SophiaSweet_live sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “SophiaSweet_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. My thoughts exactly. The whole time I’m reading this like “Yikes, do not bring a kid into this”. Starting off the marriage and this kids life with all this bitterness and resentment is not the way to go. You can already tell this whole “well you got to have a bachelors party and I didn’t get to have fun” is going to be a ‘Grade A’ weaponized argument for years to come.

  2. That man assaulted you. He willfully had sex without your explicit informed consent onto how sex was to be done – that’s assault. You need to leave him, as soon as you can do so safely – go. Don’t speak to him, don’t speak about him, don’t let him into any aspect of your life. If he doesn’t care about your safety and health, what else is he doing to you that you’re unaware of? Leave. Like now.

  3. When some beople have boundaries, sometimes the reaction of their partners is to pick at them constantly because they can't interpret them in any other way than a personal rejection to them.

    Being excluded or precluded from something becomes a fixed idea and they can't stop wanting to push the big red button just because it's there.

    WHat you do, is sit him down an have one last discussion on the topic.

    Tell him all of what you told us – He entered in a relationship with someone who has to take some time off once a month to make sure they are mentally ok.

    This is a non-negotiable thing for you (sure, if there were an emergency, you might reschedule your week-end, you aren't a psycho, but this is something you need in your life).

    If he can't accept this, you are not suited for each other.

    Give him all the time he needs to talk about it one last time, and then the topic will be closed. You expect him to honor your space and not bother you when you are away.

    Now, if you plan to have other children together, I can see this becoming a huge problem. Taking off one week-end a month and leaving the childcare of an infant/toddler completely on your partner isn't something you do, not with the frequency you have been doing, at least.

    (Is he a single parent? Maybe he looks at this in this light – if you plan to have another child the burden on the person who takes on childcare skyrockets, I assume that he has an ex with whom he shares custody here).

    Now, if his issue is not based on his worry that potential children might feel a sense of abandonment that might scar them, it's one thing, if he just can't help to poke at you because he, as an adult, feels excluded and ignored you have a problem on your hands.

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