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Rosyy__live sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “Rosyy__live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yep. You can't do an ultimatum and not follow through. I'd set aside an evening for parcelling up all her stuff and then I'd inform all the mutual friends that she was still hung up on her ex in case you need to control the narrative

  2. Cheaters lie and you’re getting played like a fiddle. Her story is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and you’re pretty dumb for believing her lies. That’s not how iCloud or time stamps work it doesn’t show when it was transferred it shows when it was created that’s the whole point of a time stamp.

    Also you even said that the angle looked like it was a phone propped up in the corner of the room, so she transferred it to her laptop then transferred it back to her phone so she can delete it? That makes absolutely no sense! The only reason you believe this nonsense is because the other option is that she cheated on you with 3 guys. But that’s reality, so stop living in fantasy land stand up for yourself and confront your gf and don’t let her gaslight you into thinking that you’re the bad guy and don’t let your love for her get in the way of you making a rational decision. When you talk to her you need to think with your head not your heart. You might want to write down what you want to ask and do during your conversation with your gf so that you don’t get off track or too emotional.

    Occam’s razor the simplest answer is usually the right one and we all know what’s the simple answer: your gf is a lying cheater

  3. Nah you're just a troll. You have given no information, just fluff. Not sure why you are latching on to hating a hospital people fly all over the world to go to but cmon stop making crap up.

  4. That's wild to me coming from Australia, but perhaps if she is going to have 24 hour shifts maybe uber or taxi around rather than driving, if she is a doctor she should know how dangerous this is.

    And we only have her version of events which may not be entirely accurate, but it doesn't sound like this is a “because of this instance” thing, more of a culmination of “many instances” and this was just the final straw.

    The silence is interesting though.

  5. I think you should not have planned a staycation without talking with him. Of course his studies come first. I imagine he may be rethinking this relationship if you really have so little consideration for his time. This is 100% on you.

  6. I get what you mean but I definitely do say that, especially with female friends (and I’m bi, they don’t find it weird). Lots of “I love you” and “I miss you” as well. I think some women are just open like that. It’s not sexual or romantic at all though.

  7. I mean I live in midwestern kansas (not exactly the partying mecca) and have not been to that many parties, but have seen it happen, so I can’t imagine it’s that rare.

  8. I think that giving up opposite sex friends in a relationship is a bad sign. It indicates a lack of trust and is borderline controlling for a partner to demand something like that.

  9. He’s looking to cheat with your validation. If that relationship works out he’ll be gone…

  10. Pictures of me and my ex pop up from my Google photos account. It's hard to erase nine years of that history.

    Also I just talked to my ex friend with benefits to return an item of hers I still had. And realized I had her sexy photos in the history of our texts still…

    And I have a gf.

    These aren't things I saved or look at or think about. They would look bad to the wrong person. Luckily my gf and I are completely open about our shit and she'd probably just be impressed by the photos if she came across them lol

  11. You’re a member of the military, so that tells me you know how to handle yourself in most situations better than most people your age. Don’t let this jackass disrespect you like that. Find someone that treats you like an equal, not like property. Dump this dude, go to Hawaii, you do the PICKING UP! ?

  12. Thank you! I normally don't mess with anyone in a relationship. But in this case, they are not really in a romantic relationship.

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