Rosy Kindred the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Rosy Kindred live sex chat

Date: September 26, 2022

15 thoughts on “Rosy Kindred the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. OP, please read this. This is spot on. Paragraph 2 regarding who your wife really is, is very important to understand.

  2. I definitely suggest sleeping with someone else. Namely, your new bf, after you dump this boundary-pushing incompatibility.

  3. Nope! The guy everyone else sees in him is who he is. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, “love is blind”? Think about it…you’re the one not seeing him for who he truly is.

  4. I agree that this requires inpatient care as this is such a severe case that nothing else will be enough to help her. In terms of you, have you reached out to friends or family? You need support for you. Or even just regular time away doing fun activities. Likewise try and take half an hour or an hour a day to have a walk or go to the gym or do something for your physical health. You’ll be far better able to handle the stress if you’re taking care of yourself. Sleep is crucial as well- can you aim to get an hour more a night and build up from there? Maybe pay for a cleaner to come round once a week and then you can sleep extra as the house is in order. Or just leave the house a mess- seriously, your health is more important. If you end up dead or unable to work you’re not going to be able to help your wife anyway so make sure you’re prioritising looking after yourself. I’d also suggest you take a high strength multivitamin – your body needs vitamins to repair the damage the stress is doing to it and this takes 5 seconds a day to take and will make a positive difference. My friend has PMDD and noticed her symptoms got milder when she took B6 vitamins so that’s worth a try for her too. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation but know the right thing to do is to take care of yourself here; you can’t save her (she needs medical treatment) but you can save yourself and then use that newfound health to help her.

  5. I really hope that's the case and she's just being pressured by her mom. I still plan on speaking with her when she ge

  6. You may be right, but those are still assumptions. We only know for certain as much as OP told us, and that is only assuming she is telling the truth. She admitted in one post to gaslighting her now ex, so we really can't concretely take her word for gospel. At the same time, I can't discount what she has shared since she seems to genuinely want to try and work things out with her now ex. This situation is a little bit too difficult for me to assume anything about any parties involved.

  7. Once a cheater always a cheater, but he didn’t cheat so I’d say you can get through. First relationship, first month, I think it was something you can get over.

  8. I know that’s what I think about too – we like to travel a lot so I always have this fear we will get stuck at a border crossing for some reason and then our names won’t match and it’ll be hard to prove we are married to a foreign government ?

  9. I'm 53, and my younger sisters and I agree that our parents never should have gotten married or had kids. They've been miserable for 54yrs. Have the conversation asap.

  10. I’ve been in your husband’s place. I wonder what help he’s receiving to help him cope with this situation?

    As the years went by, more and more limitations were put on what we could and couldn’t do as a family, due to my husband’s mental health issues. Unfortunately we did end up divorcing. However he’s now in a much better place. It was a combination of many factors and a lot of hard work from him that led to the happiness we all now have. We co parent really well and he’s doing things, such as long car journeys now that he would never have done before.

    Your husband will also be suffering, watching you go through this. It can be incredibly painful for everyone concerned. And sometimes the partner does reach a breaking point. We have mental health that needs protecting too.

    I don’t really want to add more details about how my ex hb managed to heal, as that’s not what your post is about, but feel free to message me.

  11. NO! No no no! She has absolutely nothing to apologize for! He enjoyed it while it was happening but afterwards his guilt got to him and he blamed her. Eww. No. Boundaries are fine, blaming and shaming are NOT.

  12. You made one of the biggest (and stupidest) things a young guy can do. You keep your mouth shut and accept the consequences, you just might even find happiness in your new responsibilities…though it’s going to be very difficult

  13. How did you unlock her “friends” phone? People have security on phones these days. Are you saying your wife's friend just happens to have the same passcode as her???

    Need more info here my dude.

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