Rubyfire live webcams for YOU!


12 thoughts on “Rubyfire live webcams for YOU!

  1. Me personally, no. Me and my girl are long distance, I enjoy watching her play with herself on FaceTime, and sometimes when we’re getting intimate I like to have her use her vibrator for extra stimulation ?

  2. OP – glow in the dark jewelry is NOT appropriate for a fresh piercing. You both need to get implant grade titanium bars ASAP. Nipples already take forever to heal and you're risking irritation and allergic reaction by wearing poor quality jewelry while the piercing wound is fresh. You should wear the titanium bars foe at least 6-9 months before switching to something different. Also, if they're actually rings and not posts, that's even more of an issue! Rings put pressure on both sides of the piercing site and can slice through your skin, especially when accidentally tugged on (which will happen a lot!) This and improper materials can lead to rejection which is not something you want to risk with your nipples!!

    Source: Got my nipples pierced, they closed up within 24h after an MRI despite having them for 2.5 years, have gotten them repierced since but they were poorly done so getting them done a 3rd time soon.

  3. You need to communicate, not ignore the situation. He seems overwhelmed and maybe a touch resentful that a sixth child will be added to the household. This has clearly affected him deeply and being passive aggressive.

    What do you want to do?

  4. Why the hell were they so mad at you you didn't try to kill him he tried to kill himself the way they tried to handle the situation was not very conducive to anybody trying to get back with her son.

  5. It really stings in the event of divorce, too, since she has no record of decent earnings. And, the rates of that are pretty high when a spouse is in the service. Gotta look forward a bit. Not trying to jinx you. Just giving it to you straight.

  6. There have been actual studies on this. Men telling other men to cut it out works.

    And the fact that he has stood up for her in the last with a stranger but refuses to do so with a friend is very telling.

    Maybe you're unable to tell someone to stop without escalating to violence but that's not tbe case for most people.

  7. You can get engaged without a ring and buy the ring overtime. In fact, if you do it in a charming way and there are all kinds of charming ways in the movies. Then you guys can get the ring. I wouldn’t let it go too long like that but it will buy you some time.

  8. I hear you. I understand you feel like I'm angry venting, maybe because you associate long posts or the subject matter with angry venting? IDK. She and I haven't argued. And I'm not upset with her. This is just my writing style.

    I don't believe anyone should make unsubstantiated claims in their posts. If I said “She killed our sex life.” What does that mean? It leaves the readers to make their own inferences, which more often than not, will be wrong. So for everyone to be on the same page, I try my best to put out what I think are relevant details. If that makes it a long post, I guess thats the beauty in Reddit being voluntary.

    Nonetheless, insofar as sharing that you like when your girlfriend initiates and how you respond to that, thanks!

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