TAMMARA live webcams for YOU!


IM BACK! Lush ON , ♥ AT @GOAL Deepthroat [Multi Goal]

Date: October 18, 2022

10 thoughts on “TAMMARA live webcams for YOU!

  1. Best case scenario your husband absolutely does not care about your well being.

    Worst case scenario you are in an abusive relationship with a manipulator.

  2. He can go fuck off. If he won’t talk to you he is too socially immature to be in a relationship. You dodged a bullet and a miserable life. May not feel like it now, but this is a good thing for you.

  3. It's worthwhile to have a talk with her about your feelings and concerns. My reasoning is that she needs to hear the negatives or issues from someone–I think your head is in the right place in not feeling the same way as you did prior.

    An open relationship can mean multiple sex partners. Even if you said no, the idea that she would be mentally and energetically casting a wide net for bodies instead of focusing her energy upon our relationship would be a massive turn off. So staying true to your feelings here is important.

  4. Both of you are making this transactional. both loose in the long run when the relationship is based on this

  5. I’ve heard of something similar with highly traumatized children clinging onto someone who they find safe. They will look to that person for every decision because they’re scared that person may not like them if they make the wrong choice and leave them for it.

    Talk about pressure.

    Anyway, I believe the way they got kids like this to relax a little bit and become more independent was through a series of positive reinforcement for the choices they made on their own and through modeling, like say if you make a choice to eat something gross and you show her it’s no big deal that you made a mistake or that you change your mind.

    But yeah, sounds like a lot to unpack.

  6. I agree that ethical rules were violated.

    I would be concerned about unintended consequences. I could see several weeks of drama developing out of your decision to inform this organization's management regarding this lapse in professional ethics.

  7. Want to be the funny prankster? Hire the muscle and then don't warn the clown at all. Let him show up thinking he's the funniest MF that's ever lived and hit the security checkpoint like a bug crashing into a windshield. Slip any videographer/photographer an extra couple of $20s to make sure they get it… There is one of the images for a Christmas card collage. The joke rolls on “Ha ha ha”

  8. Ok let me explain some things in my comment people are saying it wasn't an accident but it was an immediate reaction I didn't really mean to actually kiss him and no I wasn't waiting for this moment to eventually happen so that I could kiss him.

    Daniel is like someone you'd consider “conventially” attractive if you saw him you'd find over him too but he also has a good personality which is why I fell for him even more I wasn't being “boy crazy”

    I do feel bad for what I did, but I'm afraid to hurt both guys which is why I'm afraid to tell the truth because I have grown to deeply love both

    I can hold myself accountable

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