Rumikim live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 5, 2022

10 thoughts on “Rumikim live webcams for YOU!

  1. Maybe approaching it to her like “Hey, we've got some weird genetics, can we talk about what to expect with our future children? Just to be safe?”

    I wouldn't phrase it as reasons NOT to have kids with her, more like taking extra precautions on the off chance your kids don't win the genetic lottery.

  2. I would ask her out and not suggest coming over. A dinner out is a break. Dinner with kids is just another night. If she’s interested, she’ll happily take a night for herself.

  3. Yeah the whole situation is awful but that bit really stands out.. Must be crazy to have your partner go through this and then refuse to get an abortion because she thinks it was all “gods plan”..

    How insane does someone have to be, how mentally deficient and entirely devoid of any form of common sense- to genuinely still believe and have faith in a god, while also believing that very same god intentionally put them through something so horrific and planned for it to happen.

    Poor OP honestly.. To be able to look your partner in the eye and seriously say “yes i want us to raise my rapists baby because god meant for me to get raped. How i feel, how you feel, and the entire situation means nothing here because i want to continue following the plan of the being who planned for me get raped”…?

    The boundless stupidity of devout religious people is always astonishing. How OP (or anyone around her really) can still have any respect for her mental facilities after that is incomprehensible.. OP your feelings are valid and you’re not being selfish here. You’ve done everything you can for your partner and you’re allowed to have your own feelings on the matter and how it affects you. Unfortunately for your wife, no amount of therapy ever cured stupidity.

    If she insists on having the rape baby you need to have a serious think about whether you want to (or are even capable of) staying with your idiot partner and the rape baby. If the baby grows up to look like the rapist is that something you’d be able to handle?

  4. Agreed she’s a good age that it wouldn’t matter too much but with his mindset and superiority game plays you can tell why he went for someone her age.

  5. Stealthing is a form of rape, he knows what he's doing and I promise you this kind of thing doesn't just go away and fix itself immediately after one argument. You might be young and unexperienced, but that doesn't make you stupid. Up to you what you decide to do with the advice from here, it's not a coincidence when multiple people come to the same conclusion.

  6. Nah you just ain't compatible. I absolutely love how clingy and affectionate my gf is. I would have it no other way. Keep doing you and don't stay with someone who doesn't absolutely love the way you love.

  7. Go (you don't actually have to, just say so) out with a friend to a strip club, don't forget to let her know in advance. Then tell her you sucked a female strippers nipple for a free shot of vodka. If she reacts poorly, tell her that's how you felt then break up with her. If she reacts happily, tell her you only did it because you're now single.

  8. You must be an expert. I'm telling you what i heard. But whatever. I would assume something bought at a dispensary isn't laced. But what do I know? It must be really shitty weed.

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