SamanthaSunny live webcams for YOU!


SamanthaSunny Public Chat Channel

Date: October 11, 2022

13 thoughts on “SamanthaSunny live webcams for YOU!

  1. Just FYI, you keep mentioning the possibility of divorce in the comments. I don't know your situation or if that's the right or wrong choice for your family. But I can tell you this…

    If it's bad now, it is going to get 100% worse during the divorce and after the divorce. Because now she doesn't have to listen anymore. Now she doesn't have to go to therapy and work out if they are a productive way to communicate.

    And she will have your kids AT LEAST 50% of the time unsupervised.

  2. It's sad but sometimes we need a wake up call that kinda shake things up.

    Whatever you guys end up deciding can make you stronger and more mature, together or not.

  3. Being married, engaged at age 25 isn't all it's cracked up to be. You need to be 30ish to be sure that you know what you are about. Sad, lonely, and confused are symptoms of a need for exercise. Alleviating all of those conditions could simply be a matter of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. Brain chemistry is directly related to exercise. Best wishes.

  4. “I'm not sure of her intentions”


    They are at least to make you crazy and over-analyze everything and push your BF away (see this post)

    You said in the comments “she's not attracted to him”

    and yet your entire storey is about how she constantly comes onto him


  5. This is why even my super religious grandma recommends having sex before marriage. Shit like this don’t happen

  6. Firstly, ew. Do you mean first cousin that he’s known his whole life? I will try to respond below without taking that into consideration…. because that alone is a dumpable offence to me but it doesn’t seem to bother you.

    Honestly, assuming you were invited, you can’t have too much of an issue with the cruise. Realistically, he wants to hook up with her, he will and it probably won’t be on a cruise with her bf there. How do they act/ text each other? Does it seem flirty or just like friends?

    It’s completely possible to have a platonic friendship with someone you kissed once and never had feelings for so I don’t think one kiss makes this relationship particularly worrying. You need to decide if you trust him.

  7. He's jerking a lot, probably while watching porn.

    He's using his hands as death grip.

    His meat is probably numb and used to the death grip.

    He's an idiot. He pressured you into anal. He doesn't care if he hurts you.

    Leave him.

  8. I am an expert with over 40 years experience. That is correct. And nothing at a dispensary would be laced. It would be laced after purchase.

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