Shopiaa live webcams for YOU!


I would love a good SQUIRT today [GOAL MET]

Date: October 14, 2022

10 thoughts on “Shopiaa live webcams for YOU!

  1. Time to move on, relationships are about communication as much as anything. And more importantly this may cause issues with areas of your relationship.

  2. I mean, how many dates would you say it takes to think you’re ready to say ILY?

    20 perhaps? If they’ve literally spent 21 days together I can see it.

    My fiancée and I said it after a month of dating, and that was certainly not 20 dates in that timeframe

  3. I don't hope you die a miserable death or any other hyperbolic curse, because (far too late, but nonetheless) you've finally been able to begin to examine yourself and understand just how damaging you were and are to your daughter. At least, you appear to be expressing remorse but whether that's for your own benefit or indicative of a genuine want to repair your relationship with your daughter I'm not sure.

    Reading through your post a second time, I begin to wonder if there's not a level of psychopathy or sociopathy in your thinking and behaviour. It's extremely selfish and self-serving- possibly more than someone who was just being selfish and self-serving.

    I would think she'd have an extremely difficult and long process ahead of her to be able to reach any level of reconciliation, and the chances are she never really will. I'm not going to be judgemental like 99% of the comments in this thread will be, and say you're a Bad Person because I think you already know what you are and what you aren't even if you don't yet have the internal vocabulary to express that. Instead, I'll say this: What you did was abuse and societal norms would dictate you should not have a chance to even try to redeem yourself, let alone attempt to repair your severely damaged relationship with your daughter.

  4. How did you get “it runs in the family?” Father has dementia relates to wife how? Mother hates OP maybe for good reason we don't know. Sibling is trans which last I checked is fine but OP being transphobic about it isn't. Sister has views that OP talks about negatively about but is OP really a reliant story teller here because from his attitude who knows what SIL is like.

  5. I'd tell her that I'm not going to do that and I'll go out as long as I want and I'd reassure her that she can trust me to do so, I'm not going to disappear for a few days and I'll keep my phone on if she feels the need to check up on me so she knows I'm safe. If she wants to go out til late then I trust her to do so and I know I can get hold of her. Sometimes it's not perfect, we've both got worried for eachother when one of us has been out and ran out of battery. But either way, we've got home. It's ok to worry, but if you trust them than you have to let them go out and do whatever, you can't tell them what to do. I've had a girlfriend who got really annoyed at me because I've gone out late with friends, eventually that got too much for me, felt suffocated.

  6. Umm, you can't just “move” to another country like moving to another state.

    There is a whole heap of things you have to do first.

  7. Separate from your creep husband. Do you have kids? Find an attorney and make an appointment as soon as possible to find out what your options are.

  8. He's emotionally cheating and he knows he's wrong. Sounds like he wants the attention of women, just not you. His lies are constructed to either avoid an argument or make it so he can emotionally cheat and get away with it on technicality. Sounds like you both need to sit down and have a conversation about what you both see as cheating and establish your boundaries.

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