Sweet-soda live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 10, 2022

38 thoughts on “Sweet-soda live webcams for YOU!

  1. If you haven’t, start an FU binder of his behavior. The good lord willing, you won’t ever need it – but he “insists” and makes you feel unsafe, it can help to have documented his behavior through the years when you ask for a protective order.

    An Order won’t stop him, but it eliminates the need for “probable cause” for the police to make an arrest.

  2. Keep going to the gym. Ignore your boyfriend’s pathetic paranoia – in fact ideally, just get a whole new boyfriend who isn’t such a creep.

  3. It's not just men who do it it's everyone and it's the result of hookup culture and dating apps leading people to believe that they have 100s of potential partners out there so why should they put significant effort into anyone?

    And in my experience women are far more likely to drop a guy for petty issues than the other way around because it's much easier for women to get matches online so they don't even have to worry about getting a date. Maybe you just have bad taste in men?

  4. Holding hands with your girls best friend is crossing a line, especially as you’re hiding it from her. That tells your everything. It never ends well.

  5. I wouldn't marry someone who is that financially irresponsible. You KNOW that you can't afford that kind of wedding. 200k of student loans, practically zero savings and she wants a freaking fairytale wedding? This is not someone you should be legally and financially tying yourself to. You will spend the rest of your life digging yourself out of financial holes that she manipulated you into making.

  6. If this culture issue is true – Keep in mind that you chose this work before you met your husband knowing its reputation, your husband MARRIED you knowing your career in advance, and he is literally okay with you Not Working At All.

    I don't get why you would change careers when you don't need the money. Why not work on developing a thicker skin = greater self- confidence.

  7. u/krenoe, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. u/Few-Raisin8789, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  9. If one person has power over another (directly affects their income, say via tips or a contract, or complaint leads to getting fired or demoted) it's not appropriate for the one with the power to put the one with less in the position of being concerned whether their income may be affected based on how they respond. See how that's coercive?

    Just because you had no difficulty saying no doesn't mean everyone's the same way. And it doesn't make it okay that you were put in that position in the first place.

  10. He definitely want to break up with you, but he's a coward and tries to make you break up with him instead by acting like a complete ass

  11. We actually talked about this and says he’s 100% str8 and it’s just that he’s had a lot of girls before but he’s just picky when it comes to sex and what he likes.

  12. Then might as well have another. Those are purely temporary reasons. You just adapt. The same way you went from zero children to one.

  13. I simply don't understand why it would be complicated because he lives with your friend. That's simply strange…. Unless he dated (or is dating) your friend, it really shouldn't matter. It does sound like he's not that in to you, maybe what happened earlier was just the alcohol for him. If he's outright said to you that he “wants to be just friends”, you really have an answer. If he's been dancing around and declining to go out with you for some strange reason, it would be worth putting your cards on the table and telling him that you would like to go out with him and see where it goes.

  14. you’re thirty years old and already figured out what’s going on with your body and took care of it. A LOT of guys don’t do that in their 50’s and trust me, we as women like it a lot more when you do.

    Anyone that tells you viagra makes you less of a man doesn’t deserve to any good viagra sex smh

  15. Please keep in mind:

    It's not that he has anger issues, but he uses his anger to control you and your behaviour.

  16. Also this guy is pissed about all the effort he put into this but she didn’t even ask for it. That kind of martyrdom drives me crazy.

  17. Also this guy is pissed about all the effort he put into this but she didn’t even ask for it. That kind of martyrdom drives me crazy.

  18. They are not wrong, sure people are calling out her abusive behavior, but you'll also notice a distinct lack of top comments suggesting they divorce and he “drop her.” Most of the top comments seem to be sympathizing with the B.

  19. You’re young… move on lol. If you feel compelled to apologize, totally. It’s you’d for both. Good practice of kindness and accountability… but also, eh.

  20. Sounds like you’re just being an asshole. She comes to you about something she’s validly upset about, and you ignore her and don’t acknowledge her words, and then proceed to call her over-emotional online.

    You don’t need to ‘fix her daddy issues’, you just need to acknowledge that s he’s upset, say you’re sorry she’s upset and ask if there’s anything you can do, and give her a bloody hug. It’s not hard.

    It sounds like her dad is a royal ass, so getting upset over getting 50% on a test is totally understandable, the fact that you didn’t offer any encouragement is actually sad.

    To summarise, you’re a shitty boyfriend and she deserves way better.

    Emotional neglect isn’t okay just because you’re ‘not emotional’. You don’t need to be emotional to not act like a dickhead.

  21. Girl…….

    He’s not into females.

    That “ur not tight enough excuse” is played out. Unless his is really small or like micro, it’s bs. And u know it’s bs.

    Dump him and find someone attracted and into u

  22. she’s now only the mother of your child. I will continue to stay under one roof in separate bedrooms if possible.

    But keep the family unit together if it’s not toxic for the sake of your child

  23. You're both idiots and need some life experience, and money not just coming in, but saved up. Sincerely, an 18yr old mother 18years ago.

  24. You know exactly what your husband’s intentions are when you mentioned his attitude in addition to his preferences. You husband was a creep early on but you wanted him anyways as the pick me girl. Even if she was qualified for the job you know your husband. Be charming and put a bug in her ear about the boys club mentality. You wouldn’t want to her to regret anything when she she’s your age karma has a way of coming around.

  25. When I first met my partner I wasn't sure if I would find him attractive in person (he had a bunch of old photos) but my god once we started talking and falling in love every little imperfection he has is perfect. I look at him and I'm filled with so much love and want that I'll just give him kisses on the head out of the blue. I'm always telling him how beautiful he is, how I love every inch of his body, inside and out.

    Point is, if you love someone, like genuinely love them, they could be what society would describe as ugly, but to you they are beautiful.

  26. I get you’re dealing with a lot with managing your anxiety but why I’m the world do you have no empathy for your husband? He’s supposed to be totally cool with his future plans being totally altered? Yes it stems from your illness but is he supposed to give up all his dreams? Is he not supposed to feel bad. The man was candidly honest with you. He can’t think about the future because right now, with who you’ve become, you’re not aligned anymore in your outlook. The person he loved has suddenly changed a whole part of themselves. It’s not easy on him and putting words in his mouth isn’t going to help. He didn’t say “I want a divorce.” So stop saying that’s what he wants.

    There’s a limit to all love. And yes sickness can be a limit too. Alcoholism is a sickness, but people leave their alcoholic spouses too, even if they become sober. The journey itself takes a lot out of you as the support person, where you end up resenting what you lost.

    It’s time for couples therapy, and some hard truths. What if you don’t ever get better? What if traveling is off the table now?

  27. The fact that you assume you're to blame OP is a big red flag for his mistreatment, does he usually blame you for his behaviour? Also the fact that he isn't keen on separating despite the poor behaviour suggests his goal is to in fact keep mistreating you

  28. Well, I don’t think I would date them anymore. Is dating is where you try people out to see if you can have a partnership with them and I certainly wouldn’t want to start the beginning of a relationship or a life with two left feet. I probably would just gradually back away and then let her go.

  29. You shouldn't. She was likely in shape to attract her potential partner. If you bring it up to her, she may work to lose her weight again, but this would be temporary, only until she thinks you won't leave her over this.

    Your body type prefferance is valid, and it's completely normal to losr attraction, because of weight gain.

    Leave her.

  30. You are slowly proving to yourself and everybody in the comments that yes you are going to therapy but you are not at all retaining the information they are telling you, you are spastically looking for way to reconnect with her when you clearly do not deserve that, going to therapy doesn't absolve you from any thing you've done to her, be a real fucking human being ho to therapy and move on with your life, you don't get to coerce people non stop, you don't get to make people feel bad for not feeling bad for you, grow the fuck up and be real with yourself and actually try working on someting

  31. I'm sorry you are faced with this. I realize that you walking in was shattering, and you were blindsided, but in some respects it's to your benefit. You got a pic, there's no wondering as to whether she's cheating and you can move directly to getting an attorney and start to move forward in the process immediately.

    I would separate most of your money now and insist that she leaves the home. Don't engage with her at all and when you have an attorney merely tell her to have her attorney contact your's. Take care of yourself and your son. You've got this, and you'll get it worked out for the best for you and your son.

  32. for whatever it's worth, my last relationship was poly and lasted 5 years and I think you did just fine explaining neutrally. there's a difference between not personally “getting it” and being negative/judgmental. honestly from what you've laid out, it seems like his wife being poly isn't even the biggest issue but one of many.

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