Rennata-S live webcams for YOU!


HI GUY!! Instagram: scootrenatta

Date: November 5, 2022

14 thoughts on “Rennata-S live webcams for YOU!

  1. Sounds like a mid life crisis, stick it out and you'll be happy you've had a loyal life partner for your remaining years. Leave her and you'll most likely end up fruitlessly trying to find someone who won't compare to what you gave up. That's what my father did to my mother and he says he regrets it every day of his life.

    The grass is not always greener on the other side

  2. You’ve been through the cheating shit already. So instead of staying you are leaving. Being numb is ok. It might hit you later on, and that is totally normal also.

  3. Youve already done everything we normally spend time trying to convince people to do om reddit.

    If you slept with him even with a condom go and get STI checked. Herpes etc can still be transmitted.

    It can take a while tl show anytjing tho so you may have to wait a while or do another later on

    Either way. Dont go back this time. There is nothing left to say. He fucked another woman and worse he planned to do it. He went somewhere specifically where he could pay for it.

    Block him. Move on.

  4. So should I choose a man that ik who's gonna wait for me but my parents no really approve( either for the fact that he's an exchange student and his family is all the across the world or the fact that we r still gonna be long distance for a few months ) or a guy that I'm not so sure if he will actually wait or just saying yes but trying to convince me to have sex?

  5. Read your title again! You're admitting she's hurting you. And unfortunately people chose sides during break ups. If it gets so bad that your reputation is being influenced then you should do what I did when my ex and I broke up and that's get a restraining order taken out against her, or you should sue her. But go for restraining order first

  6. I hate to say it, but it kind of sounds like she might be having a little something on the side. Inappropriate coworker is often a very bad sign. The fact that she does not make herself available during your free time or her free time is also another huge red flag that something could possibly be very wrong. The more you don’t do anything about it the worse it’s going to get if you want to save your relationship you need to have a very serious talk. I mean very serious and I would even ask for her phone to look through it to see if she is actually cheating, but either way she’s not making you a priority which is not what you’re supposed to do when you’re in a relationship

  7. What an ah! This is HIS physical problem (stay hard) but he made it yours! (not tight enough).

    What kind of needle does that man come with? (No… was just a rethorical question!).

    He never even worried, that you would have issues to “really come” along with him.

    He simply doesn't care. Nor will he make an effort to fix it. I am pretty sure there are ways able to make him last longer. But since he made YOU the problem …it's not his to fix!

    OP… that is one proof of his behaviour in life.

    His problems in life will always be others to fix.

    But YOU can fix your UTI and …. all the extra problems he gave you!

    Isn't that good news? By dumping him all extra issues are done with! Yay!

    I am pretty sure he didn't think of that solution. Ooopsie.

  8. Don't allow yourself to hang on a string indefinitely. Bite the bullet and initiate the breakup on your own. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Good luck.

  9. I have borderline personality disorder so i think that’s probably what is causing this self destructive behaviour. I definitely need therapy for this because i don’t want this pattern to continue

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