Samy-watson1 live webcams for YOU!


⭐, ⭐⭐⭐⭐TODAY IS MY BRITHDAY #23 HELP ME HAVING A GOOD GIFT⭐⭐⭐⭐ [8053 tokens remaining]

Date: October 9, 2022

11 thoughts on “Samy-watson1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Honestly I think that the dog food thing is reasonable. As a dog owner the expensive food is the healthy food. I’m by no means rich but I will absolutely cut costs elsewhere to make sure my dog eats healthy food. Depends on the size of the dog too btw, maybe you could find some dog food that is healthy but not as expensive?

  2. Correct; asymptomatic means without symptoms. I wish people knew that Chlamydia tends to be symptom-free for many people but it's working its way to cause internal damage. I think about women, for example, and the issues with pelvic inflammatory disease that they're wholly unaware of. ALL people; get tested for STDs regularly, even if in a committed relationship, even if married.

  3. Appreciate you seeing the person behind the text my friend. Thank you for the kind comment and advice, people are going to see what they want to see ya know?

  4. Go live with your parents, call a lawyer and explain your situation. They'll help you divorce and file for sole custody.

    Or if you can't go to your parents, go to a shelter for women victim of domestic abuse. Just run away from him before he kills you.

    Leave this guy and ask for help. Don't tell him, wait until he's not home, pack a bag and your and the baby's papers and leave. And call the police if he finds you and threatens violence.

    No one is giving him custody of your child if you ask for help because he's been abusing you. He's the one who's in the wrong here.

  5. Different mindsets I suppose, I’ve certainly been with people who felt the same way. Generally speaking my boyfriend is the same, never once seen him look at another person in public and all of his for you pages are normal things no suggested thirst traps, never followed any thirst trap accounts etc. He’s got access to my phone if he wants and I have access to his, neither of us really check but there’s no secrecy between us. I know he’d hate me showing any signs of attraction to someone else. This is the only time we’ve had a problem like this and it happened quite a few months ago. People who will give you monogamy in thought and action exist and it’s the purest form of love. Nothing feels more special than knowing you are someone’s everything, I hope you get to experience that one day

  6. I wrote this further up, but I think it bears repeating:

    I was taught all my life that I was worthless, might be beaten for any reason or without one, and that I was completly helpless to change anything about my situation. I spent quite a long time in therapy as an adult, but I can absolutly empathize with her. Not so long ago, I might have reacted the same way. I would've known it was wrong of BIL to complain about his wife and praise me, but I would've been too uncomfortable and low key scared to say anything. Responding just with a thank you was the course of least resistance, and the best way for her to get this situation over with the qickest and with the least likelyhood of backlash from BIL. Freezing up is in line with that behaviour, if you have internalized that you must never instigate conflict or never learned how to handle conflict, it's again the path of least resistence with the least likelyhood of getting hurt. And not wanting to or hesitating to tell on BIL is also in keeping with this behavioural pattern.

    Edit for this comment: downplaying something bad that happens to you or fearing that everyone else would put you at fault for something that was done to you also fits the picture. Think along the linesnof “I was beaten without any reason I could see and without having done anything wrong, so I must inherently be bad, at fault etc. and probably deserve bad things happening to me.”

  7. He’s happy with the status quo. If you want to get married it’s up to you. I’d suggest guilt rather than try to push him, but that’s just me.

  8. Nah I was just contributing to the conversation you started with this post. You're trying so hard to defend him and hoping it was an accident. My Instagram discover is only birds and funny animal clips because that's what I watch. He likes little girls.

  9. If you’re not sure you want to marry her then tell her that so she can make the informed decision on leaving you or staying.

    Talk to your partner. Ask her her expectations. Figure out why you feel the need to get “financially ready” to marry someone. And prepare for it to be a hard conversation.

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