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Russian_Cream_Queenlive sex stripping with hd cam


42 thoughts on “Russian_Cream_Queenlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'm not going to take the route of others who seem to want to be rude and not ask questions.

    So to start with some context would be nice. Something other than I personally haven't noticed anything.

    Secondly this could be a ex gf who is upset they broke up, or someone he pissed off for some other reason. If it had been me, I would have messaged back, if you want me to believe this is true then stop being annonomous and tell me who you are and some reference events, and other people I can check facts with, or talk to . I will not take some random persons word who isn't brave enough to reveal themselves.

    Third and most importantly I would trust my gut, but be vigil and pay attention to anything from this point on.

  2. This, but I'll also add that OP should distance herself if she's not ready to be friends with him. But yeah, people tend to stay friends only to hide the fact they can't let go so easily, which leads to one side getting hurt and the other side doing what you wrote. Not all, but some.

    OP should ask herself if she wants to be friends and be aware of these things whenever he starts to rant about his dating life.

    If you catch yourself not being sure how to bring up certain subjects around certain people, it's a red flag. People can fear negative responses and rather be quiet than face the truth, but in the end it's either a bad childhood that caused it which should be resolved with a specialist or the person you are not being open to is toxic.

    Or to put it shortly: Just because you aren't pointing at a bridge that's falling down, doesn't mean the bridge won't fall down. Especially if you don't react on time.

  3. She is pulling her own weight. She shouldn't have to burn herself out doing all of the housework.

    OP had no problem doing his share of chores when she had a job outside the house, he should have no problem doing the same amount when she has redirected that energy from the workplace to parenting.

  4. First, there's nothing wrong with being a sex worker; it's a profession and it doesn't make your girlfriend's friend a bad person or inherently untrustworthy.

    That being said – it's entirely reasonable to have a problem with your girlfriend wanting to see intimate images of other men, presumably without their knowledge or consent. I'd also question her friend's morals about sharing photos of someone's genitals without their permission.

    So, I think it's disrespectful to your relationship AND it more than likely violates the consent of the men involved. Maybe you could approach it from those angles?

  5. She's not a friend …. your friends with the memories of Maria from the past… not the waste of space she's become

    Good riddance she's moving,

    She made fun of me a lot because I never really did any of those things.

    No real friend will ever mock you for ot doing the same shit she's done

    Say goodbye, keep In touch on FB and move on as she's clearly a bad egg

  6. Next time he does this, tell him “we both know you weren’t joking. You’re just too weak to admit you were wrong, and too much of a coward to say sorry. This act is getting old.”

  7. Next time he does this, tell him “we both know you weren’t joking. You’re just too weak to admit you were wrong, and too much of a coward to say sorry. This act is getting old.”

  8. Are you trying to train an AI bot to sound more believable or something? You must have posted some variation of this 40 times by now.

  9. At this moment I don’t. The idea was that it was to help me get through school and focus on school so I can advance my life. I had been through a lot of unfair circumstances which stunted my development. But now I’m given the opportunity to do get a job and “contribute”, even though the semester is about to start and I won’t have time to keep up with a normal job or working back at the club. So now even though he crossed a boundary I already established, it feels as though I owe him money in exchange for a sense of security even though I can’t fully trust him now. I want to. He said I could.

  10. Oh, your decade younger girlfriend whom you treat as nothing but a sex doll whenever you and only you are horny denied you after you woke her up when she specifically told you you shouldn't have?

    Wow, I wonder if ages pissed. Hope she finds someone her own age who won't take advantage of her because she's young and easier than someone at your age.

  11. My advice is to go to a therapist, one for personal and then maybe one as a couple. Reddit is one of the worst places to get relationship advice from, none of these strangers know who you are, or the full story. And it’s highly likely the majority of them are not professionals in this category. You could seriously damage your relationship by getting advice online. Please go to a professional

  12. What would you want your partner to do, if the roles were reversed? If someone had been cruel or repeatedly humiliated you in the past, how would you prefer your partner interact with that person?

    If you can't imagine the scenario, then just follow everyone's advice to excuse yourself from any conversation with Alex.

  13. Just divorce her a asap. If she is openly lying to you no good will come of it. Get out. I'm sorry but she is not the person you are growing to old and love with.

  14. “Hasn't tried anything at that point”? At that point he had already talked to her abt his sex life…

    I swear, when I do the sexual harrassment trainings at work I laugh to myself like, “We really gotta go over this?” Then I read things on Reddit that make me go, “WE REALLY GOTTA GO OVER THIS!”

    The male boss even talking to his female subordinate about his sex life on a work trip, nonetheless, is in and of itself sexual harassment.

    Gf did make it clear by communicating what was going on as it was happening. “If she was truly worried” blah blah blah. As a woman, I can tell you from experience, if I am in a sketchy situation and I'm truly worried guess what, I give my significant other updates on the situation so that someone else out there knows what's happening and I'm not alone. Her texting you is her worried. Saying you'll check in on her in the morning is not good enough, I'm sorry. Your poor girlfriend. A competent partner would be calling her ass up rn and asking if she needed you to get her a hotel for the night or come see her or how you could help in any way possible.

  15. Your friend is the one who should bring this up, since it's their friend. Why would they agree to pet sit for free knowing that the dog has vet appointments to attend, all of which cost money. You, your friend, and their Zoom friend need to hold a zoom meeting and explain that keeping the dog is eating out of your income and that the zoom friend needs to cough up compensation for all the time spent pet sitting. Keep all receipts and create an Excel spreadsheet of your spending until now so you can show them.

  16. She can't control her dad's actions, but she can choose to accept them as okay or to refuse to tolerate them. It sounds like she has made her choice.

    To Gf:

    My parents behavior is unacceptable

    Then why are you accepting it?

    this is his time to show he really wants me.

    It takes being abused by your family to prove that he wants you?

  17. I think it’s time to let her have her best friend relationship and you move on to finding someone who Will value you more

  18. I don’t want to believe that she would do that. Obviously, she would be reading the letter before her daughter got to it but I wouldn’t be throwing any kind of shade exposing her toxicity. I want to keep it short and to the point, really. We had a very lengthy conversation before I broke up with her that left things kinda open ended, but that always happens in toxic relationships. She knows how hard it was for me to leave because of how much I love her daughter, that never went unsaid.

    Thank you so much for your kind comment. It really does mean a lot to me having a stranger put effort into giving me advice. Much love.

  19. I think I'd be concerned that he may be getting his sexual needs met somewhere else. Especially if he won't touch you. What does he say when you two talk about it? Is he willing to seek therapy?

  20. If I could offer one more shard of knowledge: it works, but it doesn’t not suck. And my partner fully acknowledges that it sucks – for him, for me, for our son.

    I have free reign to rant and rave about his hours, which absolutely do disrupt our daily life and family, and he doesn’t get defensive; he lets me ramble, apologises, and offers something we can look forward to doing together soon instead. If he was getting angry and going on return rants of, “what do you want me to do, I’m doing this for you!” I’m not sure it would work. So it’s really a balance you find with your SO, but you need to acknowledge the hardships. And support your SO as much as they do you. Because it sucks.

  21. If it were me, I might want to give it some more time? It sounds like you don’t know yourself well enough yet to know if this is a sign that he’s not right for you, or a sign that it’s time to recalibrate what “love” looks like to you. A soul connection can take a while to build. Took me a year to be able to say “I love you” to my boyfriend, but once I did, I meant it. If you’re not in therapy, it honestly might help you to look inside yourself and figure it out. Sounds like a healthy relationship so far though, good for you.

  22. This kind of cheating will destroy you. Because you’re going in almost belly up. Vulnerable with no protection so I would tell you not to do it. Nobody is worthless and I agree with you. I don’t think she’s capable of staying faithful.

  23. Ok. Sorry. Amazing advice. Thank you. I do realize I did leave some things unanswered. First, I meant he was awesome the first 4 years but after marriage be became distant and started slowly crossing over those boundaries over the course of the year. Looking back at it me and my husband weren't really compatible but I was young, dumb and in love. So I thought those things didn't matter. But with the friend we are compatible. We both have the same future plans, we both love the same things, there are absolutely no red flags. It's all perfect. But I do think I need to get some therapy before even considering another relationship. That's why I'm kinda meh about things

  24. First off don't sit here and make assumptions about me. I'm trying to tell you about how he may think. Don't pander to me. That's still not disrespecting her, he just doesn't like doing it, and it is what it is. If a man was on here complaining his girl wpuldnt blow him I doubt youd be anywhere near as loud. Anyway These two should split. It's not gonna be good for either of them and they both sound immature anyay

  25. I’m sorry to say this but you seem like the rescue plan and the safe place to fall. I don’t know if it will ever improve. You should probably give yourself a deadline to see improvement or leave. Maybe this person will achieve some self awareness and awareness of you after the surgery but it’s unlikely.

  26. It sounds a little like your bf hasn't really grown up and is still making decisions he'd have made as a teenager (without an SO). Fortunately he is naive enough to know when he's doing wrong and it seems like you picked up on his guilty change in behaviour. If you're comfortable that his account of his thought process leading to this is essentially honest, then you need to get him to open up to you more to head this off. Improved communication from him to you.

    The problem is that he is lying and misdirecting rather than being honest with you, like a naughty teenager. He's capable of growth (per your post), but he may need support to help him understand and modify his esteem issues. You'll need to decide if you feel he'll do this; if you feel he won't then you're just kicking the can down the road.

  27. Okay calm down, please stop being mean. I already am feeling low and you comment this in this way? It just sucks feeling that your boyfriend’s friends make fun of you. Okay.

    And he was browsing it beside me, as we were looking for something together. Please don’t reply anymore as I know you will use it as an opportunity to attack me. Thanks for your input

  28. No matter how much you might love someone, being a 24/7 caregiver with no assistance is bound to wear anybody down.

    I assume you've already checked into whether your health insurance covers any skilled nursing or home health aide visits?

    In the short-term, you might see if there are local respite care services in your area where a volunteer could come in to give you a break a few times a month.

    You could also ask the rehab facility if they have a medical social worker on staff you could talk to (or, if not, there's probably one at a local hospital). They'll have the best idea if there are some type of local programs that you could take advantage of for assistance with caregiving.

    Joining a support group for other people in a similar situation could be really helpful, too.

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