Sexy-Sofia-Love live webcams for YOU!


Sexy-Sofia-Love Public Chat Channel

Date: November 5, 2022

11 thoughts on “Sexy-Sofia-Love live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yah … your partner’s middle name is “Ridiculous.” Time for you to keep the cats and get a new boyfriend who’s cat friendly.

  2. It honestly does sound like he has a problem. His denial and defensiveness makes it more obvious. It also should matter to him that you are concerned. If you want a better sense of your own position and choices, try attending a few Al-anon meetings. It might really open your eyes. You cannot fix him but you can learn more about what you want (and don't want).

  3. He wants to get married and then delay until you are ‘less selfish and childish’. ?

    He thinks his need to procreate is more important than your physical health. ?

    He thinks you should be just fine with him banging other women AND essentially abandoning them once they get pregnant. ?

    He lost his shit when you said no. ?

    His friends and family are trying to state that you need to have kids (misogynistic bs ) ?

    No one ‘needs children’. They aren’t a damn accessory or ego booster either.

    Get you personal birth control in order, preferably something he can’t tamper with.

    Get your ass out asap and find someone who sees you as more than his personal womb.

  4. How low are your standards that you accept this absolutely disgusting behaviour?

    Don’t waste any more of your time trying to save this clueless goofball

  5. I would say thats normal during a break, but it seems like she threw it in your face to hurt you, over something pretty trivial. I would probably be looking for a new gf but thats me.

  6. Honestly she's lost trust in you. And i can't blame her. Growing up with alcoholics in my family id be hard pressed to marry one and bring my kids into an environment like that. Jesus.

    You can be glad she's sticking around bt she's definitely doubting if she even wants to be in this relationship.

    You say you've taken steps and thats wonderful. But having issues going to AA meetings. Find a sponsor to help and support you and honestly speak frankly to ur fiancé and tell her you know she doesn't trust u and tell her she has EVERY RIGHT not to but that you want to prove to her you can be better.

    and take the steps to honestly do that if you give a shit not just about urself but her and the future yall planned together.

  7. She’s using you – she doesn’t care about you. You could’ve died in that accident – that only happened because you were overworking yourself FOR HER – and she was manipulating you.


    You’re not responsible for her reaction. If she’s really that fragile, she should be getting professional help, not draining the life out of you and your relationship.


  8. You just don’t do it. It’s invasive. Quit making childish excuses that you just can’t help yourself. If that’s actually true, then you need professional help.

  9. I am not in a position to say if it's healthy, but I am going to go out on a limb and say he likes you.

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