STALLION Thee SAVAGE live webcams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “STALLION Thee SAVAGE live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your brother and his girlfriend are not your boss. They don't get to dictate to you who you can and cannot see. I understand the twin bond but that's an overreach. If you love her and want to stay with her then you need to set a firm boundary with the both of them and draw a hard line in the sand. They have no business trying to force you to do anything.

  2. So she doesn’t want to have sex and the compromise you reached is having sex….? Sounds like you’re pressuring her into doing something she doesn’t want to do.

  3. Isn't that like putting a price on marriage? He may come to devalue the idea of marriage or even rush into it because he just can't afford such a tariff.

  4. Yeah it’s just the rummaging after I noticed is what made me feel crazy. I’m gonna consider bringing it up . It was more like a tissue with some subtle pink markings than a makeup wipe

  5. What are you both constantly arguing about and are you solving the issues or just leaving the problems unresolved?

  6. They are lying about losing the deal if you leave their phone plan. I have AT&T. Have for years and years. This is an outright lie. You’re an adult now, act like one. Your mother is toxic.

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