Reinarichez live webcams for YOU!


reinarichez chat

Date: October 7, 2022

57 thoughts on “Reinarichez live webcams for YOU!

  1. Did he have social media? Were you official on fb etc? I wonder if he had a wide or or girlfriend back home or something like that.

  2. If she hasn't been given specific instructions, from her doctor, for bed rest, she is definitely using you. Tell her to get a job or get someplace else to live, because you are done being a worker drone just so she can sit around on TikTok all day.

    FYI, if you don't get a handle on this, things are going to get much worse. Babies are fucking expensive, and you're already working 7 days a week. You'll need to get a second job just to pay for diapers and baby wipes.

  3. Have him buy her a pregnancy test and make her use it in front of him. She sounds like she’s full of shit. Problem solved.

  4. You probably need to reevaluate your relationship with him.

    As for the strain, you already know why, the difference in time that you are going to be gone makes no difference in his mind, you are still going to be gone, and while you are gone he doesn’t know if you are not cheating, and he doesn’t know if you will return.

    He sounds like he has a lot of issues to work through, and to be honest, it doesn’t seem fair that you need to put your life on hold for him while he does, especially as it doesn’t seem like he has done anything to address his problems before now.

    If you do decide to end the relationship, then before you get into another one is the best time to go traveling, as sorry but you will find it difficult to find anyone who will be 100% comfortable with their partner traveling for 3 months or more by themselves, not saying you won’t find someone who will support you in your travels, but they are unlikely to be 100% comfortable with it, and it’s better to not have that potential issue crop up again for you.

  5. Nope. You are just fine. You do not need to forgive a guy that broke your trust, cheat and gave you a STI. You also do not need to justify crap to these other two who seem more his friend than yours.

  6. You don't make it up to him. He treats a defenseless animal like that? If someone treated one of my animals badly, they would be picking up their teeth. They aren't obligated to like your pet, but they have the ability to ignore them. Your poor cat just wanted attention.

  7. a guy who I find incredibly attractive

    What's good about him? Are you chasing the same tall, hot guy just like 99% of everyone else is? Or is this just some dumpy-but-compatible-with-you guy who's adding girls aspirationally?

    How was the experience when you went out? Was he engaged? Is he only engaged in person? Did he push for a hook-up?

    There's not enough information here for people to be helpful.

  8. Also I wouldn’t let him around the baby after cheating on you with someone who’s husband cheats on them before getting tested. TONS of diseases get passed orally, and just about every disease is deadly to the baby

  9. Not even just that! I had to quit my job due to a bullshit point system, and it was also killing me health wise.

  10. Ask yourself this. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who seems to get angry at the slightest little incident? Sounds exhausting to me.

  11. I guess you could call it 'Sweet'…

    Kind of pathetic when you think of a disabled veteran digging water and electric line trenches with a shovel from a wheel chair, using an outhouse and showering outdoors, growing gardens just to have enough food…

    When I got my back surgery, she was my follow up doctor, completely random referral… When she saw the name she connected it with the stories from my Jr. High escapades and watched me for 4 months, dropped me as a patient and told the friend group about me. They knew I was back, but didn't know she and I had met…

    She thought I was exaggerating when I said in therapy I was living in a tent and crapping in the weeds, then an outhouse… But nope, true story.

    I really didn't have time or mental capacity for a girlfriend for the first 3 years, I worked for as many hours as I could stay awake building a better life for myself, literally from the ground up.

    There were also mental health issues, my identity as a Marine had been stripped away, I was a 'Cripple' in more ways that just the wheelchair, not fit for human interaction. It started to change when I got my back fixed and got my legs back. I was very near suicide for about a year, and it wasn't much further off until I got my back surgery, so no, not fit for human interaction.

    Work on self, you have to save yourself before you can help anyone else. 2 years of psychology classes to figure myself out… Now I can try and help others.

  12. She probably didn’t want him in her daughter’s life because she KNEW he was a sexual predator.

    I can’t even imagine how you must feel, just learning about all this. That’s a WHOLE LOT to take in. Wishing you the best for your future.

  13. I think the best answer here is move on.

    As a side note, a three month break should be a three month break. Constantly texting is continuously smothering her.

  14. I get your hurt, pain and need for revenge but don't do anything that puts your ass in jail to hurt this fuckwad.

    Dump your girlfriend and tell the wife without prior notice. Then leave it all behind.

  15. It’s good that she showed her true colors before you were more invested in the relationship than you already are. She is irrationally jealous and would have accused you of cheating when you weren’t. It’s sad because you thought she was The One, but she’s not. Don’t try to get her back or take her back if she tries to come back. This kind if jealousy doesn’t go away.

  16. Why is she your GF? What do you get out of the relationship? It seems one way – not in your favor. I would re-evalulate the relationship

  17. No, what in the world?! Income doesn’t make a difference on chore distribution, hours working/commuting and ability (so, if one of you breaks your leg that obviously cuts it down) are what matter.

    You’re 35, don’t allow this

  18. Based on the title I thought her demands were gonna be all over the place and over the top but after reading the body shes right and reasonable.

    You're 25 and about to become a father which is the path you've chosen, time to man up and act like it. Getting swayed by your friends this severely after a night of heavy party and drug use is embarrassing at your age in this situation tbh regardless of what you guys end up doing with the pregnancy. I had a cousin die like this at your age and leave behind a son btw.

  19. No, I didn’t see her. She’s not in my area.

    Hope yours was successful! We had a sweet girl. Then my body figured it out and had our second naturally.

  20. Not sure what it’s like where you live, but where I am there’s a lot of people who are disadvantaged. He was living in the same house that me and his two cousins (who were my mates the same age) at the time and 3 of our other friends. We all were in one big friend circle, it honestly isn’t that weird here to have friends of varying ages. I still have friends now that are 20..

  21. Forgive the directness of my comment, but there has been no mention of love. His uncertainty at his age is a major issue. The objective of a relationship is to achieve a state in which each person is more concerned with the welfare of the other person than they are about themselves. It seems that the two of you aren't even close to beginning a journey that will lead to the kind of relationship you deserve. Maybe you might want to consider leaving him now. Let him find out for himself if he prefers being alone by being alone. No amount of discussion is going to help find the answer. Seriously, after 6 months of being together and countless hours of discussing this issue with no mention of love it seems like there's really very little chance that you are doing anything to improve your life. Just my thoughts offered for your consideration. Do what you think is best for you. Be happy.

  22. Also legally, a threesome relationship isn’t recognized. So the wife and boyfriend will be parents of the child, but if the wife and OP are actually married, the wife has substantial claim to OPs assets which will be used on the child. Just a total mess.

  23. I agree with this! It’s either be super stressed out about a person who can’t be controlled, or chill out and focus on the main purpose of the day, the wedding and marrying the person you love.

  24. Yes, do all do that but I noticed you skipped the “no sex” part? You’re literally going to shoot yourself in the other foot here, Bro.

  25. Two wrongs dont make a right.

    Being friends with the opposite gender is not something that should be avoided to appease a spouse.

    You are both insecure, immature, controlling and neither of you should be in any relationships until those issues are figured out.

    You can have platonic friends.

  26. You know this relationship is more about settling for her and you.

    She lie to him. Flirted in your face with him. Got drunk enough (irresponsible on its own) to message a guy. Admitted her true feelings then equally sent to you.

    She’s not even deeply apologetic but irritated at you. She isn’t displaying shame but agitation.

    You can’t be really surprised deep down.

  27. Maybe she doesn’t want to be in a relationship, maybe she just got out of a relationship, maybe she hasn’t met the right person. Should I keep going?

  28. “until he asked me what I care more about, him or the dress.”

    “I care about my own autonomy more than the dress.”

    Keep the dress. His insecurities are not your responsibility to manage. That's his job.

  29. Find a hobby and focus on yourself. The only way to forget is don’t give yourself the time to wallow. Just keep busy. The pain will fade a tiny bit every day until one day you don’t even think about him for that day.

    Take a class of some sort for fun. Bonus, you can learn a new skill and meet people with similar interests.

    Good luck.

  30. Your fine I think. Just be upfront about it. I would recommend an activity over dinner though. Like bowling or something like that. Makes conversation easier.

  31. Hey ! Thank you for responding; Well, Shes been away for 2 months now, and i already went to visit her 2 weeks ago, and already had my next flight tickets for the next trip, in two weeks. We are not so far from eachothers. That's exactly why i decided to end things, because I'm not her dad or anything, i just wanted her to respect how it makes me feel, since i always do social exceptions for her (with love), and i have no problem doing that. Trusting someone takes time and takes events to prove it, I dont think anyone can magically trust someone 🙂 Also i really didnt mention about hooking up with other guys at the club, its the whole environment that makes me uncomfortable. Trust issues was meant as in, she wouldnt say no if i guy offered a drink for example. Either way i appreciate it, thank you!!

  32. This is some next level BS. You need to leave this man immediately. You are not in the house, don't go back. Your relationship is built on a lie. From the beginning, it was a lie. He shared you a man you did not consent to be shared with because his brother needed booty. This is perverse beyond measure and God knows how much he has done. End this nightmare.

  33. Gross. It’s ok to feel disgusted and violated. It’s normal if you can’t trust him. I would be 100% done with the whole marriage and consider it a blessing you don’t have a child holding you hostage to this man. I hope you have the opportunity to have a child on your own or in a future relationship.

  34. Stop pushing her to talk about things. She needs to get undepressed first or you're just barking up the wrong tree. Try to get her to consider antidepressants or therapy. Remind her, gently, that alcohol is a bad choice for someone already prone to depression.

    I don't think she wants to be alone. Just be patient with her, along with the suggestions of the previous paragraph.

  35. You can't make him do it, you either can accept that you're not first on his mind or move on. Since you already talked about it and he didn't do anything to change it he never really will, at least he won't when you would like him to. At this point you're staying for the potential of the relationship, not the reality of it. And that potential only comes from what you wish it to be.

    If you don't want to accept the truth, stay and fight but know that you're fighting against the same potential that's in his mind just like you have in yours. But you can't fight against idealized picture because it's ideal and flaws don't exist or they fly under the radar. He will never see you as he sees that other woman.

  36. Now this is where I'm conflicted. On one hand the reasonable person in me says “why are you tripping, there's not anything you should be worried about so calm down and dont be crazy unless you catch him doing something” but on the other hand I feel “he would probably not like this person if roles were reversed, and if he expressed that the first time, you would drop that person in an instant. Why isn't he doing the same?” I just don't know which I should listen to, my head or my emotions.

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