Raidenei live webcams for YOU!


Raidenei Public Chat Channel

Date: October 26, 2022

19 thoughts on “Raidenei live webcams for YOU!

  1. You definitely need a night out with the girls!!

    Many pedi dinner drinks! Plan it and let him know you wont be home that night!

  2. Hello /u/WoodenOne3189,

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  3. So you've been talking to him since you were 13? Only met up with him 3 times and twice he raped you? You are only 21!! Get new friends!!! He doesn't respect you and he's horrible for you. Tell him goodbye and block him. You can do this!!!

  4. OP should have just told us. honestly, it's probably pretty bad if they wouldn't say and deleted a throwaway account shortly after posting.

  5. “Not good” is the correct way to feel in this situation. Another guy wants to hook up with your girlfriend, and your girlfriend is not rejecting him. That would make anyone feel awful.

  6. You’d be surprised how many women view porn as cheating—or at the least disrespectful. It’s unlikely she’ll find much push back from her female friends on this. Plus, many people view it less as “her reason is silly” and more “he knew and didn’t even care that it would hurt her.” Women tend to have other women as friends. They’re not going to ignore that he chose to do something he knew would hurt her. Add on that she’s 16 days postpartum and they’re going to adamantly be on her side—even if they think porn being cheating is silly.

  7. Don’t forget he also purposely stopped sharing his location. He was hiding his actions and likely the only thing he is telling the truth about is his drunkenness is why he didn’t hide his ig followings

  8. As soon as someone says, “This is not who I am”, I immediately think 2 things. 1–this is exactly who you are 2–you are most likely a massive scumbag.

  9. Why is it so hard for others to understand that I am treating my wife well & enjoying myself with this other woman. I met her 5 times for one night out of the entire year.

  10. What does “dressing like your single” mean. The fact you think that’s a thing is the problem in the first place. Who is it directed towards if not OP?

    Don’t date women who dress in tight or revealing clothing if you don’t like it, simple as.

  11. You can’t make him do anything. But you can make the choice to make him choose. I’m sorry his habit makes you feel insecure in yourself.

  12. Omg leave so fast.

    There are men out there that will adore you, worship you, and worship your body and what you want to do with them for mutual pleasure.

    Do not put up with this bullshit. Let him go and learn his life lessons somewhere else with someone else.

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