ROSEJOHNSONN1 live webcams for YOU!


Hello I’M NEW , ♥ GIANT ASS SHAKE ♥ every tip of the goal // SQUIRTING [Multi Goal]

Date: November 1, 2022

15 thoughts on “ROSEJOHNSONN1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I do know it. And you are absolutely right. Damn. Never thought of it that way, AT ALL. But yes, I drink to shut out the voices telling me basically I fucking suck as a human. Even if it’s for 2 hours, totally worth it for me.

  2. Something smells rotten with that whole situation and you just gotta stick to your guns and take the friend. Because she’s gotta be testing you to see if one you’re gonna try something with the sister, or the sisters going to monitor your behavior especially around other women and either way it just doesn’t feel like it’s worth the headache.

  3. Will y’all stop projecting and answer her damn question already? You do realise that wives, just like husband do have responsibilities as wives in a marriage right?

    OP he could have meant a myriad of things. Depends on the context of the conversation which you’ve conveniently left out.

  4. Girl, you two dated for 3 months 5 years ago. There’s no way he knows you intimately enough to truly be in love with you. He’s in love with the idea of you. Don’t fall for it.

  5. I can understand why you see it that way, there is a difference with fun stuff and duty stuff. My mother's whole identity is based around working. When invited over at family or at her in place it is impossible for her to just sit down. She always needs to keep herself busy. She is not the type to sit down and talk, maybe for 5 minutes. It feels like she is living her life like a workhorse, so i get why you get that impression from my explanation. I am very gratefull for the times she comes here to help out.

    The babysitting at my brothers place has been getting to much for her. She has been doing that for years. But she doesn't say no, it's irritating to me that she doesn't come out for that. My outbursts are mostly out of jealousy. My mother seems to say yes to everything they ask, the babysitting but also the activities together. But when i call of ask to do something (not babysitting, she never did that over here!), to come over with the kids, she is busy, has too little time that week or just doesn't seem interested or enthousiaste about it etc.

    I did read on here that i should suggest some specific dates that she can choose from. Maybe that helps. Of maybe she just wants to spend more time with them, because she likes it more and i just have to accept that.

  6. He does it to women your father spanks women, his wife, understandably it’s an intimate act. But his daughters is a little more concerning. The fact that he spanks your wife and you let it go on. Sorry dude too weird. He’s a grown adult man. He complete his food and he needs to quit touching women’s asses. And you took his side too. By the way. Not cool.

  7. Um yes. Abusive background, you just ended a relationship. You are going full throttle and chances are you don’t know him. Sleeping together every night, meeting his family? Too much

    You’re latching onto the first halfway decent person after an abusive relationship. You should’ve focused on therapy and healing. Not jumping on the next warm body. This is not healthy by any stretch.

  8. He doesn’t have feelings for you let him go. It will hurt you more if you keep trying and it doesn’t take it on not everybody feels the same way about everybody.

  9. Your extremely mature to recognise and cut toxic people out of your life. Usually takes people a long time to do this. Congratulate yourself and move on.

  10. I think they have tried. the wife even shows her license to say that she’s older. maybe haven’t tried “hard enough”, or been mean enough. but I could see why, it’s already like walking on eggshells, he’s probably worried about making it worse. especially if this continues to get back to his daughter through her classmates.

  11. He didn’t call you unattractive!!!!! It’s possible that you are not his usually type- bigger or smaller or chestier or less chesty than he normally went for. You are giving so much power to words that were not spoken to you and that you are likely taking outside of the context they are intended.

    Have you ever met someone that you thought was beautiful, only to spend some time with them, and to see their personality mike them uglier and uglier?

    Looks fade girl, and personality and attitude are everything- don’t let what you read change how you feel about yourself or your relationship. He is your fiancé and he wants to marry you- he is attracted to you and he paid a major compliment to your personality.

    But if it is still bothering you- you need to talk to him, and possibly need a bit of therapy- don’t let something not intended for you to read ruin your relationship.

  12. Most people are pretty “lazy” I put it in quotes because its just that they aren't going out of their way to do things that are handled for them or that people conveniently just accept and don't give them consequences for. You stated that he had to have it or you wouldn't date him but you broke that and you're still dating him so he doesn't have the motivation to get a license. I wouldn't be holding your breath about it honestly. You're also planning everything and compensating for his lack of effort so what incentive does he have?

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