SweetyKateeSternum live webcams for YOU!


SweetyKateeSternum Public Chat Channel

Date: January 11, 2023

8 thoughts on “SweetyKateeSternum live webcams for YOU!

  1. He may love you… But the perhaps more important issue that has been revealed is he is not ready to commit to even an idea of the two of you being together in the long term… So even if he did love you, he still isn't going to make any long term plans.

    The more important question for you is, knowing your bf doesn't see the two of you working out long term, is it time to end the relationship? The answer to that is dependent on what you are looking for, but don't invest to much in the prospect of this dude being more than a fling.

  2. Then you will need to tell your partner that very clearly and be prepared for them to walk away over it. I definitely would. You two are two separate people and he can spend time with his friends, even if it is an entire day. It is also not unusual to not know when you get back when having a great time with friends.

    Do you feel like he is showing a disrespect to you as a partner by not telling you these things?

  3. Yeah I guess that’s just the hard part. I know it’s just gonna take time, but I’ll get there. Thanks for the advice!

  4. We don’t know that for sure … Just what he’s said. OP said she hasn’t been over to the house when they’re there and she’s only met them once. And he turns off the cameras when he brings her over. That’s was the biggest ? to me.

  5. This is nasty as hell, and he should man up and clear that shit up right away.

    With that said, if the biggest problem in your relationship is a clogged toilet, you are winning.

  6. You are getting downvoted but I understand.

    This is totally new information for you. You fucking TRUSTED this man.

    And now you know what he was really up to, so now you know you have to end it.

    I’m not going to lie, that’s going to hurt. Do you have anyone who you are close to who might support you and help you get out?

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