Sofi-fit live webcams for YOU!


12 thoughts on “Sofi-fit live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/blackwafflez1, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  2. That doesn't make her loving. If she respects you, your friends, you education, your job,if she wishes you to live a normal life, that would make her loving. She sounds pretty selfish to me and that's not loving.

  3. You weren't assaulted, you were raped. Men can be raped. You did not give her permission. She did the female version of stealthing.

    Just because you didn't say no, get off, or you froze in the moment, these things don't equal consent. Consent was only with a condom on. She knew that.

  4. The only reason I can see bad photo quality, I know when you're sending a video from iPhone to android or vice versa it really degrades the quality. But why would she let them record her. Either sister is being pranked or this is a fake story for internet points though

  5. It’s good you give yourself a buffer time (3 years) to decide where you want kids with him. Although this may sound mean, you should not trust him not to sabotage your BC or the condoms. People who sense their partner’s plan or urge to leave would usually try to baby trap them. You may think your husband won’t ever do that, but you’ll be surprise how much you’ll learn once they’re push to the corner, or when they realise they have the upper hand in the marriage.

    Get your husband therapy to so that he won’t regress back to his old ways, and hopefully recognise his needs to put his marriage first.

  6. nvm i take back the comment i just made after seeing this one dude dump his immature porn rotted ass a vibrator will do you wonders and won’t say stupid shit 24/7

  7. If my fiancé shouted at me to shut up in front of my entire family while purposefully talking about a topic that made everyone uncomfortable, I would no longer be with him. That behavior is unacceptable especially when he was in the wrong by making your family uncomfortable to begin with.

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