Tatisgelvez live webcams for YOU!


MY DAILY GOAL [1959 tokens remaining]

Date: November 23, 2022

9 thoughts on “Tatisgelvez live webcams for YOU!

  1. No you didn't. You are young and made a stupid mistake. It sucks but you will learn from it – that's life. You have to tell her.

    Can I ask – are you sure you're asexual?

    Asexuals have a high libido and sexual desire, the idea of it is attracting but DOING it with a specific person is what turns most of us off

    Are you sure you're attracted to your gf? Are you sure you're not gay? You were ok DOING it with this specific person.

  2. Just wanted to respond to the texting element – I have had two different therapists within the last 5 years. The first one organised her appointments with me via WhatsApp, and made it clear I could contact her at any time etc. She would often add on a little line, such as, 'I hope you had a nice time out walking with your dad' – as that's something I would speak about fondly in sessions. And I always appreciated that little personal touch. It made me feel like less of a number or source of income for her. My second therapist organised our sessions purely by emails, and she would also add on a 'Hope you've been having a good week, I look forward to seeing you at our next session'. Again, I appreciated this small gesture.

    Just sharing the above so that you relax about that element of it all – I think it'll be different from therapist to therapist but I have had a couple of individuals who have added a wee personal touch in their communications with me (I'm a woman btw) and it's been appreciated from my side.

  3. Uggg sorry, you are in a really difficult situation because there might not be much you can do. You can tell her that you want to work on the marriage and don't take an active role in the break up process. You can ignore her attitude towards you and invite her to do cool things with you. If she doesn't want to go do them by yourself. Go make friends and hang out with them. Try and climb the ladder at your job or look for a better job. Get yourself to a place where being with you is fun and interesting and even if she leaves you'll still be fun and interesting.

  4. Don’t feel bad about yourself. There’s zero reason. And your friend Jay sounds very immature and self centered. A guy approached you and she immediately whined and turned the situation to her. Just talk to her how you’re feeling and If she gets offended, leave her.

  5. This really doesn't sounds like a healthy situation for you.

    Also, her finally telling what she's up to once you've been trying to get hold of her is not her being honest. She would have met him and said nothing had you not tracked her down and asked. This woman is not poly, she wants permission to cheat.

    When you tried balance and transparency by doing a couple swap, she didn't like when you vibed with someone and she didn't. She wants fun for her as the primary with no thought or consideration re yours, that's a cheater's mindset.

  6. What bothers me the most about this is that you seem the most concerned about your own feelings, you also don’t give any concrete reasons as to why they are so horrible. There is no context to the fighting and you can say they were awful but without context it just comes across as you and the two sisters both hating each other for no good reason. Or maybe they do have a good reason and you’re not being entirely forthcoming. This is all about what you want and about you putting up boundaries with her family which shouldn’t be your place. It is hers. She should be making these decisions with your support, not going along with what you decide. Maybe that’s not how it happened, but the way you worded it here leaves a lot to interpretation.

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