Rubylynx live webcams for YOU!


topless oil show [Multi Goal]

Date: October 18, 2022

76 thoughts on “Rubylynx live webcams for YOU!

  1. “Oh grandma, you know I’m not worried about all that right now! But did you hear about my new job/dog/car/fish/naval piercing/flannel?”

    Just keep pushing her off. It doesn’t matter, she just wants to know you’re happy and to her happiness is marriage and kids. Tell her what you’re happy about!

  2. Being hurt can cause you to hesitate on bonding for fear of the past repeating.

    As for the question of whether to ask him or not, I don't think anything good comes from asking him. I do think you can do some good by showing a willingness to initiate for him. He is surely looking for signals that you are just as invested in creating a good relationship as he is.

  3. If they owe 10,000 and they were paying equal on the rent he stole 5,000 from you. Think about that for a minute? He says he is scraping the money together but how can you be sure it's to pay the past due and he isn't looking for some place by himself and take you for as much as he can cause obviously 5,000 isn't enough. Get out.

  4. Yeah I'm trying to give it time to see if it'll improve. I just don't want to be a year in and it's the same or worse and then I'm fantasizing about old flames and how great sex was with them instead of my current gf.

  5. Of he's not able to acknowledge that using photos of random women you know as his fap material without their consent is creepy and wrong, there's not much you can do.

    It's disgusting.

    Personally, I would dump him. Not for whatever it is he likes to look at, but for his seeming inability to comprehend how inappropriate his actions are.

    If he cannot walk up to those women and tell them he likes to fap to pictures of them AND get their blessing to do so, he has no business fapping to those pictures.

  6. I think that frequently. I just prefer being alone over being around another person. I decided to get married for financial stability, definitely not because I was in love or really wanted I be married. Maybe that makes me the asshole, but is what it is. My husband is only at home on the weekends, so it sort of worked out. But by Saturday afternoon, I’m ready for the house to be empty again.

    My preference to be alone doesn’t apply to my kids, though. I have two teenage boys from previous relationships, and I love being around them… LOVE.

  7. The only person I feel sorry for I'm this whole situation is that child being brought in to this mess of a relationship. You're saying now that you'll take care of the child if it's yours but you're also an addict and adding new stress when you've only been sober for a couple months sounds like a recipe for disaster.

    I'm not going to tell you what to do about your relationship because honestly you both deserve each other but as for the baby, y'all need to get therapy and make sure you have a good support system in place, because you and that child will need it.

  8. I feel like you should definitely cut all ties with him and his family. Stuff can be replaced, your mental and physical health is more important. Maybe it is an idea to go somewhere quiet and do some serious soul searching, an option is to go to a retreat. Something based on meditation, yoga. I did this 6 years ago and it was a great experience.

    Be single for a while, you need to find yourself, love yourself and heal. Heal from all the stress you have been tru lately.

    I hope you can pick yourself up and live a great life after this.

    You are worth it ❤️.

  9. Please take all of us commenters with a grain of salt as you will know what to do better then all of us. Im just here to offer some advice whether it works or not is your call. With what you’ve seen I think it would be wise to just read further to see if there is any misunderstanding or more context to flesh out exactly what is going on in this moment. Dating for a 11 years of course would establish a bridge of trust between the two of you so maybe feeling like you need to look through her phone is wrong in a sense. However off the small interaction you’ve witnessed, which in my opinion is a red flag, would raise a alarm and justify the reason to get to the bottom of it. I believe you should do what your friend suggested just so you can know word for word and have clear focus points on what to bring up to her the next day. Your worries and concerns are valid and you trying to figure out whats going on with your significant other is what you should do! Lets say shit has gone…unfavorably, with you only seeing a limited portion will leave you somewhat in the dark and allow her to (if she is unfaithful) try and hide the evidence better. And or explain a way out of it. Getting on her messenger and seeing exactly what she has sent and the co worker has said honestly should be within reason as you are concerned for the longevity of the relationship. I wish you the best! And please take what i say with a grain of salt and come to your own conclusion

  10. Hey dude, been there and it sucks.

    It will absolutely help you to get more engaged with everything around you available, than have any idle time to sit and allow those thoughts to drift her way.

    A lot of people deal with it differently. Some people swear by whisky. Some people swear by screwing the pain away. Some think dedicating your efforts to job, hobbies and gym will make you better forever while time helps it slip away in peace.

    I get it though. This isn’t a rebound problem. this is a first love that you grew up with. A best friend and lover who you thought you’d spend your life with. Sounds like most likely, that’s not in the cards for your future. You don’t do any favors to yourself or her by carrying these thoughts with you.

    Go do anything else, or date around until you find someone to be that best friend and lover. They are out there, and you may have to Wade through dozens of crappy ones to get there.

    She may reach back out to you in the meantime, and you’ll have to decide what you’ll do when she does. Just don’t base life around that possibility.

  11. You even confronted him and he didn't even apologize or say he was kidding?? It's like he is proud of this malicious remark he made in front of the kids? Now he wants another one? Wtf? Damn. I'm flabbergasted. He doesn't even care about how this comment hurt you, why just why is he being this way? I feel for you. I'm sorry this happened with him and what happened at work.

  12. I don't think so, there are others personal issues that are holding me back but I am working on it and they are kinda the reason why I can't move to another city for at least 2 years

  13. He actually does have his own therapist! And I have asked for one myself. And actually, his reaction was very surprising to me as well, so this wasn't a normal thing for him. It may just be my own thoughts toning down his outwardly affection towards me, but I never actually thought he liked me that much. So much so that when he told me he loved me(it was his first time saying it) during my spiral, I basically called him a liar. So it's not so codependent, at least on his side. And I try my best to not depend too much on him myself as well. This is actually the most healthy relationship I've ever had, ironically, and I actually do love him, so with my abandonment issues, I think it would be very hard to let go even if it was for the better. And thank you! I'm still struggling even now with these thoughts(unfortunately), but I'm trying my hardest for my friends and him :). But back to the point at hand, he's never been this outwardly affectionate, since it's a newer relationship, and to further that point, we've actually only ever hugged so far.

  14. okay then she has to pay 1/3 of the property taxes, 1/3 of the homeowners insurance, 1/3 of every appliance repair, 1/3 of every appliance replacement including air conditioner, 1/3 of the plumbing bills, 1/3 of the electricians bills, etc. etc.

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  16. I think you may be spiraling a little bit. Yes, it's a serious condition and yes, he should have told you earlier. But from what you've written the diagnosis got you by surprise which means this behavior may be under control.

    Do not base your decision on simptoms you read online. Like any other mental pathology narcissism is not the same for everyone. Reach out to a licensed professional specialized in narcissistic behavior and ask them questions.

    Maybe reach out for couples therapy as well. Don't forget that you do have 3 kids with him, and whatever decision you make will affect them. Do not rush into any major decisions.

  17. Hello /u/Privateaccount1116,

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  18. You reap what you sow.

    Don’t you sow any further discord into your sister’s life, lest she cut you off too.

    Your Dad could try starting with a sincere apology, taking full responsibility for the consequences of his controlling actions, genuine remorse for the pain he’s caused her and the rest of the family caught in the crossfire, and a promise to treat her better in the future. And he cant expect an immediate about-face and instant access to the grandchild. He will have to work hard and hold his tongue if there’s any chance of ever rebuilding some level of trust with her. You-stay out of it and refuse to play messenger.

  19. No, don’t tell your FWB. You have no moral or ethical obligation to tell him. You’re not in a committed relationship with him so you didn’t cheat on him. If you do tell him, you say he will cut you off. JFC why the fuck would you even consider telling him??

  20. Just block her, she is USING HER SON AS A WEAPON to manipulate you, thats the biggest RED FLAG ever.

    Dont talk to her, dont think about her or her son, you are young search for a woman without kids next time.

  21. Yes, therapist said it was an addiction, he goes to school, he can function, and keep an erection, and yes that’s how he does it.

  22. You aren’t happy in Utah. Even if your can work through your marital issues, do you think that is going to make a difference in how you feel about your current living situation? Notwithstanding his cheating and refusal to seek counseling are huge red flags. Consider having a final convo with him and raise the issue of divorce as one of options you are considering. Make sure you have evidence of his infidelity though if you do go through with the divorce. It may not matter in the state law for divorce (I don’t know so check), but it wouldn’t look good for him for his infidelity to become widely known.

  23. Maybe she was with him because she liked him or maybe she was using the relationship to get ahead in her career. It doesn't matter which. Either way, she decided to hurt you in order to get what she wanted. You shouldn't be with someone who can do that to you.

    And no, we are not being too literal about the blackmail. It is a textbook blackmail situation. Maybe he would prefer to pay than have his wife find out, but it would be even better for him to use an expensive lawyer to get you in trouble. Cool down, and think about all the ways your revenge fantasy could go wrong. It's not worth the risk.

  24. 2 things

    1 – get the fuck out of that relationship and dont tell him youre leaving in case he does it again. 5ell the police what happened and if you cannot get your stuff without him there then make sure you have a friend or fsmily member eith you when you pack and leave for your own safety. That is abuse. Plain and simple. Whether he did it for your own good in his eyes or not

    2- do not take your flu and sickness into classes with you. There may be people you come into contact with who are vulnerable who may suffer much worse thanks to you spreading your flu or whatever around. For example. Someone turned up with covid when i was 37 weeks pregnant. I caught it and had a horrific fever etc My baby could have died. Stay home next time.

  25. Can we go back to that fake but hilarious post of that dude whose girlfriend dumped him after he inexplicably yelled “MOMMY!!!” when he came inside her

  26. I'm not sure how you've read the post three times and failed to catch the part where this is my wife's idea. I don't have any desire to crush my son, I'm trying to help him learn. My wife is insisting that we play at full strength and do not let him win. She is continually, currently insisting this, now, even in the face of me suggesting that we could try a different way. She is adamant that she will not play below her strength, and is insistent that I don't play below my strength either. She says that playing poorly will not help him learn. Then she is turning around, playing below her strength, objectively and inarguably, and then denying that she's doing it to my face. That's the issue.

  27. Being a victim of trauma does not excuse being a perpetrator of trauma. This is a huge red flag OP and I hope you take care of yourself first and foremost. We can not change others.

  28. This is ridiculous. He pissed all over you. He’s not a safe partner, and next time it could be punching, or choking, or anything really.

    I still firmly believe he did this for no other reason that he wanted to, and this trauma stuff is a convenient excuse. And even if he really couldn’t control himself at all, that means he is not a safe person to be in any kind of intimate setting with, much less a relationship.

    I guarantee you’re going to regret getting couples therapy as a teenager with your abuser. But it looks like you’re bound and determined to learn the hard way, so good luck.

  29. Wait, you're worried that she is going to come back to him? You're not worried that he is a stalker? And what he might do if you broke up with him?

  30. could be mental, could be physical. we don't know, only a medical professional would. but it's nothing the wife can do or caused

  31. Yeah thanks, I’m trying to be understanding and will drop the subject of the video being sent for now and prioritize rebuilding the trust in our relationship.

  32. Thank you. Will do. I maybe can but my wife thinks it crossing a line to read eachothers messages. So if I want to give this a chance I cant go that way.

  33. She'll string him along. I doubt he will ever meet “her.” In a couple of weeks, she'll put it off again and ask for money help online some more. I hope he gets it figured out beforehand for both of you.


  34. Clearly there is something on the phone that implicates somebody. We don't know what it is, or who it implicates, or what it implicates them in.

  35. Here is what you tell her. LOL. LMAO. Then you block. If you want to be nice, because the bill is in your name? Say: You pay the bill or I call them and cancel the service. Those are your two options and any other than those two I will default to canceling the service.

  36. Things going too fast is often one of the early aspects of abusive relationships. It doesn't mean it will be one, but as you have already been in an abusive relationship I would be very very cautious.

    Do not involve your finances with them in any way, do not move in with them until at least a year. SLOW. DOWN.

    If he resists this slowing down, maybe saying he agrees but then still ends up moving things faster than you think they should be in normal relationships, you have your answer.

    Please, please be careful

  37. My dogs sleep in my bed under the blanket with me. But I’m wearing clothes. I would feel weird being naked with them under there with me too

  38. Your title says you want to make things right, but you never even talked about that in your post. It makes me wonder if you want to make things right because it’s only fair for her and you really damaged her, or if you only want to make things right because you’re guilty and can’t get over the guilt.

    The truth is, there’s no way to make things right. You abused her for 20 years, and even now you STILL blame her for it. You say it’s because she was a hard child, bratty and hyper. You barely talk about your own issues or the reason for them, outside of the fact that you didn’t want to be a mother and have OCD. I’m really glad she was able to get away from you, because you didn’t give her the childhood she deserved and blame her for it.

    If you really want to do right by her, go to therapy. You have a lot of issues and trauma that needs to be worked through, and that bled into her. You can’t expect her to get over it if you can’t get over it first. Go to therapy, work on yourself, and then you can take steps to make amends. But don’t be surprised if she never accepts your apology or forgives you; you caused her a lot of trauma and she has every right to resent you for the rest of her life.

  39. He needs to get his head around it. It’s the consequence of his mistake in dumping you.

    You didn’t go anything wrong and shouldn’t feel or act guilty or apologetic.

  40. Someone she met that night? Why was she even getting to know him in the first place? She met a guy and got close enough to get his adress and (while drunk) went home with him.

    Cmon man

  41. She lives with her parents but we're still in highschool so I'm meeting her parents at her next orchestra concert. Which WAS technically planned by me but she seemed very happy with the idea and is still going along with it. But it's in April ?

  42. He has a right to be concerned about this, and to not want to date women who live alone with a man. She has a right to decide to live alone with a man and not have the boyfriend. She just needs to decide what she really wants to do.

  43. You should recognize that you’re dating a jerk and value yourself enough to break up with him. He cheated on you because he wanted to cheat and now he’s just trying to justify it or somehow convince you it’s your fault. It isn’t. Don’t waste anymore of your time with this loser.

  44. I don't either of you are wrong, I see both sides.

    My wife and I have access to each-others phones and passwords to other devices. There is also some practicality to it. There is defo certain things that I don't want her seeing but that's related to work and confidentiality and certain chats with friends/ family.

    I have never gone through hers, because I trust her and I don't think she has gone through mine. I wouldn't even bat an eye if I saw she my phone and likewise for her, but I can't recall a time I have seen it outside her using it for music or to order food for us.

    I do think there is a difference between having access and frequent need to snoop though

  45. If you want to have a nice bday that meets your expectations, you better communicate your expectations and make sure he knows your bday is important to you. Setting it up as a test will backfire. You can’t be mad about someone not reading your mind.

    He asked you for ideas for gifts. Give him some. And tell him what you want to do.

    I didn’t read your post history, only this one. But you seem to be setting him up to fail.

  46. she is saying that she heard him out about how he works more hours and she did her best to take on all the housework plus hobbies and self improvement at his suggestion. in other words, it sounds like she’s also working and then doing everything at home and this man is continuously talking down to her and belittling her.

  47. Honestly not leaving anything out, we’ve gone to therapy when this threatened our relationship years ago. I can’t figure out why he would let himself get like this. But I definitely feel some of what he said must be deep seeded feelings bc he has said them before when angry. Maybe it’s time to throw in the towel for good this time. It’s just so hard bc other than this demon in his closet, life with him is wonderful and we could have an amazing life building on what we’ve already started. My boys are the other thing, they truly love him, our home, our life. I know it’s my responsibility to keep them safe and happy but uprooting them is going to crush them.

  48. Actually, I did but just a little while ago I haven’t checked back because I was getting ready to go to sleep where I’m at. I will check on it first thing in the morning but I did now that I look at your name I did see it so thank you.

  49. She slapped a toddler in the face. Of course that was abuse. What the fuck is wrong with you? And your parents didn’t exactly do a bang up job—you’re an 18 year old with a 2 year old.

  50. Your girlfriend's safety and life are in danger when she consumes alcohol. It doesn't matter what label you put on her behaviour, whether you call her an alcoholic or something else. She's got two choices-1/admit she has a problem and take steps to change her behaviour or 2/continue with her current trajectory until she's either in hospital or dead

    I think it's totally fair to give her an ultimatum. This is not some trivial matter that can be compromised with. All the best

  51. You don't HAVE to trust the feeling. There's no rush to get married. Just keep dating him for another year or two and see how things go. You WILL have fights and arguments and difficult/sterssful times together eventually. The hallmark of a good relationship isn't that you never fight; it's how well the two of you respond when it DOES happen.

  52. not sure if its been said, but boundaries are what treatment you won't accept, or you'll leave. a boundary puts the onus on the boundary setter. what he has isn't a boundary, as your dressing isn't actively hurting him. its a rule, an abusive one at that.

  53. I'm not yet vaccinated. 🙁 We're planning to but it would be next month.

    We don't sleep with other people tho.

    Thank you for your advice.

  54. Don't try to salvage a relationship with someone who is violent with you. Also, she doesn't care about your, you're just a fun exercise in manipulation.

    Leave her, and unestrange yourself from your family.

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