Taliamuse live webcams for YOU!


Twerk , ❤️ Support me at my first day ^^ #lovense #skinny #stockings #smalltits #young #lush [77 tokens remaining]

Date: November 6, 2022

46 thoughts on “Taliamuse live webcams for YOU!

  1. Read this again and then ask yourself if this person will ever be able to emotionally meet your needs. Highly unlikely. Not her fault. She's who she is. But I would break up and then spend your time becoming mentally healthy for yourself. Please take care of yourself. You deserve it?

  2. Found the little brothers Instagram which says he's 14 so my suspicion was right. Still not sure what to do though.

    Regardless I think this guy dropping off his 14-year old brother at a shelter likely means he is some degree of crazy. I think I'll make an updated post because this changes things significantly.

  3. It's well known that men are likely to divorce a wife who is sick

    Are you stupid or just pretending to be ?

    He has taken care of her for 3 fucking years, he washed her cause she wouldnt do it herself. He has done absolutely everything for her for 3 years and yet here you are, saying that men tend to leave their sick spouse. He wants an equal partner and not a 30 year old baby.

  4. have told him multiple times that it upsets me and I don’t like my boyfriend watching porn. We had this conversation already and he has told me that he was going to stop, that’s why I kept asking him if he did or didn’t a couple of times.

    That's not putting a boundary on place

  5. Just because a dude thinks a woman is hot it doesn’t mean he will like her or he’s settling for u if ur not that hot. If it’s a one night stand then sure but long term all that matters to a guy is love especially from their so. And sometimes guys don’t even find other women as hot when in a relationship or when they love someone (not all guys) and u don’t have anything to worry about. I’m ? sure he loves u and only u. Don’t over think it. Sorry for the terrible English

  6. what is it with some men (before the brigade hits me, i said some) sexualizing people's trauma? so many times I hear people tell their partners about sexual trauma or something traumatic in general and all of a sudden their partner has a kink for it. did he even have the kink before you told him your trauma?

  7. IMO showing up 3 hours late with no notice and while remaining intentionally unreachable is not a minor fault, it's a major sign of disrespect. Would you ever do that to him? If not, why not?

  8. Part of the reason I've yet to speak with him is we won't see one another until this weekend, and this is a F2F conversation IMO. The other part is I have a rule for myself that I do not communicate when experiencing strong emotions. Thank you so much for your advice!

  9. You know, you didn't bring condoms either. Are you going to mark him down for not expecting sex / bringing them thinking he would bed you?

  10. This is just miscommunication. I would be annoyed if I brought food home for myself and someone else helped themselves to it without asking. I also get that you mistakenly thought that he intended to give you one of the meals.

    Some people get territorial about their food. If you eat something of theirs they will be angry and resent you. I consider it a boundary with this type of person. It also doesn't matter if it was free. If someone is looking forward to eating something the cost is irrelevant. I would consider that this may be a boundary for him and be more careful in future.

  11. Just here to say that I can’t imagine and it must suck so badly. I’ve got no advice except think wisely about how YOU want to move forward. Make a list of questions to ask about their relationship and ask them, even if it’s hard. You deserve that. The age difference is a big deal. He was an adult, so now he gets to answer those tough questions and I hope he does it honestly. Write them down and practice them, so you can keep calm as you’re asking. This will help you make your own decisions of what you want to do moving forward. My little sisters are 18 & are graduating high school in may. I am 33. I can not IMAGINE them dating a 30 year old man. It’s sicking. They’re so immature. I also teach high school. What would make a grown adult want to date a teenager? Did he hide her age from you when talking about her before? Does he have remorse? Again, before thinking about what y’all are going to do about the kid, think about what info you want (and need) to know in order to move forward. He didn’t know either, but now it’s time to deal with the past so you can move on in the present, whatever that looks like. Be gentle with yourself and don’t worry about the people keeping on you about the age gap like you approve. You obviously don’t & are left to deal with that , too.

  12. Some people are genuinely quite clueless. In a relationship, you should learn to communicate your thoughts and feelings. There is a big difference between commiting a wrong because you don't understand why it was wrong, to ignoring a wrongdoing because you simply don't care (or disagree). Figure out your BF's angle and work from there (and then make a call on whether you still want to continue this relationship or not)

  13. If you won't break up with her, it doesn't really seem like what you want here is of much consequence, because your girlfriend you started living with when you were barely legal and she was in her mid twenties quite obviously doesn't seem to give two figs about your desires or what's fair and equitable.

    I mean, she's asking you, at 19, to raise a man's child who she slept with while she was dating you, something you very obviously only agreed to to avoid losing her. And she won't even tell you who it is. She's calculated that you'll put up with any amount of shit she throws at you and is more than willing to take maximum advantage of that; the only variable here is whether she is correct in that calculation or not.

  14. She's selfish and this relationship can never work. Just break up and leave. You will never be comfortable with her and she will never be faithful to just you

  15. What a piece of shit. Leave him. You’ll be much happier in the end. Try not to be vocal to your kid about the reasons why, remain respectful in how you talk about him (even though he doesn’t deserve it) for the sake of your relationship with her long-term.

  16. I think OP knows she could have been more sensitive in the communication & handling of this situation. We can do more good for both people if we focus on what she can do now to help him feel valued and supported and move the discussion forward in a productive and duly compassionate way.

  17. This is weirdly similar to me and my bfs situation except he is where I was at the time and he moved to live with me so he had some family and a couple friends where he moved to. We had only met each other in person a handful of times and then I went to visit him on the other side of the country for a week. We are still together after 4 years, we’ve known each other for about 7 years now. I would be careful about moving to where she is, and if you do, for sure don’t start living in the same home right away, I felt like me n him did that a little too soon.

  18. Right? Some things are better left unsaid. Not everything in relationships has to be said. I personally would much rather spare the feelings of my partner than tell them something that seems pretty unnecessary and irrelevant now

  19. Lol sure dude. It comes off like you’re trying to defend how this guy is talking and acting when it’s straight up not okay.

  20. It’s time do some research on men’s bodies. It’s not an attraction thing.

    This can be multiple things. Why was he taking ED Meds recreationally? Why did he stop? Could be related to that. Could be he jerks off too much. Could be you aren’t doing what he likes. Could be nerves. Could be stress. Could be overthinking because it keeps happening. Could be an actual problem he needs checked out.

    He should see a dr if this keeps happening.

  21. She will definitely be mad that you are sleeping with her ex, an ex that was super shady to her.

    You don’t care about your friend. You also like that you’re being shady and deceitful because it adds some suspense to your sex like.

    This will all blow up on your face and you’ll deserve it.

  22. You seen to tiptoe around your gf alot…

    Does she usually react badly when you don't give her her way?

  23. Poor hygiene. If he isn't cheating then he's taking abysmal care of himself and he needs to properly clean himself. The breath thing could be gingivitis or something along those lines. The poo smell could be that he's awful at wiping.

    Or he's cheating, I don't really know.

  24. The idea that people should only express any kind of physical intimacy with ONE person is extremely limiting and frankly is part of the reason men feel so god damned lonely right now.

    No, again you, like other's here, are looking at men's problems through a (bi-)woman-who-likes-to-cuddle-friends' glasses. Men aren't lonely because they don't cuddle their friends.

    Add to that that more men and women are skipping relationships altogether means those men no longer have access to the one emotional support that society deems “acceptable”.

    Again, no. Men aren't “skipping” relationships they fail to maintain and generate new ones as life goes on for a variety of reasons. The current lifestyle is just harder on men for maintaining/creating relationships. Both men and women have seen drops in their social circle sizes in recent years, this problem is simply larger for men. People change jobs a lot more, move, have to commute farther, fewer social circles around children for men, etc. Men do have their problems to fix here, but physical affection isn't the issue. I don't need to go hug my work buddy more, I just need to prioritize maintaining that relationship despite changing jobs or having other family obligations. Women and society have their role too, ie not degrading men that do go out of their way to spend time with friends and give up time with family.

    Touch tells our nervous system to slow down our heart rate and decrease blood pressure. It’s a brake for our body’s stress response. It also releases oxytocin – the “feel good” hormone….

    And taking heroin does the same thing. Fucking friends also does this. I'll judge partners based on how they get their oxytocin. Building from there:

    But it doesn’t make me dumb, immature, or “young”. It just means I see the world differently than you do and that’s okay.

    You might not think it's dumb/immature what ever, but if you want a relationship, you'll need to find someone who shares the same/similar world views about acceptable behaviors in order to get some oxytocin.

  25. I became severely bruised, because I have a bruising issue (like, my shirts can cause bruises). However, my partner has never been like “wtf” and said the shit OP's boyfriend said. Mine asked “are you okay?”, he was more worried that I was in pain than my lady bits looking a little rough.

    I'd be so humiliated if I received those comments. Talk about destroying someone's self-love and confidence.

  26. First, she needs to reset her expectations with your parents. Is it possible that there is an age of child they are more comfortable with?

    Retired people do tend to be busy.

    It is time for you to take the lead with your family. This is not on your wife. That’s how marriages work: each spouse is responsible for their family. You should step up and do all the activity coordination with your family. You know them better. What do they like to do that is kid friendly? There are a lot of people who don’t want to go to Chucky Cheese, Build a Bear, or that sort of thing but would go to the Arboretum. Is there an activity where your parents could share knowledge?

    I know my parents were not super hot to trot to see the grandkids. As far as I can tell, they never initiated anything.

  27. Like your husband passing you around to all his friends. He’s not going to stop at one. OP you should be worried about him drugging to since he wants to watch other men have sex with you, and you’re hesitant about it.

  28. Buy yourself a switch. He won’t have any footing to stand on when you come home with one. What will he do then?

  29. You’re spot on, it’s about two months out from my DD. If I weren’t high risk with a history of loss I wouldn’t be so concerned, but I am, and at this point it has become a multilayered issue I’m trying to mitigate as much as possible.

  30. Which side of him is the “real” him? If he is socially awkward i can relate, but it should completely change his personality like that. But I bet there's something deep down that needs to be brought up and sifted through (psychology). I suggest doing your best to keep bringing to his attention in a non-threatening way when he is acting that way socially. Make up a signal or a keyword between you both, so every time you say the word to him or give him a look or a pinch or whatever, then he will know that he is acting in an unpopular way. You'll be able to recondition his behavior without having to find the source and it's less damaging to his psyche. That's my opinion. If he really treats you well all the time and he is just socially annoying, he sounds like he is worth the long term commitment and I would openly communicate with him and try to come up with some kind of signal or something so you can recondition that behavior.

  31. Bullshit. You said it in your post that you lied so you could have unprotected sex. A condom breaking is not the same as unprotected sex. You lied so you could get your dick wet without the hassle of a condom. Selfish af

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