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Room for online sex video chat sex_intheclouds

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Date: November 2, 2022

73 thoughts on “sex_inthecloudslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It’s not so much about weather she can or not, it’s about weather or not she wants you to….and unfortunately for us men if you ask she’s gonna say no even if she wants you to cause she wants you to want to she doesn’t wanna do it cause she told you to cmon basics man

  2. objectively you have a man who is almost 30, who has gone after a younger woman who should be naive enough to not question shit. luckily, you started questioning shit.

    objectively, you can do much better with someone in your age range who isn’t weighed down by bad decisions. the point of being young and starting fresh is to do it with people in your age range

    objectively, he’s just latching on because you are the last bit of normalcy he has. without you, he is a loser as you described. as of now, he’s a loser with a girlfriend.

    objectively, the answer is clear cut, that you never wanted to be with him and you are just going along for the ride.

    hopefully you will see these objective truths, and be smart enough to stick to people in your age range who aren’t at least jobless and broke because of rehab

  3. 1.5 years of this, he's worried she will destroy his stuff, a person with mental illness might have a panic attack being broken up with but they would leave the next day, an abuser won't leave unless they are forced.

  4. Search for compatibility between your star sign and another one that isn’t her’s. Then leave the tab open.

  5. Maybe there’s a certain genre of porn he’s into and doesn’t necessarily watch it because the girls performing are slim. Watching porn is just jacking off to fantasies. If your sex life is good and he’s attracted to you, I wouldn’t worry about it. Porn is porn. He’s with you and wants you in real life.

  6. He was like a father figure to me, and her aswell

    Like as in… He knew her when she was a minor? Could be grooming in that case… But she did still cheat. If you care about her, maybe at least encourage her to get to therapy. Cheating is impossible for most people to actually get past in a serious relationship though.

  7. Friends don't want to rock the boat, they want to keep the peace.

    Us strangers just want to see you safe, and to see that you've updated us in the morning that you're okay

    All of the advice here has been fantastic. I of course would recommend looking in to some form of therapy, even if it's just the text services like Better help, based on your post history, but you know what you need better than some Redditors. Stay safe, and update us in the morning, okay?

  8. It may be very difficult for her to have romantic pressures coming from someone she thinks of as both a friend and a roommate.

    If you really want to do right by her, forget about taking advantage of her hurt feelings by broaching the topic of getting together.

    When she is feeling much more together and healed, you might make her aware that you have feelings, but it's still chancy. But definitely don't do it now.

  9. You should, anyone with multiple casual flings will be worse of staying committed. I'm just telling you that for woman to sleep around is easier.

  10. She was drinking and vulnerable, that’s already a no go to coerce a girl in that situation. Every man should know this by now. Let me give you a sober wake up call, don’t have sex with drunk girls, not saying she was at the point of drunk, depending on the level, but there is a point where someone cannot legally give consent and you can’t always tell. Just be aware of that in the future, for your own enlightenment. You can argue semantics and prefer to use the word persuade rather than harass or badger. It doesn’t change your actions. People are also pointing out what you told her after sex was intentionally emotionally abusive and you admitted you just don’t care, thats actually so sad.

  11. Same. I get them and still try to make sure I wipe as best as possible and use wet wipes. Idk. My kid who is under 10 y/o has this issue and I am intolerant to it. I can’t imagine a grown ass man.

  12. The condition: he tells you when he’s leaving and where he’s driving home, and then you call the cops on him.

  13. I get that. It probably sucks ass having this person that you’ve always wanted in your life, making you feel all awkward.

    You probably wanna give him the benefit of the doubt, but honestly? I don’t think he’s doing it innocently. He’s almost 50 and should know better.

    You don’t need someone older or wiser. You can see it for yourself. If you’re so unsettled you’ve had to ask online, then something is probably wrong and you know it.

    I’m sorry it’s not all you hyped it up to be. But you will gain a found-family in time.

    If you are reluctant to just cut him off, monitor him some more. If one more weird/inappropriate thing happens, you’ll know it’s a pattern.

  14. Is she still on those meds? Some mental health meds are very sedating. In combination with painkillers it would be very difficult to function normally.

    Your first line of approach needs to be medical/psychological, because her behavior screams either depression or drug issues (dependence or just the wrong meds for her), not laziness.

    You've given yourself only two options, both of which are extreme. The answer is not “do nothing” and it's not “divorce immediately.” What you need to do is tell her bluntly that the family and your relationship is in crisis, there is very apparently something going on with her that needs to be addressed, and that she needs to address it and let you help because you love her and don't want a divorce. Pull in anyone who cares about her for intervention.

    Ultimately, if you have to divorce, so be it, but you have a lot invested in this relationship, too much to rush to that decision, especially if it turns out there is something medically wrong.

    In the meantime, hire an occasional housekeeper. Not for her. For your sanity and for the kids' sake.

  15. Is there a possibility this could be your husband's? Prenatel paternity tests are possible, if a bit expensive. But honestly this is your choice alone.

  16. I know I might look kind of miserable, it's just the fact that I care about her so much and just want to be with her, want her to be able to be happy with me, as she used to. Of course I will not be abusive or anything, I will not start texting her before our “break” is over or she decides to text me earlier. And I won't beg her to stay because I know that will not resolve anything. But I just want to hope and believe that it will be okay. She also had a rough time with herself lately and started taking some antidepressants, so I thought that maybe this might have changed her way of seeing things as well.

  17. As a mom, call your mom. She loves you even if you did cut her off. She’s probably never stopped thinking about you.

    Call her. Then call the police and ask them to go with you to get your shit from your ex. If he doesn’t know you’re pregnant do not tell him

  18. It takes time and that’s all I can say. There’s no quick fix to getting over cheating. I’ve been cheated on by someone and it was horrible, but I’ve then went on to have healthy relationships after it, so please don’t worry about that just now. Were you both tied into a lease? If so, then she should financially help out. Sounds as though she’s trying to ease her guilt, but if it helps you out, then why not.

  19. My husband and I did this- after a couple years of both of us working, he decided to got to medical school and I worked and took care of the financial responsibilities. But the difference here is- we were married and we a clear plan to make it work. He applied to medical schools in cities I was comfortable living in, and where we knew we could afford to live comfortably on my salary, and where I could get a job in my field. He didn't arbitrarily decide to go to med school.

    It's great she wants to do her master's degree, but unless you're married or legal common-law, she's a girlfriend and its not your job to fund her lifestyle so she can go to school. You need to say you're not comfortable with her moving in and you being the sole financial provider while you're dating.

  20. I’m wondering if she perhaps was doing it out of love, like she felt she’s communicating with you and felt like she just got ridiculed for it? I can see both of your points because I’d also just prefer a text, but I mean… she likes you and wants to hear your voice. I think you could have worded it better to come off a little gentler, like “I am always excited when you come over, and of course love hearing your voice on the phone saying you’re on your way. But sometimes it’s a bit repetitive when you call me three times, so do you think you could just shoot me a text next time?”

  21. I’m wondering if she perhaps was doing it out of love, like she felt she’s communicating with you and felt like she just got ridiculed for it? I can see both of your points because I’d also just prefer a text, but I mean… she likes you and wants to hear your voice. I think you could have worded it better to come off a little gentler, like “I am always excited when you come over, and of course love hearing your voice on the phone saying you’re on your way. But sometimes it’s a bit repetitive when you call me three times, so do you think you could just shoot me a text next time?”

  22. She has apologized and said that she would work on it, and she feels bad about it. But I don't know if she knows how to start or if life is getting in the way of this. Or if her attraction as stopped for me all together.

  23. Too bad you're getting downvoted. OP was in the military, so he can probably appreciate this type of gallows humor.

  24. You don't respond. I don't see how any of that is your business or responsibility. This is something you just nod and stay neutral.

  25. I think you need to see a counsellor who specialises in Bereaved By Suicide to help you navigate this process.

    People are sometimes selfish and protective when they are grieving. They can't see past their own pain.

    Over time, maybe they will give you a copy of the letter. But you also have to come to terms with the fact they might not.

  26. Just wanna say cheating is never excusable. You shouldn’t have said whatever hurtful things you said. And she could’ve talked to you and/or suggested couples counseling or initiated the divorce – but she stepped outside of the relationship first. A year (that you know of) of hiding and lying (and wouldn’t this affect when she saw your daughter??)

    I wouldn’t trust her – you might be opening yourself to more hurt again.

  27. I second just canceling the card altogether. It may be inconvenient but it’s cleanest and you don’t have to get the gym involved.

  28. Then she is hiding something and you need to decide if you can have a relationship with someone that’s not willing to be honest and accountable.

  29. Do you know other people she used to terrorize, who would be willing to talk to your family and cousin with you? Outside of that, try the gray rock method maybe and don't be alone with her under any circumstances. I'd also work on holding my pee, because these crazy assholes love to attack people on the toilet.

  30. I dont know what to say. You basically ruined your life over some dick. He couldve been the dad of ur kids, and your man throughout old age. You fucked up and there is honestly nothing wrong with feeling shit over this for the next few years.

  31. It's fine not performing on the first experiences with somebody, I've always been more of a “ramp-up” over time. Also perfect is enemy of the good.

    It's ok to be nervous and express that because you care about the other person, I think calling all off wasn't the best move though, I would stop right there with the overthinking (like the gender swapped scenario) and rephrase things allowing yourself to sound sweet as “I'm nervous because I care” and allowing yourself go with the flow acknowledging is not going to be perfect at the start.

    I think killing the chance was too abrupt, just be honest about why you're nervous and leave a door open.

  32. thank you. You’re right, I messed up by not having a conversation with her before. I was too busy navigating my own feelings towards him, that I didn’t think longer about how she would react.. I just assumed things would be fine and hoped for an honest conversation. I regret telling her now, and now regret not touching base with her. I’m hoping to get through to her, and explain this. i hate that she’s hurt, and i want to give her time.

    I was conflicted with even having any feelings towards him in the first place, it’s been a year and a half since my last relationship that left me gutted, and he had become the first person who I started crushing on. We talked about how complicated things could get if we continue, and now it’s happening. It’s even worse than i could’ve imagined. But i’m just in the talking stages with him, and this is just a lot of personal and vulnerable talks that I have to speed up with him that i’m not feel comfortable with having. I need to buck up and have this conversations with him now.

  33. Yawn you are so boring. She’s creative and fun and confident! what’s weird about that? You sound like an old loser. Maybe you should stop being such a negative presence and get to know your daughter, because clearly you know nothing about her and that’s embarrassing

  34. Yup. Whenever these little quibbles get blown up into a proper fight, there’s a 99.9% chance it’s actually about something far more important that isn’t being talked about.

    Wild guess here is that he thinks she takes too much from him and she feels he’s withholding.

  35. Were the texts flirty? Sexual?

    Do you have any indication that this is more than a close friendship? Because you haven't listed any here. He has a close friend. They talk a regular amount for close friends. That's all I'm getting from this.

  36. OP took him to her first family event and she caught him kissing her sister and broke up with him straight away. He tried and tried to get her back, 3 months later sister was pregnant and the family forgave them because of the child.

  37. I wouldn’t leave your daughter out of it and when you’re in front of your young daughter, just have her be polite like the babysitter. And for the first few months until you guys know whether you like each other or it’s going to be a thing, I would keep it a secret from your little daughter. That means no PDA.

  38. Yeah he’s had some embarrassing moments too. I think I’m going to lay off the drink for a while. If we do have a drink together again I’m going to limit myself so things like that don’t happen again

  39. It's okay to be friends with people of the opposite sex. It's not okay to flirt with them for hours. She should be putting that time and energy into you.

  40. No what are you on about? She said they were only official for 3 months but seen each other 2 before that. 3 months is also beyond a normal amount of time to have sex in a relationship so it still doesn't change anything. he wanted to have sex she didn't he respected that ended it and moved on. he didn't try to stay and manipulate her into doing it like your saying.

  41. Staying with someone who constantly controls how you express yourself, what color your hair can be, piercings, tattoos, etc with your own body will kill your soul. Especially, especially because he started dating you knowing this was how you dressed. That's not a boundary, that is just manipulation.

  42. This is what I was thinking, but surely must be another shampoo option that doesn’t have the ingredient he’s allergic to while also being good for her hair? It sounds like she hasn’t even entertained the thought of changing shampoos, which is horrific to me. I understand that it’s difficult to find a good shampoo, but I’d want to cry if my partner was in pain over the product I’m using

  43. My husband and I joke a lot. I love dark humor. If he ever said this to me, I would never look at him the same way. I would be repulsed. Rape is never something to joke about. Stop trying to be quirky.

  44. Have you ever texted her in an attempt to have a casual chat? If the answer is yes and she was short with her responses or seemed disinterested, it's likely that she doesn't feel the same way. If the answer is no, then do so. Or, just act confident and ask her on a date. Worst case scenario, you get rejected and you know for sure she isn't interested. If you do get rejected, take it with understanding and apologize in the event she feels uncomfortable. Shoot your shot, but don't take it personally if nothing comes of it.

  45. You write “I had medication prescribed for these episodes. John started asking me to tell him before I took the medication […] He then started convincing me to not take it when I said I needed it.”

    So you have prescription medication that you need for your mental health, but your boyfriend wants to control whether or not you're allowed to use it. I know Reddit likes to call lots of innocuous things red flags, but… Even completely ignoring the bigoted and blackmailing brother and sister-in-law, I'm not getting a good feeling about this situation. At the very least, you need to tell him in no uncertain terms that he has no say in your medication.

  46. Baby girl please dump him. That is NOT how your boyfriend should speak to you and he is too old to not know better.

  47. Ah yes of course, because no woman has ever tried going after a man’s assets that she had nothing to do with him receiving. Just say you hate men.

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