ShawnGeni live webcams for YOU!


18 thoughts on “ShawnGeni live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/Educational_Cake_865, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. She’s a very good looking girl, the type you wouldn’t expect to see everyday, and the best bartending job she can get is on a cargo ship with a bunch of guys who smell like rats? Very weird

  3. Hello /u/ThrowRA-230422,

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  4. No, Clara does not pay for the groceries or any bills besides the cable bill and has been trying to get my mom to let her cancel it. My mom does not receive disability, I believe she has looked into it but she had some exception that disqualifies her. I am in the US in Minnesota. He absolutely is struggling with that. What hurts me the most is seeing my brother struggle. Today he was screaming and crying that he feels like dad has abandoned him for a better family. With his Asperger’s he needs routine and stability or else he very quickly reaches a breaking point. That is a major part of why my mom and dad have done so much to work together on keeping things okay.

  5. Coerced is the right word. How do I tell her that though? It seems like when someone is being coerced they almost can’t see it’s happening?

  6. “Forget” something when you leave in the morning so you have to go back home at the time that she is there.

  7. Yes of course sex with a woman is not comparable to sex with a man. She can't have a bigger one than you. So you think your wife can't be satisfied by a woman like with you. So… you discount the woman.

  8. Well he was my first “adult” boyfriend, and he has always been a great person. He’s kind, respectful, intelligent and gets my humour. We agree on a lot of core beliefs. I thought it would have been immature to break off something just because of one thing that bothered me, especially when I communicated it and he did actually put efforts to change. Yes it does bother me that for the past few months this has become a larger issue than it was last year and I just don’t know how to solve that. Which is why I’m confused if it’s actually this problem or if there’s an underlying issue.

  9. Is this a deal breaker, that you aren’t complimented? Do you think that being how you base your self esteem is healthy…

    If yes and yes, then do what you gotta do.

  10. I'm not upset that he told me he didn't want me to dump too much on him – that's totally reasonable. I'm upset that he told me to never come to him for anything emotional again, and I'm upset that he maintains wanting to remain in this relationship but is acting completely detached. I haven't seen my therapist yet this week, but we've been working on my emotional self-reliance. At the same time, she's told me the way he's been acting towards me isn't okay either.

  11. She was drunk making out with this guy who had his hands on her tits, they go back to his room, she comes back in the morning. They definitely fucked. Get your head out of your ass. Don’t let her gaslight and manipulate you.

  12. Most men wouldn't, but creeps like this guy apparently would. The more disturbing part of this is that you believe one stupid mistake makes you a “ruin”. This kind of thing happens to people, a lot unfortunately. It's not the end of the world and if you can put just a little bit of intellect into the situation you'll be able to write it off as a bad scene then move past it to have a completely fulfilling life. You made a mistake and got burned. That is all. Be strong and get on with things. You're going to be okay.

  13. Do not get into a new home depending on your BF finances. If he bails or you want to bail, it becomes problematic.

    Do it when you have commitment of being married.

    I also wonder, why two homes? That is a huge financial drain. Better that you both become married, sell the one house and get one together using the equity.

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