Sabrina-Kingstone live webcams for YOU!


11 thoughts on “Sabrina-Kingstone live webcams for YOU!

  1. Dont call it Dialogue to start with? She's just a person, dude, talk to her like you would anyone else. I know its shocking but talking to women is easy if you open yourself up to talking about your interests and listening to hers. Like a normal conversation.

  2. What is an acceptable amount of time to her for your gaming? Are you able to do that or want do? Does she want you to quit weed entirely? If so, do you want to? Is it the smoke or smell?

    Sounds like you need to talk and come to a compromise if your relationship is worth it.

  3. To put it mildly, it's a dopey idea. If he wants to “sow his wild oats” then he shouldn't be in a relationship. No OP, it's a REALLY bad idea. Don't compromise your own happiness. He's being immature. If he truly wants this say “we could open the relationship. However in saying this, I get to have sex with other people too.” If he says no, then you could say, “there's your answer. Commit to me, or we go our separate ways.”

    If his thinking is that he fears he's missing out on things, you can always try other stuff sexually. Ask if he has any fantasies. Do you have any that you haven't told him?

  4. Are you actually happy at all. Like truly happy? We know your kids weren't.. and your husband sounds like a miserable dick who will never be happy unless he can control everyone around him..

    What about you… Are you happy?

  5. I'd suggest that it would a lot clearer in actual person-to-person speech. Just written down, it's probably because while they are saying something very reasonable they are using words that are also used by anti-trans people, esp. “biologically” and “female”. I guess you could also debate whether “in their heads” is reflecting the idea of gender as a construct, or is criticising it… but that's more a reflection of the ambiguity of just going off written text than anything else

  6. Respect is just a mutual thing mature adults are able to lead with at all times. It’s what makes you say “I disagree ma’am” instead of “Listen bitch!” when you have issues at work and during transactions. I consider disrespectful behaviour a game changer. Most anything can be addressed respectfully and even with strangers I expect as much. Unless he is actively working on it, my answer is no.

  7. Interested yes, but why would she even do this at work is what's got me very cautious to reciprocate.

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