mention he is now tied to his ex forever and that means co-parenting, he will always be in contact with her and be in his life in some way. Is that something you can handle?
When someone blames everyone else except themselves then the true problem is them. Just have a serious discussion.
This is r/relationship_advice, not r/awfuleverything. You should probably both get a restraining order against each other. Bubbling toxicity.
Wow I didn’t know that. That’s actually super interesting
take a step back. Start by getting tested for std's and taking a look at you finances.
Make a plan on what your needs are and start building a network of people that you can get the help you need from.
You need to take care of yourself and your needs and start with a simple goal of getting out safely. You deserve so much more in life than this. you owe it to yourself
It might not have the same ring, but he makes 3 times what I make 😀
I think maybe they thought the “he did it anyway” was referring to finding a person and making a plan, not actually having sex
His parenting is the same as his partnering he’s not very involved with them either I do everything with my boys when they cry they want me not him. I guess I feel alone I every aspect at the moment and your right I was crazy to think that when we got together however I went along with it anyways. Thank you
We do not know if she was too drunk to be thinking, if they have a history of her being allowed to pay for things with his phone and this just happened to be very large, if she mistook something he said. I think in meaningful relationships one f up that gets apologized for and can be fixed can be moved on from.
If she doesn't fix this he should definitely breakup with her and if he feels the circumstances made this not make sense in any way for her to do, then just breakup now. It's definitely a big problem and not okay. So I vote he try to get the money back before moving on with breakup or moving forward. If you think he should just loose the money in the name of making a point…. Then that's a valid opinion too.
Honestly it sounds like a lot’s going on here.
I think his concern that you have lost interest in a shared hobby you used to bond over is a lot more serious than you seem to think. It probably feels to him like you think he’s a stupid loser for liking the things he does. And, if i’m right, he’s not ever going to frame it like that in discussions with you. So you’re going to get defensive, evasive bullshit non-answers.
Side note, reddit tends to take OP’s (your) side. OP gets to frame the discussion and give a one-sided account. But there’s often relevant things the OP leaves out: what have you been doing, not for yourself or apart from him, but with him? You might rightly think “i already do so much” but the relative change is something he feels and is very real to him.
You’re doing fewer chores for him. You have more and more reasons to spend time apart from him. Not only that, but you are bonding with other people at the same time, and he knows it. Hence the gym boyfriend comment. He might wonder where these changes are coming from, if they’re for another person, or what.
Bottom line, he’s afraid to lose you.
Somewhere tropical. Sex trafficking is highly unlikely. We have mutual acquaintances.
A friend you've known for years tricked you into believing its her birthday. Really? Because know I know the dates of my friends biryhdays. Seems oddly suspect that you didn't know your friend's birthday.
How do you update your gf on everything, but do exactly the wrong thing. Naivety? Stupidity? Or are you just lying to us so that you can use this post on your gf as proof that nothing happened?
I dont know what to think about your post. I suspect your gf had a very good idea about you, though.
You ripped the bandaid right off. I didn’t know that’s what I needed to hear to get my shit together and not waste my life over a boy. I’m on the waiting list for a therapist i hope I can get an appointment soon.
Block him. If your parents try to make you feel bad set boundaries. Say you won’t talk about him. If they bring him up say “I asked you not to talk about him. Since you can’t do that, I need to hang up now. I hope when we talk next you will respect my wishes.”
Oh shit, do the Zapruder film next!
You feel like you've grown a lot, and he isnt happy.
You spend 1-2 nights a week with friends. You have created something that brings you income to save up to things, and that gives you joy. And he isnt happy, calls you a bad wife and wants you to stop having friends and a source of income you enjoy.
Boil it down and he is guilt tripping you to become socially and financially isolated and dependent on him, and he removes love and financial support if you dont do as he says.
Mentioned my parents because the conversation of marriage came up like that. Until now my parents never talked to me about marriage or forced me about it. The other day they asked me if this was something I am considering and if not, then it’s time I do and if I have someone in mind, then they’d like to meet the person. Hence the mention.
Okay, so what are you doing? Are you engaged, caring, responsible, communicative, nurturing, and proactive? Or are you a lazy fuckup?
No offense, but you sound dumb. You're probably not… but the absolute gymnastics you're going through to make this guy sound like something to take serious is mind-bending and it's clear that you, yourself, know it and are trying to not see it. I mean… he's going to propose… with what? A picture of a ring, or one he borrowed money from you to buy? Expect to be poor on the level of someone linked to a drug or gambling addict at this rate.
Its always lots of sex in the beginning. Sorry
1 hr video calls every few weeks during lunch. When you care you make time.
Well, unfortunately for him, he is a father, and he is going to figure out what his future interactions will look like. Admittedly, you can't force him to interact with them, but make sure you give him adequate visitation opportunities. If he chooses to bail on the kids, get the kids into therapy. It will be dads responsibility to explain his lack of presence in their lives.
Previous experience taught me that I couldn't make my ex be a father, and his lack of participation took a toll on our son. They literally didn't talk for 15 years. But that was on his father to explain why, not me. (My son was 12 when we separated). And he shouldn't be surprised if the kids don't speak to him anymore.
OP, all you can do now is protect your kids. And trust me when I say, they will figure out pretty quick that dad doesn't want to be around d them.