Seamus, y.o.
Location: New York, United States
Room subject: A little before-work playtime! I only have an hour!
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Seamus
Date: December 8, 2022
Your wife has such serious medical issues that she can’t work. I’m guessing she’s also in pain?
My thought is that your wife is dealing with depression related to her illness. She’s not feeling anything good from you because she’s not feeling anything good at all. Maybe she should talk to her doctor? If pain is involved, that alone can cause personality changes.
It might be a good idea for her to talk to a therapist. That she’s unhappy with you but can’t point to a single specific thing that you’ve done wrong makes me think this might not really be about you or your relationship.
That’s like saying your kink is cheating. No it’s not ur just a shit person.
Am I over exaggerating by saying that this sets a precedent for children?
Yh I get what you’re saying and I have tried but maybe I need to try harder
dude you need help. you sound insane
Lol so not even a bachelors I’m guessing. ?