Soffiavelez live webcams for YOU!


hard spanks in doggy // / Dont Forget to Follow me ?Multi goal? [Multi Goal]

Date: October 23, 2022

19 thoughts on “Soffiavelez live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/Gia_Lana, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Hello /u/Top_Visual_4638,

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  3. Don’t sweat it. Just enjoy it.

    Honestly I feel the same way about my husband when he puts on his drag makeup and persona. 🙂

  4. I would report it to the police and get an attorney. Since his father was on the accounts the police probably can't do anything, but I'd still report it.

  5. When some is worth it and are making every effort to be better, it’s worth it to stay. I can honestly say, today, I have the happiest healthiest relationship I have ever been in. Sometimes the shit you go through makes you stronger if you are able to grow from it. We all make mistakes, I couldn’t imagine my character forever held to my worst mistake.

    Besides, who doesn’t love a good redemption story?? Lol

  6. I think that your problem here is not jealousy – It’s that you can’t connect with her on anything. Now, I get that people on the spectrum can find it hard to relate to others but you know what? They still try. It seems to me that the only one trying to reach”

  7. Not necessarily. He just seemed to be interested in where she is from. It's not really going the extra mile. If u have a friend u enjoy being around, then it makes sense to wanna be around them in a social gathering.

  8. I hope to god she doesn’t get pregnant by the time y’all officially break it off

  9. Shady. Proper response would have been to tell you that her ex reached out, let you see all messages, and if a dick pic came, block him and tell you. Instead she confided with a friend and talked about some man hiding stuff from his wife.

    This doesn't equal out to an honest partner. How do you know she didn't just say it was the ex because he is from another country and presumably far away? Maybe it was really about a local sidepiece and she handed you a red herring.

  10. I’m a firm believer on bad husband=bad dad! Same for women like you can’t be a horrible disgusting excuse of a human towards your partner but claim you’re a good parent. It just doesn’t work like that.

  11. Marriage counseling before divorce. At least try for the kids.

    But agree that he is a dumbass.he just wants your permission to cheat. Disgusting. I'm very sure if you participate and found someone much better, he will be whining hard.

  12. What's appealing about holding yourself back because someone else can't get their shit together? Because he's cute?!

  13. Dude, I understand. Do you want to be the guy who bends over backwards and has nothing to show for it? If you’re OK with that, I’ll stop commenting. But if your fed up, traumatized and exhausted don’t you think something needs to change? And it sounds like it needed to change a long time ago…for instance when your ex said she was taking your kids 300 miles away from you! WTF!

  14. Oh sweetie, I am so sorry this happened to you. What a POS he is.

    If you can’t speak the words to your mom, then plz do as the other commenters say and show her this post.

    And plz consider making a police report, bc he doesn’t deserve to walk away without consequences.

    However, if you can’t bring yourself to do that at this time, don’t worry about it. The important thing is to know that it wasn’t your fault, and to make sure that you get the care and support that you need.

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